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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/880567-Switch-Up
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#880567 added April 27, 2016 at 1:12pm
Restrictions: None
Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt: Today is National Tell A Story Day. Tell us a story...
         Some folks might say Dougie lives alone. He never married, and no one can recall if he ever dated. If you were to question Dougie, he'd deny this. "I live with my dog." It really is that simple; the two of them were always together, inseparable .Dougie never went anywhere without his canine companion.
          One early spring evening, Dougie couldn't say no to his craving for a cheesy snack, so he hollered to his faithful friend, "Let's go for a drive." The dog didn't need a second invitation and he hopped eagerly into the front passenger seat; he was ready for some action. He savoured the long, dusty drive into town with his head hanging out the open window; his ears alert, straining to record any noise, his nose sniffing the air expectantly, and his tongue lolling loosely in a big grin. This sure beat a nap. Granted, Dougie often interrupted this bliss to speak to him, but at least the dog wasn't expected to answer.
         With a wildly wagging tail, the dog approved of their destination; the one and only convenience store. This meant greetings and head-ruffling from his admirers, but more importantly, he could anticipate a treat or two. He was a little pre-occupied with all of this, so he was not the least bit concerned when Dougie parked the van, and entered the shop. Oftentimes, the dog waited several minutes for his human to return, and he used this time to study his surroundings. He was lucky this trip, there was another dog in the vehicle next to him. They exchanged pleasantries.
         Dougie's dog had just learned that his new pooch pal was moving close to his neck of the woods, when he observed Dougie exit the store and climb into another van. He had to admit he was a little perplexed when Dougie drove off; this was a first. Where was he going? Would he be back soon? He also couldn't help but notice a man run out to the street, waving his arms and yelling. What was that all about? He recognized the angry tone.
         Swivelling his head a mere few seconds later, the dog caught sight of his master cruising carefully past him in the opposite direction. Really puzzled now, he could only shake his head as Dougie repeatedly rolled past him on the street. What was he doing?
         After many Dougie sightings, this was the best the dog could do because he'd never learned to count, the bewildered buddy sighed in relief when Dougie finally returned to the store's parking lot. The aggravated man shouted to Dougie, "Are you looking for something?" Putting the van's transmission into park, Dougie leaned out the window and replied, "Yeah, I'm lookin' for my dog."
          A red-faced Dougie could only stare open-mouthed as the exasperated man, Jim. pointed to a nearby van with a patient pooch perched on the passenger seat. "Does that look familiar, Dougie?". queried Jim.
          Jim had the last word, or so he thought because the dog did bark his own rebuke. "Don't forget to leave my keys where you found them. Okay, Dougie?"

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/880567-Switch-Up