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Daily devotions of Christian scripture and encouragement |
Any one who has watched professional football for any length of time will recognize the title of one particular game in 1978 called the "Miracle of the Meadowlands." It was a game between the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles, played at the Meadowlands Stadium in the New York metropolitan area. The Giants were leading 17-12, had possession of the ball, with only 31 seconds left in the game. The Eagles had no timeouts, so all the Giant quarterback had to do was kneel down and let time run out. Instead, he handed the ball to his running back, or at least tried to. The ball was fumbled and an Eagles player rushed in, picked up the ball, and scored a touchdown to win the game. It was a classic example of victory snatched from the jaws of defeat. Can you imagine what those Giant fans felt? Its probably the same feeling that Satan and his army of fallen angels must have felt almost two thousand years ago. They had played the game well, made all the right moves. They had Judas in their pocket, the pharisees doing their bidding, and had gotten the crowd all riled up against Jesus. He was being scourged and would be led to the cross. They were going to win. Victory was theirs. The mighty Son of God was going to die, humiliated on the cross. Three days later the horrible news came—the resurrected Jesus lived. Satan had been tried and convicted. At the very moment Jesus rose from the grave, God's judgement upon him became apparent. He stood condemned—his Kingdom was over and another had begun. All that remains for him is to be executed, which will come soon enough. That's why Jesus said when he was leaving his disciples that one of the reasons for the coming of the Holy Spirit was to prove the judgement of God on the Prince of the World, who we know as Satan. Sometimes I think we given Satan too much credit. He has already lost, victory has been snatched from him in what was surely his happiest moment. Certainly he is stronger than any ability we have to overcome, but he is powerless before Christ, as testified by the Holy Spirit. We can take great comfort in that, knowing that our adversary stands toothless before our Lord and savior, condemned to be cast into the lake of fire. But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. – John 16:7-11 Keywords: Satan Comment publicly to Writing.com community below, or comment privately to: ehwharton@Writing.com |