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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/881418-Prince-and-Star-Wars
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#881418 added May 5, 2016 at 11:58am
Restrictions: None
Prince and Star Wars
Prompt: “In this life, you're on your own.” Prince
Use this statement and write what you want about it.


Yes, after a point, we are all on our own. It is a given. If we are lucky, we may find a shoulder to cry on or a hand to help us jump over a rift. Still, people are mortals and they won’t stick around. We better learn, as soon as we can, to stand up and function on our own.

We’re also on our own when it comes to acting right and in a moral way because the opposite will put us and the people around us in danger. Luckily, some of us have families to teach us how to distinguish right from wrong. Even if that is not the case and the families we are born in do not always act morally, it is up to us to find the right road for ourselves.

Better yet, once we catch on to the fact that we are on our own and have to do right for ourselves and also act morally, we become strong and upright people. This is the best result of knowing that we’re on our own.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: Star Wars Day is coming soon. What are your favorite Star War movies? Not a Star Wars Fan? Write anything you want about outer space and the moon, planets and stars.


For me, the first movie of the Star Wars trilogy started with an emperor-has-no-clothes shock. After reading and hearing all the hoopla about George Lucas and the pop-culture phenomenon, I watched it first with my husband and two sons who were six and nine at the time. Right up at the opening of it, where the words and lines spilled over the screen horizontally, they ended up making me dizzy. Then, it took me a while to understand what was happening, although we all fell for R2D2 and C3pio. Luckily, we soon purchased a tiny booklet with the summary of the movie. Having found an understanding of the full dimensions of the plot, the second time when we watched the same thing, we enjoyed it.

The second and third movies, however, were a totally different experience. We all loved them for their deepened plots and dramatic storylines. I guess, as audiences, we need to be grounded in an idea and grasp the dimensions of it to enjoy any kind of fiction, visual or written.

I haven’t seen all the Star Wars movies, except for the trilogy. Nowadays, it is being discussed that each year there will be a Star Wars movie made. I am not a Trekkie and neither are my family members, although we all appreciate a good story told well in any kind of a media. Even so, even if the later movies can become hits, too much of a good thing has the potential of being just too much for me.

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