Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/874140-What-could-be-and-what-is-now
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#874140 added February 17, 2016 at 5:49pm
Restrictions: None
What could be and what is now
         “If that's really your attitude at just Matthew, I wouldn't want to experience how you will react when we come back.”
         “I only have problems with him. My Kitten made an attempt to show him genuine love, and he did not reciprocate. He always gets his way, but never shows passion like he did to the vermin going against my wishes. That is the only reason I despise him: for breaking his heart. That passion is gone now; he is just another plaything to be thrown away and left for me to clean up like every other broken thing.” She was flat and stern, serious if not angry and just the least bit saddened. Believe it or not, they haven’t even made eye contact yet.
         “Be that as it may, Matthew's heart had belonged to Judith much longer before Wayne had even known him. I cannot change that nor could I want to. Maybe in a different dimension it could happen but not here, now or ever. Either way, he is too accustomed to the Earthlings way of life; polyamory wouldn't work even if tried. Matthew's orientation wouldn't allow it; he’s not ready for it. He is bonded by actual love and passion, not just physical attributes.” Even Marell became saddened in a way...
         “I separated from our family so he wouldn’t be forced the way I was. Yet his choice is still decided for him without consideration. ”
         “Just about anyone is. There is always a set plan for everyone.”
         “You said it could have worked elsewhere?” her drawn eyebrows changed, now looking like a curious cat.
         “There are many possibilities if one believes in the theory of the Multiverse. It could have, or maybe not. Existence also adds to the theory, but yes. There could be at least a few. If it can lessen your anger even in the slightest, would you like to see for yourself?”
         “It would settle my curiosity and if he proves well, then we will see. ” Marell nods and lands.
         “Hold on.” After a few enchantments in foreign languages were said, make believe they went into light speed into another realm. Since this is a different Matt, and he doesn't have much knowledge of this, we'll just be the bird's eye in this scenario.
         He was running down a forest, slicing his way and collecting items from here and there.
         “Come on, damn it. It's our 2nd anniversary. He's not gonna be impressed with just a banquet. Hmm...” Marell and Jeni were watching in the sidelines, phasing through the scenery. Rumbling occurs nearby which made Matt react.
         “The village. Wayne!” As he was trying to outrun the mob of mythical creatures that were plundering by, Wayne was trying to dodge everything dangerous his way. After a close encounter with a troll, Matt immediately blocks him from doing any harm to his cat.
         “Stay back! Electron Cloud!” The surrounding area became thick with a blue fog which no one, exception of the visitors, could see in. It eventually electrocuted the enemies and threw them to the deserts far away. As it died down, Matt used himself as a shield from all their weaponry to Wayne. Nothing touched him; he was safe.
         “Good. Glad you're safe.” With several painful pulls, each sword, axe, and several daggers were out of him. Kneeling down after that, Wayne grabs him in an embrace.
         “Matt-kun, thanks for the save, but you could have been killed, again.”
         “It's all worth it to me. At least you are.”
         “Oh, Matty, I’m not that great.” the neko’s face was bright red.
         “You are. To me.” Jeni was shocked at the determination, loyalty and passion Matt was giving to her kitten.
         “Come on, Matty, you're embarrassing me...”
         “Oh, really? I just thought you dyed your fur.”
         “Oh, you.” Wayne giggled, leaning up close to Matt's face. “I have an even better present than last year that I know you’ll love” The neko gave him a slight peck on the cheek causing a few literal sparks.
         Jeni was almost tearing at the fact that this all just happened. Just seeing her kitten this happy… “Impressive indeed. So is I guess the way of the world's cruel fate. Might there be a way for me to keep a little gift to look as much as I please?”
         “There is some way. Here.” The cliché of a magic mirror appeared in Jeni's hands, who quickly takes it. After that, they come back to the Gardens. Same place, dimension, different time. Just 5 minutes have passed.
         “I hope now there shouldn't be much conflict within the the two of you now.” Even if it's a terrible situation, Lady Marell just has to be the motherly type as well.
         “He is quite the romantic, purrfect. Devotion goes a long way in love. The girl is lucky she got to him first.”
         “Mmm, I wouldn't really call it luck. Unless you mean which dimension we're born in. But otherwise no. Luck rarely has to do with anything.”
         “Quite. Do enjoy your struggle, and don't think this means I have stopped hating him completely. I just have some respect in his decisions.”
         “I didn't have much expectation but thank you nonetheless. And you're welcome for the trip.” Retnil comes into the scene, confused.
         “I don't want to interrupt but have either of you seen Warnorkal? I asked him to be back at 1500 and yet comes up committing insubordination. We were supposed to train.” He sighs and thinks. “You know what? Never mind. He's gonna miss out. Elites, Theta Formation!”
         (Matt) “So, explain to me again what you’re planning to do? Just barge in and demand to talk?” Judith asks, once we’re at the monuments.
         “Uh… kinda.” Hmm. “Here’s what I should do: I--” Mass panic came from somewhere and I realize that it’s near the White House. Where’d that giant come from..? … wait. Giant!? Attacking the White House? Hmm. Maybe this could help.
         “Let’s go.” She nods and powers up. Believe it or not, not only did I create an outfit for her, but I also got scraps of battlesuits that Retnil apparently uses a lot. It doesn’t look like much since it doesn’t look bulky, but the assortment of what looks like a chestplate, shoulder guards, arm and leg protectors is enough to sustain minor attacks. Plus, it just looks badass. It’s in the palette of dark and light purple.
         “Take the left flank, I’ll go right!”
         “Strike him?”
         “First then Surge!”
         As per my strategy, the giant gets distracted from his destructive reign with just our Strikes and eventually starts flailing on us instead of attacking whatever building it pleased. To hurry this up, we immediately Surge the poor thing into oblivion. We immediately get attention and applause. To be honest, it’s getting kinda old; these humans don’t know how to defend themselves.
         “It’s the Magnetic Energizer!” “But who’s the other one?” “Whoa! There’s two!?” “Is it me or is she kinda hot?” Whoever whispered that, I’ll let you go for now. That’s my girl.
         After some assault from paparazzi and etc, I eventually made it, don't even ask me how, to the White House and am now in a conversation, don't ask either, with the President. I shake his hand out of respect. We're at a table with all of the secretaries of the nation.
         “Hello, sir, and may I say, it is an honor to meet the leader of this fine country.” I think that if I start off okay, I could be able to persuade a little better.
         “Why, thank you, son, and if I may as well, I am finally meeting the person responsible for the safety brought to our nation. What can I help you with?”
         “I've known you probably don't believe in extraterrestrial beings from other planets, but I have to inform you, there are probably more of us in this world than you think. Before you name any inferences, I want to say that, in a terrible cliché, we mean you no harm. We're just humans like you trying to live modest lives.” I give him a brief history of our kind and what's happened before. Also, I even made the offer of a possible chance for Asteiniera and Earth to be allies. But I really can't make much of a promise.
         “I admit, this is a lot of information to take in, but I assure you that this is necessary.”
         “I see.”
         “Also, have you heard of what's been going around, the whole situation of petrified people showing up left and right?” I know it's an honor but we really need to get down to business.
         “I've only heard what hasn't been classified. Do you have information about it?”
         I've hand over a few photos I took with the Sensor. “His name is Knightmare, deemed ruler of the Dream Dimension. We had a slight encounter earlier today of what his plans are. However, I can't do much of anything since I do not have any plans nor knowledge of how to defeat him.”
         “Should we alert the people of this potential attack?” the Secretary of Defense asks.
         “No, we don't want to cause a panic,” Judith say. “Either way, as he said, we don't know what will happen. And everyone, even ourselves, need sleep. To alert the nation wouldn't bring any positive outcomes.”
         “What do you propose we do?” the president asks. Uh... Hmm.
         “We have to keep it secret for now. Only when the situation becomes very viral can we take action. Now, for better communication, take these.” Even more Sensors. But for a chance that chaos won't happen with a features, I gave them just the communication feature alone, with us and each other.
         “Arseron and Mihaylen. Are those you two?” the president asks.
         “Yes, Mr. President, our Asteinieran given names. To put it simply, I'm Matt Walker and she's Judith Rose Collins. Now, I'm sorry that we have to end it this way, but we are needed over at our home here. If you want to know, our information is also in our contacts.” They all nod and we teleport ourselves out, making sure not to leave traces to anything that lets others see that we were here.
         Again, last thing I want is a panic...

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