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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/878722-Bunny-in-a-Basket
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#878722 added April 7, 2016 at 11:21am
Restrictions: None
Bunny in a Basket
Prompt: A baby bunny in a basket appears on your doorstep. It changes your life for the good plus you get a new pet. How does your life change?


I am not too crazy about rabbits as pets. Although a baby bunny would look very cute, it is impossible to litter train an unspayed or unneutered rabbit. Then due to the baby bunny’s small size, its agility, and its not staying in one place, one of us could sit or step on him.

I think, therefore, I would take the bunny with his basket to a pet shop and exchange it for a kitten. The reason is I feel rabbits should have qualified owners, or rather, they should stay in the wild. Did you know rabbits are prey animals and they do not cuddle in your arms?

I certainly do not qualify to be a rabbit owner as I can’t vouch I can give the right answers to the questions asked of people before they adopt a rabbit, especially the one about spending a lot of time on the floor.

These are the questions:

“Are you patient?

Do you have a sense of humor? (For example, can you laugh at a rabbit pooping all over the place or chewing stuff?)

Can you protect a rabbit from predators, poisons, temperature extremes, electrical cords, and rough handling by house guests?

Do you enjoy watching the movements and learning the language of another species?

Does your schedule include plenty of time at home?

Are you comfortable spending a lot of time on the floor?

Are you not overly fussy with your furniture?"

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