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"Putting on the Game Face" |
How is it that a politician spends $6.5 million dollars for a job that pays $150,000 a year and is good for only two to four years? How is it that a politician 'oft comes to office with modest means and after a few short years is a multi millionaire? The answer is the Influence Pedaling Trade. Here is how it works. Once in office a politician is given a committee assignment. Some appointments are better than others but they all provide opportunities to pedal influence. Once seated on a committee the first thing that comes to a politico's mind is "Where's the Scratch?" The scratch comes from what whoever the committee oversees. The politician is the "Scratcher" and the "Scratchee" is the special interest that needs to purchase a favorable outcome the committee has power to influence. It used to be that these payoffs were called "Bribes" however people went to jail for that and more creative ways had to be found to avoid the slammer. The way the money passes these days has to meet the "Barely Legal" criteria, in order that the Scratchers, once exposed for the frauds they are, can throw up their hands in mock dismay and proclaim loudly that they "Broke no Laws."Hillary Clinton is the all time master of taking legal bribes and they have become her signature in the years she held office. There is a reason her trust level is always at the bottom of the polls. Today bribes are paid via real estate deals, stock marked "Windfalls." through Non-Profits and little things like picking up travel expenses, to mention but a few. There are so many ways to pay bribes legally that anyone who resorts to a brown envelop, passed under the table, is a damn fool. Trump is being accused of being a "Con Artist" by politicians who have written the book on it. Trump is a businessman where marketing skills are an OPEN part of the game. Con Artists trade in deceit and politicians have taken "Con Art" to an all time high. "I broke no law.." they lament when their opponents cry foul to whatever form their latest shenanigans happen to take, as if the law is some kind of high moral high standard. The law is blind to morality and represents the lowest threshold that society will suffer someone to behave! The legacy of the Democratic Party, from Clinton to Obama, will be the deceitful pedaling of that old Marxist-Leininist bill of goods, retitled "Progressive Socialism" when their real aim is to destroy the middle class and turn us all into paupers. If you like Food Stamps, you are going to love Single Pay Healthcare and all the other great plans the Progressive Socialists have for our money. |