Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870774-Meeting-an-old-friend-and-getting-advice
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#870774 added January 14, 2016 at 11:23am
Restrictions: None
Meeting an old friend and getting advice
         She was with her probable fiancé. Matt and Judith once went to the restaurant again and Nicolette was luckily on break. So they stayed discussing a few things and one thing led to another that she'd like to go to D.C for once before tying the knot... or doing so there. It wasn't very clear; her French got the best of the near end.
         “Ah! Mademoiselle Judith! I 'ave not expected for vous to be 'ere. 'Ow 'ave tings bin vit vous and Monsieur Mathiu?”
         “Uh... we actually hit a snag in our relationship. Have you seen him around here?” Another thing led to a secret and guess what? She's a Lojarr. How she got here, she doesn't know, but she's here. Her real name is Nikana but she really likes Nicolette.
         “Oh, so sorry to 'ear dat. But, oui, he passed ‘ere vingt minutes ago. Gone to, ce qui est le lieu, Oklahoma?”
         “(Both) What!?”
         “Oui, he said he ‘ad a copain he wanted to see. Oh! We must go; fiancé and moi ‘ave much more to see. Au revoir!” She left with her soon to be husband. Kinda rude, but these two are in a rush as well.
         “Alright then, Cuddles, let's-- what are you doing?” The cat is staring down at something.
         “He's looking at me strangely...”
         “(Whisper) Oh, for the love of-- (Normal) Let's go!” She didn't move even when being pulled by her tail. “It's just a statue…”
         “Why do you think Matt would be in Oklahoma? Seriously, he’s been headed to these random destinations that even I’m starting to wonder why he was the leader in the first place,” Cuddles ranted.
         “Wait...” Judith looked around and felt something funny. “That feels like fairy aura.”
         “That's because it is,” Maybelle's voice came from nowhere. Only after reaching a spot in the woods does she appear. “Granted, I had to avoid some air defenses, or whatever the humans here call those aircrafts, but I came here because I realized you were missing for too long. Why?”
         “Against his orders, I'm going after him,” Judith responds, “and apologize and maybe get him to his senses and… get back together with him...”
         “How can you even think of doing that after the fiasco that happened last night? Do you really think he’s gonna come back from that slap you gave him?” Maybelle asks, in disbelief that this might happen
         Judith recoiled and looked down. “I... I don't know... I really hope he does. After I realized that it was Wayne who did all this, I immediately regretted doing what happened last night. Think you can teleport us to his next destination to save some time?”
         Maybelle nodded, hiding the disappointment that she had. “Just give me a second.” Putting a few fingers on her head, she tries to pinpoint Matt's next destination. After a quick reality shift, they end in another portion of woods... full of apple trees..?
         “What would Matt be doing here?” Cuddles asks.
         “Maybe trying to look even more like one.” The trio started laughing at the joke, which who knows is appropriate for something 13+.
         “Wait, there he is!”
         Matt was running down the sand road at about 30. “Okay, that’s it. It’s been taunting me my whole life! It’s time! Hyah!” He started jumping up to the trees, maneuvering his way professionally through the branches, picking up apples along the way. Only until he reaches a barn does he jump up, run up the wall, deposit the fruit somewhere, and land without a scratch and making a small rumble on the way.
         “Ah see dat ya finally did what’cha always wanted,” says a voice, a voice he recognized.
         (Matt) Yeah, I finally did it. “Oh, hey, Sally. Long time, no see.” My old friend was an apple farmer’s daughter. Shoulder length yellowish-brown hair, ironic near flawless complexion, if you don’t count that one mole near her nose, green eyes, more or less a nice physique, and your typical Daisy Duke’s outfit with the stereotypical southern accent. We got along believe it or not, but that was when we were 10 and puberty wasn’t really set in. Now that we’re 15, wonder where he would be so I can hide or something before he… what am I talking about? I can outrun a shotgun and even deflect it. No big.
         “Figured ya’d stop by fo’ a visit. And ya never called.”
         “Oh, stop. You know you’re an Earth Majeylin. Not my fault your diary was always in view. And when I got mine, I just had to stop by; you’re my best friend, Sal.”
         I give her a hug and get a glimpse of her real strength. Almost hurt my back.
         “Can’t be the only reason. Why ar’ ya really here?” She could read me like a book.
         “(Sigh)” I take a seat on a barrel and she does the same. “Remember the girl I was dating, that I told you about, Judith?”
         “Yep, I remember. Same element, love o’ your life, basically soul mates?”
         “Yeah… I’m starting to wonder if I was wrong. We had a… recent fight. Many events came coincidentally and she eventually dumped me… harshly.” She put her hand on my shoulder.
         “Ah’m mighty sorry t’ hear that, Matt.”
         “Yeah, thanks. Besides, I just needed some time to myself as well. Not only will this trip probably cleanse me but I also just wanted to see stuff, you know? Also, I just had to visit you; here's the $35 I still owe you.” Yeah, I also had to repay some debts.
         “Well, it's about time; by Ah knew ya'd come 'round. But really, what are ya gonna do? Surely, ya can't keep runnin' forever.”
         “That's just it, isn't it? I can't keep running from the truth, huh? Well, I'll have to face it eventually.”
         “Ah know it's hard, Matt, but--” (Boom!)
         “Get off a ma' property!” Yup. Her dad. And since I know that it's safe for me, I just go ahead and defend myself. Deflecting whatever he threw at me, a shotgun that looks like a SPAS-12 for some reason, I run forward, making him exhaust his ammo, and disassemble the boomstick.
         “Jeez, Buck, never trusted me around her, won't start now huh?” Yeah, her father never did.
         “Actually, I can now, especially since I just wanted to see what element you were.” Such a thick heavy accent that I can't even put slang into it.
         “Hmm. Well, there you go: longer range, more accuracy and fixed that problem you had with the trigger being too loose. If you don't mind, it was a great visit, but I'd need to get going.”
         “Why? The girls over there stalking you?” What girls-- I look to see who-- grr!
         “Insubordination, mutiny, conspiracy, and now chasing? What is wrong with the 3 of you?”
         “Her idea, not mine,” Maybelle points to Judith, who immediately blushes.
         “(Sigh)... look, we can talk about this when we get home. Sally, here. Keep in touch.” I throw her a new Sensor that contains most information of us. But since ours knows her now, there shouldn't be a problem.
         “Thanks a plenty, hun; Ah'll see ya later.”
         “Alright. Sally. Buck.”
         “Hmm. Let's go.”
         In just a few minutes flat, I got us home. Yeah, with the speeds I go and the Lightning Strike in use, I can pretty much travel the world in less than a day. Well, just an assumption anyway.
         But I need to clear the air with Judith.
         “Alright, now, explain.” We landed at my backyard. At least I know we won't be interrupted there. “Despite my orders, you disobeyed me and I'm pretty sure I said I'd only be gone a few days.”
         “We thought you were off your nut!” Cuddles exclaims. “Seriously, you know I can't sleep without you!”
         “Says the cat who slept in the ducts to get in my dreams. Look, I know my reaction to this isn't the most orthodox of everyone, but all I really needed was time to myself. However, I am willing to hear you out.”
         She was behind the other two so Maybelle pushed Judith forward. Looking down, which I always thought was adorable, she tried to speak. I'm gonna admit it: I still like her.
         “Uh, Matt... I...” She was close to tears. I never liked seeing that, no matter the situation. Something felt like it was moving but I really didn't care much so I disregarded it.
         (3rd) But something or more like someone wanted to hear better. "Jeez, could these two not be sappy for more than five minutes?" Wayne groaned.
         (Matt) Please, Judith. I hope the isolation can help. Maybelle left to attend some ordeals and Cuddles was tired from the whole trip so she went inside. I look at Judith sympathetically.
         “Judith, just tell me.” She looks down.
         “Matt, I'm sorry...” She was trying to hold back some sobs. “For accusing you, for dumping you, for... hitting you... everything...” Her tears were failing to be held back.
         “Judith...” After quite some time, she finally makes eye contact.
         “I'm not expecting you to take me back after that whole fiasco but just know that you were the perfect guy for me and--”
         “Judith, I know. You're the kindest person I've ever met and the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Any guy would be lucky to have you--” She stopped me by gasping.
         “I knew it! You don't want me back! Just know that--” I stop her with a kiss. I could've sworn I heard something but I disregarded it.
         “But I want to be that guy.” She was so elated that she crushed me in a hug and diving with happiness.
         “Aw, come on! All that for nothing!?” came something all too familiar from the bushes. Yeah. For nothing, meinu.
         “Sorry, Wayne, but despite your best efforts that can even rival Hannah's, because let's face it: she did worse things than you, no honey for Yuka.”
         “Burn in hell, Yatsu!”
         “Don't worry; that can be easily done!” Who is that!?

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