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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/881784-On-Medical-Profession
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#881784 added May 10, 2016 at 1:00pm
Restrictions: None
On Medical Profession
Prompt: What do you think of the medical profession and do you trust your doctors? Should you trust them?


In general, I do trust medical profession because it is the best and the most proven answer that we have. I trust it as the result of a personal experience as well because it saved my life. About twenty-five years ago, I once developed a sudden tumor that was huge. If it weren’t immediately found, it would have burst and killed me. I didn’t even have any serious symptoms to alert the doctors. A surgeon alerted by another doctor even opened up his office on a Sunday. Luckily, it was only an endometrial tumor, and an immediate total hysterectomy saved my life.

Is the practice of medicine, however, 100% reliable? It is not. Medicine is a difficult, complicated science still in the process of development. Many things about the human body’s workings have not been discovered yet. Moreover, new and different problems and diseases keep showing up. To add to that, many a mistake has been made and will be made; plus, there =are many untrustworthy and greedy professionals practicing it. Because of all that, health is something where the primary responsibility has to be with the patient.

If we beat up on our bodies and do rotten things to hurt them and do not take good care of ourselves, isn’t it ridiculous to blame the medical profession?

It is up to us to decide whether the doctors we see are up to par. It is also up to us to be informed enough to figure out what is important enough to tell the doctors and be truthful in answering their questions. In my experience, too many baseless complaints make the doctors turn a deaf ear or, worse yet, concentrate on the wrong complaint and misdiagnose.

I would say yes, trust the doctor, if you are sure your doctor is a good one, but before putting every aspect of your health in the hands of the medical profession, trust your own good sense and knowledge.

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