Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870278-How-to-break-a-guy-in-10-seconds
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#870278 added January 8, 2016 at 5:12pm
Restrictions: None
How to break a guy in 10 seconds
         Meanwhile, Wayne was headed to the Gardens, following Matt's scent. “I got away with it, ha ha! Now he is all mine to have, hold, and keep. Poor Judy, but I get what I want, always.” Creeping up behind the still super clad sulking hero, he shut himself up. “Hey, Matty-kun, what happened back there?” Flash of lightning.
         “(Growl) Just stay away from me! (Guttural growl)” He pranced away, almost cat like. Looks like his anger is getting the better of him.
         “Kuso-, Close, so close.” He kept up close enough to see that Matt is charging up from nowhere and... seems to be in pain... “Matty-kun, you don’t look good. You ok?”
         “(Pained groaning)” Slowing down, he slams his hands into the ground, causing a fast shock wave that makes Wayne fall. It repeated until he gave one last yell and ran again.
         “Fun. One good shiri kerimasu is in order.” Getting up the ladder, he sees Matt suffering on the ground, many limbs of lightning flailing from around him. “Shocking revelations, I guess. No worries matty, Just gotta..”
         He stopped once he saw his blank tearing eyes. “Not Matty! I don’t what you are but no one impersonates my Matty-kun!” He tried to attack him using Hyper Blade but it didn't work.
         “AH! RAKURAI!!” His hands rise up to use Lightning Strike on the mountain. All his rational thinking is gone and the power needs to be expelled. As soon as the energy hit the mountain, it started shredding the thing to no end. Only after 15 seconds does ask the power dissipate. It can then be seen that he removed about 15 miles of rock.
         After getting to the ground, he slams the ground, without any power usage.
         “Why, Judith!? Why!? Ah! You damn idiot!” As his pained groans grew, so did his power. Wayne was starting to get scared of all the rocks and loose bits of sand and dirt was rising, along with the trees flailing and the ground shaking.
         “Whoa, Matty-kun, calm down!” This eventually caught the attention of the other inhabitants. The fairies and Jeni came out and saw the pained entity that is Matt. The ones who aren't Phil had a hard time getting here without being caught.
         “Wayne, what the hell is going on!?” Phil asks, bringing up an arm to protect them.
         “Like if I know! I don't understand why he'd be upset with Judy breaking up with him; he could have a better time with me!”
         “What!? How can you be so damn selfish!?” Maybelle replies, wondering what will get Wayne to change, scared of what could happen to Matt, and secretly happy that she might get a chance. Just as he finished powering up, “Get down!”
         “Denki..! Sāji!!” A roar, like that of a lion, was heard as all the power released into the Gardens. This lasted for 10 seconds before it slowly calmed down. Exhausted, Matt fell into unconsciousness again, face-planting the ground.
         Everyone else was scared to move closer to the Majeylin. Some running was heard as Cuddles came into view with a Sensor. She was running to him, panicking.
         “Oh, my God, Matt! What just happened!? Why did he overcharge!? And why aren't you guys doing anything to prevent him from dying!?” Cuddles was about to tear up if not for him trying to get up... and failing.
         “Calm down, Cuddles; he's gonna be fine,” Maybelle says, kneeling down to heal the teenager.
         “Damn it; couldn't have let the vermin die, could you?” Jeni muttered under her breath. Maybelle ignores it and brings up the fallen boy.
         “(Whispering) Don’t worry, Matt, I’m here. I’ll always be here for you.” Cuddles twitched her ears at the statement but couldn't do anything except follow as he was being magically carried to Maybelle's hut.
         “Hey, Maybelle, is it okay if I have a few minutes with him?” Wayne asks, trying to get whatever advantage possible.
         “You just witnessed them two breaking up, and even a slap to the face which she never would’ve done, and yet you think he’s the type who rebounds that easily?”
         ”Hey, worth a shot. Besides he will come around.”
         “Yeah, if he can even come back from what he just did. Seriously, I didn’t expect it at all. Almost to the point of going into a Super Majeylin… is anger really that powerful..?” She gradually went to a whisper.
         “Whether he lived wasn’t a factor. Ten minutes after death, the body can still get excited. So… really, I still win.”
         “You really don’t get it, do you? If he dies, the moment he does, he’ll start to gradually disappear. And who knows when or if he regenerates? (Scoff) No wonder Matt keeps pressuring you to learn.”
         “Shut up! I know enough to suit me and get what I want; that’s all that matters.” He gave Maybelle a cold glare. “That’s all that matters.”
         If this was animated, you’d see many bulging veins on her forehead. “Whatever.” Once to her hut, She lays Matt down on her bed, bringing up some power to continue healing him. “Hey, do me a favor and make yourself useful by bringing me a few vials and beakers from over there.”
         “Sure, I guess...” He grabbed whatever he saw off the countertops. “These work?”
         “Yeah, thanks.” Opening one by uncorking it with her mouth, she pours it over Matt and it quickly gets absorbed into his system. She takes the other and drinks from it. “Now we wait.”
         “Maybelle, how long does this usually last? I don’t want for Matt to leave me..!” Cuddles exclaims, breathing hard due to her fear of abandonment.
         “A few hours? A day? Weeks at best? It depends. But for Matt… well, I’m not sure.”
         “Says the one who knows everything,” Wayne cuts in.
         “Whining about it isn’t gonna help him heal faster. Isn’t this your fault to begin with?” Maybelle accuses, more curious than angry.
         “Don’t push it all on me, the puffball did the setup.” He gave a ‘screw you’ glance to Cuddles. “But, take it with a grain of litter.”
         “(Slowly) Uh-huh… Well, he can’t listen in on this, so tell me, how’d you do it?” Maybelle was showing much more curiosity than one would expect.
         “Female jealousy. Judy was overbearingly protective, so she would be made easily jealous. She already had the ideas in her head; I just gave them a nudge in the right direction. Cut photos right and viola: incriminating evidence. HAHA! She bit the bait; hook, line, and sucker.”
         “Hmm. Okay, nice idea. How does Cuddles fit in the equation? Certainly, you couldn’t have worked alone to begin with.” Cuddles was too ashamed to answer so Wayne did the rest.
         “Simple: she brought up the girl in the photos up in conversation, planted a few believable suspicions, put a few things in the right place, and there you have it. She has a clean record; just about anything she says is truth. Until now, anyway.”
         “All we had was a common goal. But I really just wanted for him to direct more attention to me. To be kinda like a fallback girl.”
         “Well, now you know what happens if you do: the kid nearly dying,” Maybelle point out.
         ”So just means no one else can have him if he ‘fades away’. Eh, half win but a win. FYI, hairball, you have used up your usefulness now.” He had a grin that said murder but his eyes still seemed to be toying with them both.
         Cuddles didn’t take this lightly. With whatever was around, she threw it to his face, which funny enough, seems to be a transformation potion Maybelle was trying to perfect.
         “Too slow.” He quickly ducked down, drew his blade out, and went up close to her, claws encompassing her throat. “Mom always said don’t play with pray too long, but I never listen much.” Before things got ugly, the fairy used a blowdart tube to blow one to his neck. “Meinu... eh.” He slowly slid down unconscious.
         “He was starting to annoy me anyway. Matter of fact, why don’t you come here now and then? He seems to have a pretty good knowledge of combat with his claws but lacks any discipline whatsoever. I can teach you whatever possible and maybe even give yours an upgrade.”
         “Sure, I’d like that, but what are you gonna do with him?”
         “Eh, just teleport him to the main field. This thing only works for like 2 minutes. But this will have a sort of hallucinogenic effect for the next few hours.” And she did just that. “You know, now that he’s here, you want to sneak a few kisses from him before he wakes up now that he’s single? Don’t worry, Wayne couldn’t touch him if he tried.”
         “Get in line.”
         Meanwhile, Wayne woke up, very disoriented and into his mother’s garden. Why she’s there, who knows; it’s nearly midnight.
         “Kitten, are you hurt!” Her instincts were quick as she lifted the Neko Boy very similar to picking up a young child, carrying him inside in her arms. After laying him in his bed, she went to the kitchen. Pulling something from the cabinet she had grown in the garden, she crushes them into a powder then wraps it all in a small bag before sticking them in boiling water. “Good for everything. Then that fairy is going in a bottle!”
         A knock was heard as Retnil peaks in. “Uh, still need me to weed the grounds? I know it’s late, but I’d rather distract myself with work than with sleep.”
         “Oh, good. Reginald, dear! I do need a favor. Could you please keep an eye on my kitten? When the tea is done, make sure he takes it. Oh, and take off your shoes.”
         “Right, customs, But you do know I rarely have footwear, right?”
         ”Did I ask for a response outside of, ‘Yes ma’am’?” She stopped at the door turning back to Retnil.
         “Not exactly, but still. Besides, I already did the garden. Where are you headed right now, anyway? It’s midnight.”
         “Don’t concern your handsome little head with that. I’ll be back in an hour.” Retnil nodded and leaned on the wall, waiting for the tea to be done.
         “Get out of here, stupid cow!” Wayne’s voice echoed down the hall. “I’ll Slaughter you and the pink elephants!”
         “Huh, Kaythrail must really make those things strong. Heh, glad she’s not using them on me.” About 15 minutes later, he grabs a mug he made himself and walks over to Wayne, who’s…
         ”Walrus man! This is my catnip, mine!” He is stabbing his sword in Retnil’s general direction. “Take your lettuce and fly away!” Taking some sand, Retnil makes the mug fly to his direction. With the neko running under the bed, he yells “Keep your probes away!”
         ”Hmm… But you must ingest this if you want to compete with the space horses from the moons of Sirius.”
         ”Give me that, bakana!” Wayne leapt from under the mattress. “Never mess with your mother’s unmentionables!” He took a long drink from the mug. His eyes took a half open state. “Mmm, just like momma makes.” He slowly sat down. “Reg, when did you come in?”
         “Like two minutes ago. You had a really strong reaction to whatever tranquilizer you got. So, tell me. How did this happen? With Arseron that is?”
         “Idk, let me think. OH! you mean furball and me breaking up the two?”
         “If it’s a long story, humor me. I got time.”

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