Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/873416
Rated: E · Book · Comedy · #2074957
A young, psychotic republican goes to a treatment program, and meets psychotic democrats.
#873416 added February 12, 2016 at 3:15am
Restrictions: None
Early in Summer 2011, Adam had gone along with Mary to Chicago, in order to visit her parents. On the way back, they picked up a bulk supply of fireworks. I had come over to Adam’s apartment to play some Call Of Duty, when Adam showed me the supply. I had never set off fireworks before, so Adam decided to teach me how. We both went right outside the apartment, in which Adam would light a firecracker, and I dropped it in a sewer. The two of us were not too far away from Barbara’s apartment, so we decided to set firecrackers off right outside her building, in which we did so; and then we both ran into a back ally, where we then walked back into Adam’s apartment building. From the apartment, we heard police sirens, but they were not sure if there was a correlation with the prank that the two of us pulled. Adam turned to us and dubbed the two of us as the intellectual versions of Beavis and Butthead; I turned to him and told him that I think we are more like the less-psychopathic versions of Leopold and Loeb.
I decided to buy $50 worth of firecrackers from Adam, which I kept hidden in my underwear drawer. For the next three nights, I went on streaks of setting off firecrackers throughout the city. One night, around midnight, I set off firecrackers in a wealthy residential neighborhood, and he noticed the lights went on; some teenagers were walking by, and I whispered to them “Ssssshhhhhh.”
I decided to get rid of the rest of the fireworks, and in order to infuriate my housemates; I decided to dispose of the fireworks by setting them off right outside transition house. After waking them all up, I returned half an hour later to see my
housemates and their countenances of grievance.
On July 3rd, 2011, I called Adam, wanting to buy some more illegal fireworks, in which Adam agreed to sell to me. Adam told me to meet him at his apartment in 20 minutes, and I told Adam that I would be out for a walk. 20 minutes later, Adam was in his girlfriend’s apartment, and figured I was probably enjoying my walk, so there was no reason for us to convene yet. 20 minutes later, I called Adam back.
“I will be there in 15 minutes.”
“Adam, I um well kind of well, that will not be possible because.”
“Hey Adam, this is Julius, I did something.”
“We kind of got him high.”
“Yes, a modest amount of marijuana, and we figured we would take him to you until he is clean.”
“OK, meet me at my apartment in 10 minutes.
Adam had three major thoughts that ran through his head: “Harry is a f***ing idiot, fear about Harry being alone with Julius, and a desire to see what Harry was like on marijuana. Adam had spent the next 10 minutes telling Mary, who had overheard the conversation, about how funny the whole thing was.” Julius and I arrived outside the apartment, with Julius’s accomplice, Glen.
Glen is a crazy gay guy, who had taken Julius under his roof, due to the fact that Julius had been kicked out of the sober house for getting high. Julius was technically a prostitute, since Glen would touch him in his sleep. Julius and Glen had had a public brawl in the walking mall, over Julius talking to a girl, which is an action that Glen disapproved of, since he wanted Julius for himself.
In the 30 minutes between the original phone call and the one where Julius told Adam that he got me high, this is what happened. I was out for a walk down in the walking mall, where I noticed Glen and Julius loitering. They told me that they were looking for money to buy alcohol; I was underage, so I agreed to give them the money, in exchange for some beer. On the way, Julius admitted to Glen that I’d never tried Marijuana, and Glen told him that he knew a guy that could get marijuana. Glen took the ten dollars that I gave him, and went down to Grove Street, while myself and Julius waited by a The Joseph Smith Hotel in Kingsville. I held on to Glen’s backpack, as assurance that he would return with the marijuana, and not try to run off with my scratch. Glen returned 10 minutes later, where he, I, and Julius ran into the garage of The Joseph Smith Hotel. We all ran to the top floor, to avoid security cameras; and we got high by using a pipe that Julius had stolen.
Glen, Julius and I all greeted Adam and Mary outside her apartment. The confrontation started with Adam seeing that my eyes were red, which caused him to laugh, and go up to hug Julius, who was laughing also. Glen intervened with the whole ordeal, and said that Mary needed to leave because she was a girl and that is wrong. Julius tried to calm Glen down, but Glen was so irrational that it was impossible to do any reasoning. Glen just got angry and started yelling to a point where Adam and I were wondering if they should work to restrain him.
After Glen disappeared, Julius, Mary, myself, and Adam went for a walk, where we would dispose of Adam’s smuggled fireworks through the city; a cop had pulled Adam over, but instead of arresting him, the cop told Adam to stop setting off firecrackers. Julius was officially homeless, so Adam and I decided to sneak him into the guys’ transition house. After the group smuggled Julius into the basement, it was discovered that someone was doing laundry, so he had to leave; soon after, Baron noticed that the basement door was unlocked, so Randy locked it, thus locking Julius out, and making him homeless for the night.
I had decided to tell George and Jenny about what happened. I told Jenny to ask Adam; which resulted in Adam telling Jenny to tell me to shut my f***ing mouth. The next morning, while all of the members of transition were waiting to go to a state park for a Fourth of July celebration, Jeremy told me that he had seen Julius homeless. I gave little acknowledgement to the statement, but Jeremy asked, in front of everyone, if Adam was with us when we got high. I looked at everyone, in shock, as they all smiled, I he then paid everyone twenty dollars to promise to keep their mouths shut.
After The Fourth of July celebration at Brigham Young National Park, Rick asked me to accompany him to Polly House. Upon entering Polly House, Rick whispered, “It is my understanding that you went out with some friends, got high?” I told the truth, and was given a urine test, where the results were never revealed to me.
The next day, I met with Kyle and Cindy to discuss my punishment: I was sentenced to a 30-day nine ‘o’clock curfew, and was banned from talking with any of the SA students for three weeks. When George asked me how bad the screaming was, I turned to him and exclaimed, “Kyle didn’t make Polly House rock nearly as hard as John made it rock when I told Lily, ‘Shut up, you are having your period,’” which brought back chilling memories for George. Jenny saw this as vacation, where as Adam would continue to talk to me in secrecy, and Luke was happy, since he hated me for what I had done. The punishment tormented me, who had enough ADHD that would make it hard for him to stand a curfew. I would have my fellow housemates go pick him up food at 10 at night.
Many staff felt that a lenient punishment for me would set a bad example. It was decided that day, at a staff meeting, to wait for the next incident with me, so they could send me back to core housing. That following Sunday, I became dominant over a Monopoly© game, which caused Baron to flip out. I met with Cindy the next day, for her to tell him that I was going back to core housing as a punishment; I made a modest plea, but went back to the house to pack after the plea failed. Elizabeth and Cindy, who I had respected, facilitated the meeting at the core house, with blunt looks on their faces, since they were disappointed by the choices I had made, and that made me feel ashamed. Samantha and Luke were not happy, since Samantha despised me for the transphobic remarks I made about him; and my action of getting high triggered Luke. It was a hard night, but I had settled in and continued to thrive in the ways I had before. The next morning, I got up at seven in the morning to go for a run, and would later go to my internship in the afternoon.
© Copyright 2016 Cory Snyder (UN: coolboy007 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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