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Talk Tuesday! Share with us your favorite inspirational or motivational quote, passage, or song lyric. How awful to try to narrow down this to just one. There are so many quotes out there that motivate and inspire. 1. This was sung in a church I used to attend. It is scripture. " For I Know who I have believe ed and am persuaded that he is able, to keep that which I committed unto him against that day." It always comes to mind when people are questioning faith in Christ. 2. This one is from New Age Judaism: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World by Melinda Ribner " This is your life purpose: to develop the unique divine imprint that is within you." 3. From The Zohar: "Observe, nothing is ever effected above unless there first be an impulse or effort from below." Also this one: "By what a man writes, shall his deeds be known to all" 4. In a High School English class, about 1961, we had an English workbook for the class. There were quotes with each assignment within the book. I always remember this one. "Words are pegs to hang ideas on." So it goes, 71 years of quotes to shape a life. "Be Happy" apondia#1781748 apondia#1781748 |