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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/878563-Let-Me-Count-the-Ways
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#878563 added April 6, 2016 at 11:16am
Restrictions: None
Let Me Count the Ways
Prompt: Is there something you like and love but not what comes with it? Like I love tea pots and tea cups but I don't drink tea. Got the idea? Write about it.


This prompt is a let-me-count-the-ways saga which can turn into a serial for me; however, I’ll try to keep it short.

Top of the line: Time--I love to read and write, but the rest of my real life gets in the way, and my real life is what I need to live. I am not giving up on either, even if it means both will suffer to a degree.

Writing: I love it dearly but publishing makes me feel cheapened, kind of like a street vendor or a snake-oil salesman. So I am keeping writing no matter what. As to publishing, I have given it up a long time ago, to keep my sanity. Please, I am not a good example in this; do try to publish your books.

Gluten: I love gluten and anything bread, cake, bagels, and all else wheat and whatever in that line. Yet, it gives me a well-rounded belly. Still I am not giving it up, not ever. I’ll take the belly.

Health: I try to stay healthy, and all my doctors are using preventive medicine on me. Yet, I intensely dislike the office visits and tests, which usually come out okay and make me wonder, “Did I really need those?”

External looks: I like to look good or rather good enough, but I hate shopping, beauty salons, and anything else that goes with it. This one I have given up on a long time ago, already, as it is a lose-lose situation. *Laugh*

Things: I love the camera and photography, but the darn lenses are so expensive!

On a personal basis: I love my husband, but there is one member of his family who is very difficult to take. I am not giving up hubby or trying to get along with that person, either.

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