Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870264-Party-Crashers
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#870264 added January 8, 2016 at 1:22pm
Restrictions: None
Party Crashers
(3rd) Give or take 10 PM. The invited girls, the ones we know anyway, excluding the adults that aren't Jupiter, are over at Hannah's room having a good time. Though, even after all the soda and sugar, Steph and Brit still sleep,but they get the guest bedroom since the party was still going on.
         Afterward, Hannah begins the real party. “Now that the kids are asleep, you girls ready for the fun part?” They start giggling and get closer.
         “Iz question necessary?”
         “Actually, yes; truth or dare, Nartenrik?”
         “Pravda, darling.”
         “Since you're Ice, have you ever used it for naughty wants?” (Ooh!) If the blush didn't say yes, she wouldn't.
         “(Sigh) Da...” The other girls started giggling.
         “Hey, don't worry, girl, this is all confidential, right?” They all agreed. After all, they're next.
         “Hmm. Khorosho. Eh, Mihaylen. Pravda ili vyzov?”
         Judith is the shy type, so, “Truth.”
         “(Chuckle) 'Ow far 'az Arseron gone?” Judith blushed deeper than Nartenrik that she asked a very personal question. The girls even started giggling at her impending answer.
         “Third base..?” To say being shocked is a bit under.
         “You must be very hard to resist if he went that far.”
         “Quiet, Amber.” Yeah, the fairies joined as well. “Actually, no. Truth or dare?”
         “Dare. What'cha got?”
         Judith smirks. “I dare you to... kiss Hannah.” The others were freaking out that she just said that. But it got even crazier when they both shrugged and said,
         “Okay.” Jaw drop to the ground.
         “No way, she isn’t!” “They’re crazy!” “No, no, no--” A full on kiss has made everyone squeal and exclaim loudly. But good thing no one heard it outside. Yeah, Matt, Retnil and Yoshi are hanging out on a tree. Well, they quickly got joined by Wayne when he followed their scent.
         (Matt) I had the idea of going to the mall but it quickly got deterred when we realized that Retnil isn’t completely adjusted to Earthling life and that we have no easy way to hide Yoshi. That and he probably would’ve eaten all the food anyway. So, after some walking, we decided to hang on a tree and look at the beautiful full moon tonight. Something about it seems a bit… mesmerizing… can’t… look… away…
         “Matty-kun?” No answer. “Matty?” Still no answer. “Wake up!” Slap to the face!
         Ouch. “I needed that.”
         "You deserved it."
         “Haven’t you learned about the properties of the moon, Arseron?”
         “No, I haven't. My guess is it does things to you that takes time to control or something.”
         “You're nearly there. Not only is it a strength factor, it also affects us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.”
         “(Extended) Boring..! So what affect will it have in be--”
         “Don't go there.” He needs to think of other stuff. “Anyway, I just want to take it easy for now. Except what just happened earlier, nothing seems off yet. Let's hope it stays that way for now. Still, Steph is trying to get some astronomical knowledge and what better start than to take high resolution images of the moon?”
         “Here, Arseron, use this.”
         “Huh. Nice camera. 36 megapixels, 24x zoom, stabilizing movement, and brightness adjustment. Perfect for what I wanted.”
         “(Mumble) Nerds.” Snapping a few pics of the terrestrial object, I realized that these things are extremely hi Def. We must be so much more advanced than Earth. All they got is touchscreens avalanche to the public. We have Sensors!
         (3rd) After half an hour of crazy dares, most of them ending with a messy room, everyone calmed down and just started chatting idly. Nartenrik though decided to hang back with a drink she made herself... which she isn't sharing due to its nature. And surprise, surprise, she saw the tree branches shuffling.
         'Typical boy behavior,' “Darlings, I've business to take care. Be back in few minutes.”
         “Don't be gone too long, Nartenrik, the party's just getting started.” Hannah is pointing to the fact that they're now playing high stakes poker. Just know this: it's a good thing the younger ones are asleep.
         “YA vernus'.”
         Once out, she heads for the tree the poor boys were in. But once she saw their position, she second guessed their objectives. Retnil is on a low branch, all limbs crossed, lemming back as if he was asleep, Yoshi was on the lookout for fruit, Wayne was on a branch overhead on Matt, who was looking nowhere in particular.
         However, seeing the camera, her instincts took over.
         “Is it cold or is it me?” Matt asks.
         “Net, eto ya!” Grabbing him, and breaking some branches, she flies up and throws him to the host, not caring about the destruction it brought. He was about to get up if not for the slam kick Nartenrik brought.
         “Look what cat is out of bag.”
         Matt lost consciousness as soon as the kick hit. It took some work, but removing the rubble and dust made the answer pretty clear, especially to Judith.
         “No, that can't be him..!”
         “(Feigning interest) Believe it, he’s such a pervert..!” Wayne says, with no shame that he’s hanging from a branch… in a wedgie. Though, he’s not showing any real signs of pain. Hmm. Meanwhile, Yoshi’s hanging on for dear life and flailing his legs and Retnil is still in the same position, just looking confused to what happened.
         “Zatknis’, Warnorkal. Hmm… Want to mess with Arseron?”
         “OH MY GOSH, YES!” Hannah exclaims, lifting up his basic dead head. “I have the perfect color palette for him that I’ve been DYING to try out!”
         After a half hour of his face, hair, and… body being mutilated with so much cosmetics and… dresses… he eventually wakes up, being tied to a chair.
         (Matt) “(Groan) Where… am I?”
         “Well, we’re not in the Training Chamber, are we, Arseronia?” I hear. Who the hell is that?
         I look up, still phased by the light. Hey, who’s that blond? Why is she tied up? Huh? Why am I tied up? Why are there so many giggling voices? Shaking my head, which was hard, I look in the… mirror..? Holy damn, that’s me!?
         “Huh. That explains the weight on my chest... and why hair feels so heavy. Seriously, don't you have better things to spend your money on? Like martial arts?”
         “Oh, please, Matt, we're not the destined ones or anyone's apprentice. But I will ask, why were you spying on us?”
         “Spying? What are you-- oh...” I look around, completely aware of my surroundings. Judith? Why are you looking at me like that? Probably because I was thrown here for the assumption of peeking... especially since whatever happened here caused some of them to be in lingerie.
         “What is that?” Judith asks sounding really pissed now. She walks to the hole in the wall and finds-- gasp. My camera! Oh, God! Now this looks bad. Come on..! Why are these ropes so tight?
         “Okay, I've been ignored long enough; someone gonna help me down?” Is Wayne still stuck there?
         “Iz punishment enough.”
         And for some reason, Judith is looking even angrier seeing the photos. I just took lunar pictures; why is she that way? “What are these?”
         After getting free, taking off everything girly, and transforming into M.E. since I haven't a clue where my clothes are. Judith shows me the photos... of them!? I didn't even turn here! I didn't even know we were next to Hannah's house!!
         “I swear I didn't take those.”
         “Don't you lie to me, damn it!” She pointed at me hard, causing something to fall down. Polaroids? What are they doing there?
         “Just taking her to her tests, huh?” Where'd that come from? No one was around at the time!
         “That was completely accidental! I would never do that!”
         “Oh, sure, just like how you 'accidentally' attacked my family!?” Damn, her anger is so visible that even the others recoiled. “I was really thinking that it was just a bad day, but you showing me your true colors told me otherwise. If this is how you're gonna keep going, then I don't see how we can be together anymore.” I heard gasps from everyone, but I couldn't tell if it was just mine.
         “Judith... wh... what are you saying..?” I ask, tears about to come out.
         “I'm saying it's over. I'm sorry, but... we're through!”
         Glass figuratively broke as I found out how hard this just hit me.
         “But... Judith, I--”
         "Finally! took you long enough." That's it; he's staying there.
         “No, Matt. You proved to me that you're nothing but a lowlife bastard! Now, before this gets ugly, leave.”
         I couldn't believe it! “Judith, you're really gonna believe that I'm doing this?”
         “I said leave!”
         “Grr..! NOW!” (SLAP!)
         As her hand sent me at least 5 feet away, cracking the wall, and hitting my head on the doorknob somehow, I could only shed tears as I looked up to my ex.
         My instincts told me to attack her but my head said to leave her. And my heart... well, let's just say I may need therapy... “And don't ever let me see you again.”
         “(Guttural growl) Fine.” As I get up, dust myself off and go somewhere, I-- actually, don't even film me! Get that damn camera out my face!
         (3rd) Yikes. But his situation is understandable. As he give one final yell of frustration, another wall breaks as he flies off to who knows where. I should, but I'm just a narrator; the best I can do is break the 4th wall.
         ”Matty! Don’t leave me hanging! Ugh, fine… Brick, get me down!”
         “(Chuckle) Heh, alright, you've amused me enough, Warnorkal. Though, I will say, breakup of the century.” After getting Wayne down to a reasonable height, “(Whisper) Not that I'll say anything because Arseron isn't a liar, but were you involved in this?”
         “I don’t kiss and tell.”
         “So you do admit it. Let's just hope that Arseron still has his sanity as soon as this blows over.” A few footsteps distracted everyone.
         “(Yawn) Can't someone get some sleep without an explosion every night?” Stephanie came into the room, rubbing her eyes, looking down to the camera. “Hey, Ret, isn't this the camera you let Wayne borrow a few days ago?” She does not find weird that this happened.
         “Yeah, but pretty sure he didn't erase the ones he took.”
         “I could've erased them?! Aw, now you tell me!”
         “Wait a minute...” Steph looks over to the Polaroids on the floor. “That explains the picture. She tripped on her books; Penelope, you're such a klutz. But who was there? As far as I can see here, they were alone.” Everyone looks at Wayne, who's inches from escaping.
         “Wow, look at the time, I have trash cans to raid. bye!” the neko boy quickly turned tail, narrowly avoiding a car. Retnil just shrugs, thinking it'd be a waste of time and power to try and grab him from the other trees. Instead, he just raises the branch he's on to get inside and repair the wall, not really caring about the lingerie clad girls.
         “Yeah, my guess? Warnorkal is the culprit. Not bad a plan, too. Honestly, I had no idea we were in front of Blatzen’s home.”
         “And... it affects us... how?” Hannah asks.
         “Mihaylen dumped Arseron for no real reason. I still don't even know how those images got into his outfit.”
         Judith changed her expression big time. If not for Matt hiding his energy, she would've gone after him. But now she's just gonna have to live with heartbreak.
         “I... I slapped him... for- no reason...” Her tears were flowing like rivers as she broke down, sobbing her eyes out. Stephanie and Retnil could only stand there and console her...

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