A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
Okay on this Random Fact Friday... I am giving you the link to 100 Crazy facts to truly blow your mind. Please pick one that appeals to you and discuss what you think about it, and why you chose it. I Looked it isn't a Unicorn Real Horses cause the same king of adoration in the hearts of people Unicorns! Unicorns are the national animal of Scotland. William I of Scotland had a Unicorn put on a Coat of Arms in the 12th century. A Unicorn and a lion are shown together on the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The Lion is a natural enemy of a Unicorn. The Unicorn depicted with the lion is shown with chains indicating the Unicorn as a exceptionally dangerous beast. Having stated the obvious, let’s move on. I have grandchildren who are smitten with unicorns. They believe in their existence. Of course, they play with My Little Ponies which have horns and wings at the pleasure of their creators. I first became interested in where and when the myth of Unicorns became established, when I read the Harry Potter novels. There are a lot of Jewish myths depicted in Harry Potter. When Potter summons up the aide of a deer, with the help of his father he is reaching into Jewish mysticism. Unicorns are a part of ancient history written up in old manuscripts is Ancient Persia (Iran), Rome, mentioned in Greek manuscripts by Greek travelers, and the Jewish Talmud, as well as kabbalah writings. They were worshiper in Babylon. If a myth continues for a lot of years it needs to meet the needs of the public. A myth must fit the scientific knowledge of the century in which it is founded. It must meet a practical need. People must be able to touch, see, smell, or use it in a physical way. And, last it must be real enough to test. There are a lot of descriptions of real Unicorns, not all of them look like horses. Through the years of time, the size and shape changed but not the peoples love of the myth. The earliest depictions fit the Rhinoceros the best. With one horn sticking out of its muzzle and heavy legs and feet. The Rhino even today is known as a gentle creature that once aroused can flatten a truck. So it meets the need as a truly dangerous beast. Unicorns are known for healing properties, giving joy to the beholder, having magical abilities, and are usually described as horse like. There are other creatures that fit that description such as the Tibetan Antelope. As for the healing abilities, the horn of many creatures are used medicinally in some countries. Because of this ancient fabrication about medicine, Animal Rights Organizations of the world are constantly fighting to get this idea banned in many countries. Poachers of the world would like nothing better, than to stock up on poached Rhino horns. If they can deliberately cause the extinction of the species in order to force the price of horn medicines to fly over the rainbow they would reap billions. For information that will startle and dismay you about animal poaching read “Blood of the Tiger” by J.A.Mills. In 1900 a man named Dr. Dove studied the myth of Unicorns. He came up with enough information from ancient writings to disprove the existence of Unicorns. That is the reality. My grandchildren and possibly your grandchildren will disapprove and disagree. In the hearts of humans the White Horse with the beautiful horn lives on forever. Bringing peace, joy, magic and healing to the world. apondia#1781748 |