Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870383-Traveling-and-Training
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#870383 added January 9, 2016 at 3:20pm
Restrictions: None
Traveling and Training
         Judith continued. “Look, I heard enough from everyone that it was you and Wayne who tried to break us up. But I know Wayne is the one who really wanted that. But I had no right to smack him. If you feel the need to return the favor, go ahead.” Judith braced herself for the possible slap Cuddles could've given.
         “Judith, no. I'm not gonna hit you. Yes, you made Matt run away but I have no right nor will I take any pleasure in this.”
         “I know...I just-- I...” Cuddles leaned in and gave Judith a hug, allowing her to let it all out, not even caring that she's wet from the rain. After about 5 minutes Judith calmed down. “I have the same abandoned issue you have. But I realized that I really can't go on without him. You have to help me find him.”
         “His orders were not to follow him. He'll be back in a few days.”
         “What if he doesn't? What if he dies out there? What if--” (Slap)
         “Shut up about that! We both know him: strong, confident, never gives up! We can't base this on what ifs. But you're right: we have to get him back. In the morning, we set off.”
         “Alright. Um... you... uh, mind if I sleep here?”
         “... well, I'm not used to sleeping alone either... okay.” They both get on Matt's bed, tired from this day and from all the heartbreak. But Judith tensed up at the touch Cuddles' fur. “Sorry, but... you mind if I snuggle? I can't sleep otherwise.”
         “Alright, as long as you don't try nothing funny.”

0700, Sunday, August 11. The sun was rising peacefully in the Gardens. Due to a rugged mountainous border of the entrance, it rises and sets in the lake horizon. Noon it's literally 90 degrees in angle.
         However that peace was broken by Retnil aS soon as he committed an Earthquake.
         “Up and at 'em! Time to train!”
         Meanwhile the cat was still trying to sleep, the Elites came out.
         “Finally, a little action. Where'd Arseron go?” Gathran asks.
         “Could be my fault he parted,” Nartenrik answers. “Last night was sumasshedshim.”
         “Yeah, you're such a 'Nart'. Where's the other feline?” Still asleep... “Wake up, Warnorkal..!” One more earthquake later...
         “Kirisuto! Fine, drill sergeant nasty, I’m up! Ever heard of beauty sleep before?” Wayne was covered in bedhead. He came walking out holding his head due to the headache the movement brought.
         “Oh, I'm sorry.” He slams to his face. “If you want to waste your time, do so after this whole situation is over! This is war, not Sleeping Beauty! Now, up and about, maggot!”
         Wayne yawned in return. “Yeah, whatevs. don’t get your underwear in a knot.” the neko smoothed down the bedhead. “I am not a morning person normally, but you already have me up anyway.”
         “Good. Swords!” Each person summoned theirs their own specific way. “We've been slacking lately so today we train to the max! Delta formation!”
         “What gibberish are you spouting exactly?” Wayne cracked. “Oh, do we start.”
         “You, there, you two, opposite direction, Warnorkal, with me. Since you can't fly, you're ground position. At the ready..!”
         “Wait, what am I--” Before he could say anything else, a practice rock golem came from the ground and stood there as Gathran and Nartenrik brought up their elemental powers and threw them at Fedrunot, who then slashed it to Retnil, ready to launch them to Wayne.
         “Climate Control!” Slamming it down to the Neko,
         ”I was not told about this!” mainly out of instinct the Neko move out of the blast radius. “Bakana, not me! That thing!”
         It didn't move though. The details are decor. “Damn it, maggot! You were supposed to deflect that with your Hyper Blade! Power wasted... Delta formation!” As the attack was being prepared again,
         “Shiri! Quit calling me maggot!” With the attack coming a second time, Wayne lifts the sword aiming toward Retnil “Maggot this! Hyper Blade!” As the Climate Control ball was launched upward, the Elites moved in and deflected it back to their rock target, avoiding Wayne altogether, causing a massive earthquake and, as the name states, weather shift. After everything calmed down, they flew down, Wayne slightly surprised.
         “Nice job, ‘Kal. Maybe next time you can work with Blade Cannon or even Super Slash. But we’re not done yet!”
         “Don’t go giving me pet names.” The blade tip slides across the ground slightly. “Don’t treat me like you’re my Matty,” it pulls up, “and definitely don’t call me an INSECT! Blade Cannon!” Point blank.
         “Nature Beam!” (Boom) As the smoke cleared, “Use that anger! Hold nothing back when in battle!” Holding up his sword, Retnil charges to Wayne, who is luckily keeping up his own worth. Only when Retnil jumps up to do another field attack does Wayne run.
         Making is way into a heavy brush and up a tree to behind Retnil, “Too slow!” The blade jams straight into Retnil’s shoulder blade. “Good, except you think too much, no feral instinct!” He wrenches it sideways tearing out. “Consider yourself ‘disarmed’, heh.” Only when 3 other swords pierce Wayne does he let go. After Retnil rushing in with multiple attacks of tree stumps and thorn whips, Retnil sends the neko 6 feet underground to inflict Earthquake damage to him.
         If you can imagine going through wheels and cogs, that would be it.
         “Not bad,” he says, tossing Wayne an Ojirian berry. “Use that and you’ll do okay in our fight to the death when we go back.” They were lucky enough to even eat the things and come out unharmed.
         “Good, because I plan to kill you, I’m her favorite, not you!” Retnil was stumped.
         “Uh… what-- what are you talking about? We’re fighting the dark side, not each other. Who’s favorite?”
         “She is my mother, not yours! All I have had and the only thing that is indispensable! You can act like Matt and try to win my favor like hers but I don’t accept you and Matty is good till i’m done! But don’t play favorites with my MOM!” He rushes forward, picking up his blade and nabbing a spare lying around, going straight for Retnil with one ending up straight through Retnil’s stomach and out the back. “I’M THE ONLY FAVORITE!!” Wayne’s fur was frizzed up, his tail more so than usual, his breath heavy, ferril, angry.
         They stood there for what feels like a minute and Retnil smiles. “You really think that I’m trying to go after her?” Effortlessly, he pulls the blade away and heals himself with plant life. Sorta like regeneration but greener. “Look, I just like helping out. Her patronizing really means nothing to me. Besides, I’m not the favorites type of person. If that’s what it takes for your power to really come out, then fine by me. But just know, I’m not pursuing that whatsoever.”
         “Detarame.” The neko mumble. It just really went like this for a few hours until they decided to rest around 11.
         “Alright, that was good. Fed, work on that speed; ‘Ran, more ferocity; ‘Rik, stronger attacks; ‘Kal-- Where’s Warnorkal?”
         “Up here, brick.” Wayne drops down hanging by his knees on a tree limb “Got stuck after I saw a squirrel.” He stuck his tongue out slightly and pulled off some brown fur.
         “No worries. We’re on break anyway. Report back at 1500.” They all jumped away, leaving him alone. Well, after letting him down.
         “That’s over, gonna annoy furball now.” he yawned. “cat nap first.”
         Speaking of which, over at the Matt household, Judith and Cuddles prepare a few things to track down Matt, which despite his orders, they’re just gonna go and find him since all this is just a big mistake.
         “Alright,” Cuddles starts, “so this thing can also say where he’s teleported and such?”
         “Yeah,” Judith replies. “Despite saying that he can hide his power, he could never hide it from me. So, I’m gonna use the Sensor to see when he committed any Lightning Strikes. Hopefully when we catch him, he can come to his senses.”
         “That is, if we can get him to.” After changing into a good disguise, they set off running through the woods as a start to hide away from the civilization around them. Being a cat, Cuddles can luckily keep up enough.
         “So, if anyone asks, my name is Lucy,” Judith plans, “I’m a runaway teenager going on about and traveling for fun. I have no memory of my previous life a year ago and you’re my good companion which I met a few months ago. You can be Krystal, a victim of malpractice and is forever stuck behind a scarf to hide whatever happened to you.”
         “Nice planning, but when do you think we’ll need to use that?”
         “I don’t know, but better safe than sorry. Now, he teleported 67 miles away from here; hold on to me!” They sped away and got to where he landed in 20 minutes. Somewhere around Greenwich.
         “What would Matt be doing here?” Cuddles says, looking around as if she saw the place.
         “He always wanted to revisit this old mall he used to shop in. I’m thinking that he was also making an excuse to meet old friends.” Then a thought occurred to her. “I just really hope it isn’t for other girls...”
         “If I know Matt, and I do, he wouldn’t move on that quickly. Sure, you were his first with a lot of things with a girl, but really don’t think he’d be doing that.”
         “Hmm. Anyway, let’s look around. He’s bound to be here...”
         After about an hour of searching, they come up with nothing, except for a few sightings of the Magnetic Energizer being here a few hours ago.
         “Sigh. Nothing. And I’m kinda getting tired of watching that mascot trying to sell burgers to people,” Judith points out to someone dancing around in a suit.
         “Alright. Where else did he go?”
         Judith checks the Sensor. “He went… to… D.C? Why would he be there?”
         “Didn’t he say that he always wanted to see the monuments at least once?”
         “Well, that’s a legit reason. Let’s go. Uh… as soon as you’re done with that fish sandwich.”
         “Yeah... Next stop, my thighs. Let’s just go.”
         Another hour later, they land in D.C, in awe of the very things Matt wanted to see.
         “Here we are: where all politics really take effect.” Judith luckily brought a camera for the trip.
         “Yeah, it's not that bad. (Sniff) Well, he was here. (Sniff, sniff) So was someone else...”
         “Who?” If anyone could help, it would be that second person.
         “Huh. Smells like Nicolette. What would she be doing here?”
         Judith looks around for anyone who can apart to be more or less French... which would be hard, considering that there's a lot of tourists. “Is that her?”
         “Dites cheese!” Yup that's her.

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