Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/874139-Secrets-in-the-Open
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#874139 added February 17, 2016 at 5:42pm
Restrictions: None
Secrets in the Open
         “Who are you?” I ask the... thing... it was a skeletal centaur with a purple aura surrounding each bone. It was carrying a menacing looking staff and for some reason, had a full set of knight armor. I start to power up a bit just for a precaution.
         “I am Knightmare, overlord of the Dream Dimension. And you are my last objective: ridding you of existence!” He started swinging the staff, missing us due to my field.
         “What gives!?” Wayne exclaims, taking the words out of my mouth. We all take our swords out, myself powering up since I have the only powered up form here, and try to attack.
         “Lightning Strike! (x2)” “Blade cannon!”
         However, our attacks were also blocked due to his field. To take the initiative, I run forward and start slashing left and right to see just how powerful he really is. And apparently it's high. Fields we being broken as my attacks were blocked.
         Just a tap from his staff knocked me back to the two.
         “Such a weak display. Meet me later when you can actually land an attack!” Another tap and it made... someone else fall. But Knightmare apparently disappeared.
         “Ouch...” I walk over to the person and help her up. She... has an interesting attire choice. However, it received Wayne’s attention. A black button up shirt with a red shirt under, yellow and blue pattern plaid skirt, and knee high red boots. Hmm. Too bad I am back together with Judith.
         “Nice skirt, not quite my style but then again, works for you.” Wow, Wayne sounds sincere. That's dangerous. Lol.
         “Huh? Oh, um, hi.” Her gaze seemed to draw to the top of his head and back down "Are, you, uh, Wayne?" She knows him!? This damn idiot! Low profile! What's the problem!?
         “Yes, actually I am.” Grr...
         “And how does she know you?” I ask, through gritted teeth.
         “Uh, blog,” he answers like I should know.
         “So is it true? You're a actual neko boy!?” She shouted. “Can... can I touch them?” she mumbled, referring to his ears and tail. Uh...
         “I don't see why not.” As soon as he said so, she sprung up stroking his tail for about a minute then running his ears getting a soft purr out of him.
         “And I think that's my-- err, our, cue.” I tenderly grab Judith's hand and walk away from the grab fest.
         “So... to the Gardens?” I ask.
         “If you see brick, tell him I'm skipping out on training to go to the mall.”
         “I have plastic!” The random girl announced.
         “Yeah, tell me about her later; I'm gonna go figure out who was that just now. Keep in touch.”
         “Suit yourself; you're just jealous I have a fan.”
         “Uh... yeah, sure... keep your Sensor in check. ”
         “Might, might not."
         “Yeah, let's go...” I carry Judith to the Gardens and meet up with Lady Marell. Her concerned expression told me everything. “It's Knightmare, isn't it?”
         “Yes... one of our most feared enemies is now released.”
         “Yes, and hopefully kills the vermin.” Why did I take them in?
         “Hopefully before it targets Wayne.” And as soon as I say that, she tackles me.
         “What have you done!?”
         “I haven't done anything! He attacked us out of nowhere and he just randomly left with some girl. Also, you really need to set some rules for him; if people find out about us, I can't even tell you the consequences. Now, Marell, what can you tell us?”
         “Knightmare is one of the most vicious enemies of our known existence. He somehow gained control of the Dream Dimension, a different plane known to bring imagination into reality. However, corruption took hold of him and has now been doing horrible things in reality.”
         “What is he doing?” I ask, hopefully thinking that it’s not a matter of national proportions.
         “As per the name, Knightmare is… petrifying people in their dreams…” What..? “By unveiling their greatest fears, he imprisons his victims in that realm and the living never awake.” What?
         “That's terrible! Who is he compared to Dark Djinn?”
         “I honestly haven't a clue. I think he just works on his own.”
         “Is that the reason why mythical creatures chased us? Framed me? Made this whole situation happen between me and Judith?”
         “It had to be the only reason. Your greatest fear was losing her, wasn't it?”
         I blushed a bit. It is true... next to clowns.
         “Is that also why Wayne was more set to get me? Was he possessed in any other way?” I could believe it but a shuriken flying past the front of my face said otherwise. I should've kept my mouth shut.
         “That's fair. Also, get with the program. Enough with the rusty steel things.” I grab the weapons she has and change them. Hopefully she won't use them on me. Galvanized steel. Faster, lighter and far stronger. “Yeah, you're welcome for the upgrade.” As if it helps anyway. I don't think she'll be good on coming back to Asteiniera.
         “Your gifts mean nothing. You have your place to me; six feet down.” And that doesn't bother me. Metals can't exactly kill me.
         “Whatever. Well, looks like it's time to-- hmm?” I felt running in the woods, compressing their energy. Whoever this is, it's fast.
         “Be on the lookout; I'll be back.”
         “Careful out there.” I'll be back Judith.
         (3rd) And once he's out of earshot, “What is it you even see in the vermin? ”
         “I could write you a list if I haven't made one. Which ironically, I did.” Check it. Ha. A scroll was handed down to Jeni and even she was surprised at all the reasons why.
         (Matt) “Alright, where is it?” Looking around the very untreated side of the eastern woods, I see nothing... that didn't belonged here. What is that, a shrine? Oh, yeah, Birdo. Wait. When was this built? By who!?
         The same energy came back and I just now see that he or she is connecting stuff together. Is that Yoshi?
         “Yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi... (Wonder how long until I learn just how to take her out of here...)”
         Um... could've just asked. And cue Wayne. When will he give it a brea… no? Not here? Huh. Then again, he did leave for the mall with the other girl just 15 minutes ago. Hmm. It's been part of my daily routine that he always interrupts. Eh, no lingering then. Besides, I want to play with Yoshi.
         “Wonder how long he can keep up?” He just used Techno-Travel in the TV he brought. And so many systems were connected somehow. Grabbing a remote, and chuckling, I see that it's Mario Tennis. Don't remember if she was there before; point is, she is now. One good luck peck and I'm playing as Paratroopa with Boo as my partner. Just luck I guess that my brother is at the other end of the table.
         To save you time, we burned through all of it until I hit the championship game with those two. And are they fierce! Not only are they sorta breaking rules, but I don't think they're seeing my work in action. We eventually tied two games each. That annoying 7 point round now begins. My fingers were hurting as soon as we tied with 6-6. Eh, if your 555...
         “For the championship.” 5 minutes we went hitting the ball back and forth. Only until he does something with lightning does he win. Cheater.
         But I was happy for him. He got a gold trophy. Wonder if he can make that real?
         It didn't wear them down though. They eventually raced and played baseball. Puts his average to .340. Ends up in Mario Party. Enough gaming, I had to interfere. Since when did he start hanging with Birdo?
         Getting in there myself, with the remote somehow, I pause them and they get confused.
         “[Who paused?]” Deep voice... or mumbles. Let's just have those brackets identify her speech.
         “Yoshi. Yoshi yoshi. (Don't know. Probably a squirrel or something.)” They look adorable together.
         “Fidgety and hyper, maybe, but I ain't no rodent.” And he turns redder than his brother... or sister. I'm not Miyamoto. Ask him. He quickly turns around.
         “Yoshi yoshi!? (What are you doing here!?)”
         “I could be asking the same thing. But seeing as how we're in this situation, I'm gonna guess you're hanging out with your girlfriend.” Sheesh, even the white is becoming pink. Slightly.
         “Yoshi yoshi yoshi, yoshi yoshi yoshi? Yoshi yoshi. (I'll be happy to fill you in later, but could you just give me like 20 minutes? We are on a date.)” I tried to stifle a snicker.
         “Sure, bud. Or we can get out now and she can explain.”
         “Yoshi yoshi. Yoshi yoshi yoshi. (Wish I could but I can't. I'm not powerful enough to take her out.)”
         “Why didn't you ask for help? I certainly could've understood.” After a flash, we're out. Since she broke the video game 4th wall, I'm kinda surprised she is right now.
         “Alright, I'll ask later, but you can keep hanging out until I get back. I have something to do.”
         “Yoshi..? (And that is..?)”
         “Since this could be a matter of national security, I'm going to address to the president of our existence. Ahp! Don't say anything! Dumb move, I know, but this should be able to help out. Who knows how many Asteinierans are here. Besides, if the time comes, at least Earth can trust us.” I hope they do. My popularity had hit pretty high, so this should be easy..? Sigh.
         Walking back to the main field, I see that Jeni is halfway done with the scroll Judith gave her. I can tell: it has a pinkish hue and the back had hearts over it. Yeah, all the reasons she likes me and how it came up to be that way. I hope that scale goes up later.
         She scoffs, “Your list is absurd thus far, I doubt it has any actual legitimate reasons. Also, you have poor penmanship.” Priss.
         “But it looks okay to me. Even if I don't read that much script. Now, let's go, Judith; we have pressing matters to discuss with the authority here.”
         “What do you mean? Where are we going?” she asks.
         “D.C wasn't just for the view. We're going to see the president of the United States.”
         “Matthew! We have to remain unknown from this world! If we reveal ourselves, there will be mass panic! Have you even thought through of what you want to achieve?” the Seraphim asks.
         “Lady Marell, we have no choice. Knightmare is out there and they are defenseless innocent people. You wanted me to help the Universe. It's time I take it into action.”
         She didn't want to show it, but stone pride came from her. She nodded and we grab what we need and leave. Good thing I know just where to teleport to.
         (3rd) “Hmm. Matthew is growing up. Feels like yesterday when I saw him being born... Also, you really could stand showing in the least a bit of gratitude...”
         “I have, in letting him live...”

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