Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/873341
Rated: E · Book · Comedy · #2074957
A young, psychotic republican goes to a treatment program, and meets psychotic democrats.
#873341 added February 21, 2016 at 5:43pm
Restrictions: None
Conflict in Core Housing
Peter and I continued getting into huge disputes because I felt I was better than him, and he used that to instigate me, knowing that it would get me going. Peter kept ordering me around, so, since Peter was Jewish, I decided to blast “Springtime for Hitler” from The Producers, to cause him to go ballistic. After that little stunt, we were sent down to Polly House, where Frank and John met with us to settle the differences. The peace lasted until that night, when Peter came downstairs and knocked over my $100 chessboard; I grabbed that cumbucket by the throat, and tackled him to the couch. Joe called overnight staff, where a 27-year-old former military veteran, Winfield Reese, came into the house, to settle the conflict. His ability to calm the situation down caused him to change from overnight to a house manager.
There was another incident the following day, where Peter insulted me by saying I can’t take care of myself in life, and I poked him to get a rise out of him. Elizabeth was watching security cameras and notified Tom about the situation. Tom and Elizabeth were both furious at me for my actions.
That Friday was the day to go grocery shopping with Jodi Kane; both Joe and Peter refused to get up, so I had to go to the dumb grocery store, thus being late for a nine ‘o’clock family therapy session, hosted by John Butler. The issue was discussed at the following house group, where Kelly finally stood up to Peter and exclaimed “Peter, I am tired of you criticizing everyone else when you have enough issues of your own.” Later that day, I needed to get to the kitchen from the foyer room, but Peter was blocking the door via the computer chair. Kelly asked him to move, and when he refused, she finally snapped and called Frank Gore.
That night, Peter wanted to watch American Idol, while I wanted to watch The PBS Newshour. I suggested a compromise that we share the time, but then Peter decided that, instead, no one would watch television. Peter’s behavior had already gotten the Internet computer taken away - since there was no Wi-Fi in the core house – and that was the only way to access the Internet. Tori decided that I could go to the coffee cellar to watch the news, since I was the one who was being amenable.
On Saturday, October 9th, 2010, Peter decided to provoke me by pulling his pants down in front of me, where I ignored the hideous site. Later that night, while I was coming out of the shower in a towel, Peter pointed his camera at him, which was when I forcibly seized the camera to delete the pictures, and I threatened to murder him if he ever did that again. Peter shouted, “Could you give me my camera back?” I exclaimed, “Peter, it’s ‘may I?’ Use proper English, or be regarded as a freak. Oh why can’t the English teach their children how to speak?” I also made it very clear to him that if he ever put his hands on me again, I would call the cops on him, and pay them to give him the Rodney King treatment. The next day, I reported the incident to Tory, in which the footage of Peter exposing himself was discovered via security cameras.
I met with Cindy that Wednesday, to discuss getting into pre-transition. My scores were fine, so I felt confident. Cindy told me that he would have to wait, since he had trouble communicating with people, like Peter. This angered me, and I began complaining about how it didn’t even matter that I didn’t get along with Peter, since it wasn’t even why he was at Great Ascendency; I felt that learning how to cope with the mentally retarded wasn’t a skill I needed. In fact, I said in front of Kelly that being able to watch the news is more important than learning to work with the mentally retarded, and she snapped at me.
On Thursday, I decided to host a family call with John, so my grandfather could explain that I wasn’t here to learn to appreciate those with mental disabilities. I got angry when my grandpa refused to take my side, so John ended up hanging up the phone. I threatened to draw a swastika on Peter’s bedroom wall, where John threatened me with termination. I thought it was unfair, since I thought Peter had gotten away with everything. John admitted to me that Peter was actually on the verge of getting thrown out of the program. I realized that all he was doing was putting himself in the same sinking boat as Peter, instead of the 5-star yacht that he had desired. John made me promise not to disclose the information about Peter.
I began to reflect on who I thought was the greatest man who had ever lived: Bernhard Goetz. I felt that he is a symbol to the world, in which he illustrates how you need to stand up for yourself and not get physically pushed around. Sadly, I knew I would not be able to take the same approach when attacked by Peter. I have had plenty of homicidal desires before in my life, but the reason it was harder for me not to murder Peter is because I felt that I could utilize a Stand Your Ground clause; but the only problem was that, considering all of the things I had done to Peter, I wasn’t sure as to whether or not Stand Your Ground would be applicable in a court of law.
That night, Peter began crying like a baby, which caused me to smirk. Peter began hitting me as hard as he could - which wasn’t hard at all - shouting, “Go away, go away, no one likes you.” Finally, when Peter was about to grab my crotch, I tackled that little s*** to the ground, and went to get staff. Cindy and Rick arrived at the house and told me to stay downstairs and occupy myself with my phone. Peter came downstairs, asking to go to a hotel since he thought I was a sociopath, and he hit me again in front of staff. Cindy asked me to spend the night in Polly House.
Because of my compliance, the next day, I was granted a weekend trial in transition house, but was told he was not to bring anything other than what I needed. I had a successful weekend, and thrived in the transition house. On Monday morning, before a permanent decision could be made, I was asked to go back to Core Housing by Winfield Miott.
Once I was back at the house, while Peter was on the computer, he turned around and hit me with a smile. I told him, “What the f***?” Rick asked what was going on, and I explained, so Rick checked the cameras to see if the statement was accurate. In 30-seconds, Rick exclaimed, “Oh my god.” John Butler, who was in the house, trying to get Joe out of bed, and it was already 2, was told about the situation, and then asked Peter about it; Peter exclaimed, “He was there and my hand slipped,” which caused Rick, John, and me to laugh; John said to Peter, “You are just asking to get thrown out of here, aren’t you?” I had to be removed from the house, so staff could deal with Peter, as he was having “clinical issues.” I had spent 4 hours in Polly House before Dr. Linkins told him he would permanently remain in transition house.
Two weeks later, Peter was terminated from the program after he hid the keys for the Great Ascendency fans, claiming he was tired of Great Ascendency polluting the environment, and that he was acting on behalf of the EPA. He was sent to a horse farm in West Virginia. I do not know what happened to him there, but I presume it went something like this. The staff told Peter “Peter, you can’t do that to the horse” and Peter exclaims, ”NO IT IS MY HORSE.” Joe would continue to harass Peter on Tumbler; he once sent him a message saying, “I love to make love to you in the fields where we grow our wheat.”
Adam was not too happy about me being in the same house as him, since being his roommate had driven him crazy. One day, Adam began blasting NWA’s “f*** the Police”, and I came into him room and started singing, “But don’t let it be a black and a white cop, because they’ll slam you down to the street top. Black police showing out for the white cop. Adam began laughing and told me about a revelation he had an hour ago. He called a girl he knew from Denver to complain about me; He exclaimed, “My ex-roommate is kind of annoying. You see, there is this fat girl, named Lily Kilo, who is really mean to my roommate, and he talked about her by singing “Baby Beluga in The Deep Blue Sea.” The girl began laughing hysterically, and that made Adam realize he should appreciate me.”
I now decided that I had to delineate what anti-social behaviors would allow me to stay in the transition house, as opposed to what anti-social behaviors would get me sent back to core. Considering the fact that two years ago, I was still throwing tamper tantrums every time I didn’t get what I wanted, I realized I was on the right path.
© Copyright 2016 Cory Snyder (UN: coolboy007 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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