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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870865-Tails-and-Superpowers
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#870865 added January 15, 2016 at 4:06pm
Restrictions: None
Tails and Superpowers
Prompt: You're barefoot in the sand on a beach. The waves are tickling your toes and.....


And I am focusing on the scenery with my camera, trying to adjust the ISO and the F, though not the F@#$ you are thinking of, but you are quite close as I mouth the word without sound quite often, especially with this contraption whose guide keeps telling me the subject is too dark. Of course, it is too dark because I forgot to take off the lens cover.

In the meantime, something moves over my toes. I screech and jump. It is a blue crab with a sea tern dashing after it. At the same time the bird catches the idiotic crab, the camera clicks. I can't believe my luck! It has adjusted itself when I jumped.

But no, it isn't my luck! Inadvertently, I must have hit the green automatic button. Now, why didn’t I think of that in the first place!

A sudden feeling of wetness on top of my head…I let the camera hang from my neck and I touch my hair. Eeek! Something gooey and…and…I look up at the seagulls flying overhead. They did it again. I pick up a handful of sand and clean my hands. Then I replace the cover on the lens.

When I go home, I check my photograph, a masterpiece. Why, it is an abstract! But what is it?

Further speculation gives way to the understanding that it is my big toe and the end part of the crab scurrying away. Somehow, today, my luck has been with the tail ends of everything.

What can you do? Some days it is heads, some days tails…

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: You have a new super power. You can disappear and reappear! How would you use this super power?


This is not a new superpower for me. I can already disappear and reappear. Ask my husband. He is always after me with this question: “Where have you disappeared to?”

This superpower is especially easy to handle when I am on the internet. I can disappear from and reappear in sites at the flick of a click. Sometimes it is handy. At other times, when out of my control, it is so tiring, but alas, I have to live with all my God-given (ahem…computer-given) superpowers.

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