"Putting on the Game Face" |
I could make this blog about politics, but If you're like me you're probably sick of hearing about it. I could write about writing, however, you already know plenty about scribbling or you wouldn't be here at writing.com. I could write about my RC flying hobby... then again, you probably don't have much interest or understanding about quad-copters, transmitters, receivers, servos and that sort of stuff. I could write about my wife or to a lesser extent, my dog... plenty of love there and those two never fail to bring a smile to my face. I could write about my neighbor Mark, who just bought a new firewood processing machine. However, today I think I'll write about my ten acre retirement plotz. It's hard to believe that I've been retired from the military for 21 years. In 1980 my grandfather's old farm house came up for sale on a VA repossession. All the agricultural lands had been sold and what remained was a burned down log cabin, a dilapidated barn and some ram-shackled sheds and outbuildings. I bought it. This was the legacy of my forefathers (and mothers) who came to Wisconsin and poured their lives into making a go out of dairy farming. My Uncle, Walt was the brains behind the enterprise but unfortunately he died in WW1. My grandmother, who was born on the farm, died in the flu epidemic of 1918, pregnant with her third child. I had two old maid aunts and a bachelor Uncle who worked the place until after WW2. My dad was supposed to step in after the war but he told them, "No way Hose." The property passed out of the family and went steadily down hill until the dump burned down one Christmas Eve. So much sadness My wife and I bought a modular home and have been hanging around ever since. So here it is, another Springtime and the birds are chirping and my doodle is nosing about outside. The walk-on, outside cats are skulking about but without that frenetic energy they used to exhibit when they were younger. We like it here. The house and cars are paid for, we're still healthy and the frost has gone out of the ground. As my Father used to say, "lIfe is good... so long as you don't weaken." |