Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870281-So-tell-me-are-you-the-Ghost-of-Jealousy
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#870281 added January 8, 2016 at 5:40pm
Restrictions: None
"So, tell me, are you the Ghost of Jealousy?"
         Elsewhere with Jeni, sprinting to the fairies’ hut “That fairy has gone too far, if her vermin can’t handle his own do not take it out on my boy!”
         As Maybelle and Cuddles were taking their turns kissing the unconscious Matt, a flurry of small silver stars came in through the doorway, jamming into the back wall. However, they were unfazed due to their playing hooky. Only when does a blade make its shing do they take notice.
         “Hey, where’s the fire?” Maybelle asks, not really caring what would happen. She’s way too enamoured to think of anything else. The two were laying down near Matt on either side.
         “What did you do to my kitten!?”
         “I just got him with a tranquilizer. It wasn’t unprovoked, he tried, and failed, to attack us.”
         Her gaze rolls over Matt. “Protecting the vermin even after it’s dead. I know mating is hard for a fairy but that is sad when you have to wait for something to kill itself to take from it.”
         “Actually, no, Judith dumped him which caused that to happen, which was all caused by Wayne and some other unsuspecting person.” She wouldn’t rat Cuddles out.
         “So, my kitten kills the vermin and you try to do the same? tch. Pitiful.”
         “(Quickly) Hey! (Slowly) Hey..! He tried to steal him from her. We’re actually not breaking any rules. That and he’s straight so he probably would’ve appreciated this.”
          “What killed the vermin, I care not! Bring no more harm to my kitten, or I will have your head.” her voice got a bit chipper. “Young Reginald will surely not disappoint me if I ask for some help.”
         “Yeah, sure… No more harm. Cuddles, it’s my turn!” However, Maybelle had her fingers crossed. And in Asteiniera, that really counts.
         “Ugh, fine. So, my kitten will not have anymore trouble?”
         “As long as he doesn't give us trouble, yes.” Jeni nods, not really caring about what he does as long as they don't harm him. She leaves now that her objectives are complete.
         “Also, is it me or is Matt just that good of a kisser?”
         “(Purr) I don't know, let's just milk it all we can.”
         Which is only gonna be a few minutes because he started stirring by then, with Maybelle's tongue taking its turn dancing with his.
         (Matt) Ow, my aching head... “Ugh... where am I..?”
         “You're in my hut, Matt, but don't stress yourself out,” she lays a hand on my chest. Then a slap to my face. “What were you thinking doing that in the middle of the Gardens? Have you any idea what that did to you?” Yeah. Almost die.
         “... I didn't care... after what happened tonight... I really didn't care... Look.” I start to get up, with a lot of pain, “Just leave me alone for a bit. I just... need to get my life back on track.” I start to get up and leave, but am stopped by Cuddles.
         “Hey! We revive you and you leave us without even a thank you?”
         I almost burst laughing. “I think you two mauling my face was enough reward, hmm?”
         I snicker at their blushing faces. I can't really say I blame them. Cuddles has been in love with me way after I got her and I'm pretty sure Maybelle had a thing. But I'm not sure...
         “Yeah, I woke up as soon as Jeni got here. I can't believe you actually shot him with that tranquilizer. But really, though, I’m sorry. I'm not sure if this will work. I'm not exactly a rebound guy.” I could tell that they were hurt but quickly regained their composure.
         “Yeah, we understand,” Maybelle says. “Though, could we just have one last kiss before you go? So we can see how good of one you really are?” She looked adorable. And why not? Two beautiful girls, not in a committed relationship, and confidential.
         “Well, this is a rare moment. So, go ahead,” I reply, getting squeals and handing them a quarter to let fate decide, though I think Maybelle might be controlling that because she called heads and it fell to it.
         “Yay!” she squeaked, happy that she was first. Then again, Cuddles can just brag that she got to enjoy it while she’s looking at her.
         “Whenever you’re ready.” I’m really in no rush. Maybelle blushed. All they really did was kiss my face and even brush their lips but that’s about it… well, Cuddles mostly licked my face.
         She got closer and closer and stopped. Her head was a tomato with cherries on her cheeks. She wanted it but was too ashamed to ask. So Cuddles took the initiative and pushed her forward. Our lips locked and she brought her hands up to cup my face. Her tongue kept asking for the acquaintance of mine and I gladly accepted. Hmm… she had a peculiar taste; very shy, kinda reclusive and more or less defensive.
         It ended after a quarter minute. Maybelle really didn’t want to let go but she’s a lightweight; needed air after.
         “Not bad, Maybelle, that was great for your first,” I comment. Is there any possible way for anyone to get this red?
         “Alright, my turn!” Cuddles pushed the fairy out of the way and rams her face so mine. Slightly dominant, very sloppy, and really likes licking. Tastes like fish and kibble. Don’t ask, I thought they were regular animal crackers. Her tongue was rough which added an oddly nice element to it. Like Maybelle, she let go after a bit.
         “Nice,” who else can say they kissed two girls in a row? Willingly that is. “So, you won’t be seeing me around that much, that much you can know. For now, I’m just gonna let things run their course.”
         “Of course, Matt,” Maybelle replies. I know they’re both saddened but I need to really rethink my life. Besides, this camera is getting annoying. Go to 3rd, why don’t you?
         “Anyway, I’m off. Don’t try looking for me. It’ll be impossible anyway since I’ll be covering up my scent and hiding my power. I just need a few days, then I’ll be back.”
         (3rd) The girls both nod and Matt takes his leave, right after picking up a few weapons and Ojirian Berries Retnil grew in his personal garden some people only have access to. And as soon as he finished getting the speech from Wayne, they go over to Maybelle’s hut to see if he was still there.
         Upon reaching there, however, “OY! Matty-kun, guess who!” the neko stopped looking inside “Where’s Matty? Where did you put the body!”
         “Uh, he left. Like, 5 minutes ago. Says he's gonna be gone for a few days,” Maybelle replies. Cuddles was trying to distract herself by licking her paws.
         “WELL, GREAT! We brought these for nothing and, wild shot in the dark, you got something!?” Wayne ended with a heavy pointing gesture towards the dimming red of the fairy.
         “No, what do you mean?” Maybelle didn't realize her aura was more than active right now.
         “Don't play stupid; that's my job! You know exactly what I mean. You got something out of Matty-kun!”
         She can pay dumb but she's a terrible liar. So, “Alright, fine; you got me. We thought we had a chance for at least a kiss and he luckily agreed. You wouldn't believe how great of a kisser he is.”
         “I already know how he kisses; I beat you there. Ha.” (mumbling) “Matt, you ho!”
         “But the way he is... how he slowly makes you work for it--”
         “The way he let's you have it yours--” Cuddles continues.
         “(Both) His passion...”
         “Bleh! Enough! Get better than me, will you!” he pulls his sword out. “Reg, bring the fruit I need to beat the life out of something.”
         “Sure, a performance enhancer. Let me just pull that out of my--”
         “Reginald, language!”
         ”Hey mom.” wayne chirped.
         “Ma'am,” Retnil nodded. “Still strolling through the night, I see.”
         “I do like to know what's going on dear. Free from the vermin for a time then?” she asked, keeping a very monotone initiative.
         “Yeah, but things aren't gonna change, except for leader,” Maybelle replies, yearning to Retnil.
         “I know. As by pact, I'll be resigning to be the head of the clan until he comes back. Where did Arseron say he was going?”
         “He didn't say, just that he's going on a soul quest.”
         “Then by all means, we should be without his presence for some time. Satisfying enough.” Retnil didn't want to admit it, but he really doesn't like it when someone insults his friends or family. He just thinks of her as more of an employer, despite no pay; he just likes nature.
         “So, no Matty for a while?” Wayne broke into the rooms awkward silence of glares. ”Then that leaves you all to annoy. I guess I can cash in on that wasted ‘training’ now.”
         “Yeah, sorry, bud, but unlike Arseron and Kaythrail, I don't take no for an answer. So tomorrow morning, you'd better get in gear; we train all day!” Retnil also exceeded in militaristic properties.
         “Fine. By. Me.” Wayne had a half cocked grin which broke shortly after by a full face yawn. It is past midnight.
         “See you tomorrow at 0700.” Some rock manipulations later, he burrows underground to his home underground the huts.
         “Yeah, we'd better get some shut eye,” Cuddles says, yawning. “'Night, everyone.” She prances back home.
         “Indeed. Let’s go.” The demi cats parted, Wayne dragging his feet and with it was questionable weather, in which Jeni was bothered. But it’s only been sunny and slightly cloudy the entire time they were here. Let’s see what happens.
         But before that, we open to Judith, who's walking back home alone. It would be a bad idea if she was alone but being a teenager from another world kinda evens the odds. However, she was in one...
         Judith couldn't take the fact that Matt was framed in multiple accounts of cheating and that she slapped him because of it. She was in complete turmoil that the one she loved is probably never going to take her back.
         With rivers flowing from her eyes, she tries her best to move through the streets to get to her destination. However, it started to rain, which only made the situation more terrible than it already is. Lightning and thunder eventually came, which didn't do so well with Cuddles.
         Her abandonment issues were coming into play and her fear of harsh weather only made it worse. Judith was nearby and heard all of her whines and yelps. To try and see if she can comfort her, she flew up to the window and saw the poor cat curled up in the bed, shaking due to fear. Tapping the window caused her to jump and hide under, which she stopped as soon as she saw that it was Judith.
         But seeing as how she was an instrument of their breakup, she slowly retreated back in shame, certain that Judith would scowl at her should she know the truth.
         “Cuddles, please let me in. I need to talk.”
         “Sorry, but he's not here.”
         “I figured, but I need to talk to you.”
         After some thought, she let her in, handing her a towel to dry off.
         “Don't mention it.”

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