Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/873337-What-is-Wrong-with-People
Rated: E · Book · Comedy · #2074957
A young, psychotic republican goes to a treatment program, and meets psychotic democrats.
#873337 added May 23, 2016 at 1:53am
Restrictions: None
What is Wrong with People?
What is Wrong with People?
On October 8th, after being demeaned by Will for refusing to clean out the garbage can, I barged into Dr. Butler’s office, to complain about being demeaned. After Dr. Butler laughed and both dismissed and invalidated me, claiming I am really just upset over losing my parents. When I tried to calmly argue why that wasn’t the case, he kept telling me about how traumatized I was over my childhood, claiming that children who were murdered didn’t have it as bad as I did since they weren’t alive to feel it, and my horrible trauma keeps me from developing sexual relationships. Fed up with him claiming I had the traumatic childhood that I didn’t, I went on a little rant.
Why is it that no one see’s me as a rich, white kid? People have always assumed that I have all of these horrible disabilities and I don’t know better. Why can’t they grasp the fact that maybe I’m too rich to have to behave? When I was in middle school, all of the teachers looked at me like I had autism because I refused to do my homework, but they had their heads too far shoved up their asses to be able to realize I was too rich to work, and work is for the proleteriat. Why is it some teenage boys are able to be seen as being able to rape girls, and get away with it, due to the fact they are rich; but nobody thinks that about me. Like my teachers would’ve care if they had known I got away with watching porn as a child, when they should’ve realized that I was a rich kid who never needed rules, since rules are for poor kids. Like when I used to dub blacks and Hispanics as being put on this planet to mow my lawn, people looked at me like I was retarded instead of rich kid who could get away with making racial slurs. Like when I sent a fat girl a message, telling her to kill herself because of her bodyweight; if I had been caught, people would’ve expected me to be punished instead of being afraid to touch me, for what my grandfather could do to them. Like when I was a child, I had a babysitter who expected me to help set the table; she should’ve realized that chores are for poor kids. What made me different than the senator’s son in “Sin City”? The cops definitely wouldn’t have been afraid to touch me if I had gone around raping and murdering pre-teen girls. Teachers in school used to tell me that I shouldn’t ask for a fancy new laptop for Christmas; they should’ve just realized that I’m rich. They also would’ve been in shock if I had come to school with an Omega; why do people expect me not to have so much? WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY? EVEN YOU WERE SURPRISED WHEN I TOLD YOU THAT I WILL BE GETTING A $22,000 CAR IN EXCHANGE FOR GOING TO PRIVATE SCHOOL. WHY DO YOU EXPECT ME TO GIVE LIKE CHILDREN IN A ROMANIAN ORPHANAGE. BEING POOR SUCKS. EVEN YOU THINK I’M ANGRY OVER LOSSES FORM MY PAST WHINE IM ANGRY ABOUT NOT HAVING MY OWN YACHT AS TODDLER; CARING ABOUT FAMILY OVER MONEY IS FOR PEOPLE ON MEDICAID. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO ACT LIKE UDAY AND QUSAY HUSSEIN, AND GET AWAY WITH DOING WHATEVER THE f*** I WANT, BUT PEOPLE ARE SO f***ING RETARDED THAT IT ISN’T FUNNY. POOR PEOPLE SHOULD BE BANNED FROM HAVING KIDS, SINCE THAT IS COMPLETELY SELFISH. WHEN I TREAT GIRLS THE WAY I DO, SEE ME AS TED BUNDY JR., AS OPPOSED TO BEING QUIRKSOME. f***, s***, ASS, CUNT, PUSSY, NIGGER, KIKE, FAGGOT, SPIC, SPOOK, TOWEL HEAD, f***!
After being temporarily dismissed from Great Ascendency property, I was forced to stay at a hotel for the night, in which I had to pay for with my contingency fund, therefore depleting it.
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