Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870067-This-is-my-life
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#870067 added January 5, 2016 at 11:09pm
Restrictions: None
This is my life...
         Apparently, not only did she separate from her family at age 4, but she also got left behind for 10 years. She wasn't one who escaped, rather, she stayed in a certain place which is kind of a resistance, but they're too weak and few to do anything substantial. This could help us.
         By using whatever knowledge people could give her, she spent about a few weeks traveling the galaxies until she crash landed on earth. She was around Canada at the time and always struggled to find her family. Only by finding another Asteinieran who was already accustomed to Earth life. However, he had picked up a few tricks and made something more or less like a Sensor. Well, one idea came to another and Jupiter eventually made her way here.
         Her elemental capability, however, makes me think that she's just good for support and maintenance. The three elements are okay when together, but when she's using them at her full power, even if combined, it's statistically weaker than most of us. For example, Hannah would be the least strongest person here, next to Yoshi. If those two fought, Jupiter would barely get through.
         I'm not sure whether that's the price for 3 elements or just some odd coincidence. Shouldn't matter much though; she's fairly skilled in each. You'd need to be in advanced Water techniques if you want to break the blade of any given sword.
         “So, your primary and preferred element is Water?” I ask, now that past items are done.
         “Sure, it's not as amazing as making tornadoes or even making lava, but yeah, out of the three, it's a good balance of speed, strength, and versatility.”
         “Hmm. Not a big fan of it, but alright.”
         “Speaking of which, you never told me yours.”
         “Oh, I'm Energy, as well as Judith and Yoshi. But seriously, you must be exhausted. Why don’t you just take a day or two to get adjusted here? Then after, we can start training.”
         “Well, it was a bit of a trip getting here, eh? Thanks. Um… where can I set up?”
         Good question. “Hey, Retnil, think you can fix up a place for Jupiter?”
         “Yeah, so long as Cenaiflera is okay living underground.”
         “Oh, actually, no; I'm terribly claustrophobic, eh? Is there any chance you can make that on the cliff here?” Huh.
         “Well, that's fine. Not my favorite part but whatever suits you. Follow me.” He burrows underground and travels up the mountain while Jupiter just flies up there. I have a lot of research to do...
         “What is the meaning of fish..?” I hear, slightly slurred. So that's what happens to cats. I'd better keep Cuddles out of it then.
         “What is the point of socks..?”
         I look at my group and just shrug. Hmm? What's that? I'm feeling... trampling..?
         “Look out!” I tackle Judith and Wayne out from the centaur's path and protect them with an Energy field.
         “I'd like to solve the puzzle, John.” Yo, that cat is legit. out. of. it...
         “For the warlord!” One of them says. They draw out bows and started shooting towards anything that moves which isn't on their side.
         “Get back!” I yell, arming my own bow and several arrows, not even trying to aim. Luckily, it hit some centaurs in vital points and I had to deal with one behind me who just shot me. My anger got the better and even made me grab even more just to prove my point. Don't mess with me or my family!
         However, since I also charged them, and didn't aim again, it backfired and nearly hit my side. I had to run and deflect them back.
         I didn't like watching him suffer.
         “What was that?” Judith asked, looking slightly pissed.
         “Rogue centaurs, if I had to guess, but if anything--” Judith shoved me, hard...
         “I meant you! You nearly hit us!” Whoa. She never gets this angry at me.
         “Oh, that. Yeah, sorry, my anger got the better. And I wasn’t aiming…”
         “Jeez, be careful next time. Ugh...”
         She walks away without a second thought. Eee...
         “Where's the leak, ma'am?” Shut up, Wayne...
         But seriously, that's the first time she was genuinely mad at me. I should do something. I don’t want to put the blame onto anything but at the same time, I have been under a lot of stress lately. Ever since the incident with Brittany, I've been pushing myself harder to get better and better in this stuff in order for something like that not to happen again. Though, I will admit, it’s causing me to be more distant and aloof.
         Sigh, which only proves I really do need a break. I just hope I can get her trust back. Seriously, the last thing I need is fangirls (and boy) going after me. Speaking of which...
         “Jupiter done settling in?” I ask, flying up to her new home.
         “She's moving things around, but otherwise, yeah. Sorry I wasn't there.” Retnil was leaning on a wall with his arms crossed.
         “Eh, it's fine; I just wish it was handled easier.”
         “Yeah, I saw. What's going on? You're starting to get a bit sloppy.”
         “I don't know... but what I do is that I need to rest.” Maybe a day or two and I can get back on my feet.
         At least things calmed down once I got back home. As far as I'm concerned, Judith was once again in her normal mood. Not sure if it's hormonal but as long as she's okay, then I'm fine with it.
         “Hey, look.” A game show? Hmm. Friendly Quiz. See how much you really know about your friend. Lol. Judith and I should try it. First place is $10k, which is a ridiculous amount of money. And a trip, but that will be very unnecessary.
         “Yoshi yoshi; yoshi yoshi. (You two should enter it; you're practically married.)”
         We both blush at his joke. True we do get romantically involved, but not to that point where we bicker on what to have for dinner and stuff like that. But my only question is what are we gonna do with $10,000?
         “I'll take it into consideration,” I say.
         “It's a date then.” Hmm. Two days are the tryouts. Alright.

Friday, August 9. Right now, I'm at Penelope's school giving her a few pointers before going in and taking her test.
         “(Question A)?”
         “(Answer A).”
         “(Question B)?”
         “(Answer B).”
         “(Question C)?”
         “Uh... we never went over that?”
         “Testing you. (Answer C), but you didn't need it. Just remember, even if it sounds dumb, just answer everything. You'll do fine.”
         “Aw, thanks, Matt. You're the best tutor anyone can ask for-- ah!” Whoa!
         “Oof!” Ow. Yeah, her being a klutz however may interfere. She fell on top of me by failing to remember her books at her feet when she walked, turning this into a very awkward situation. She blushed a lot when she realized the position we're in.
         (3rd) And for whatever reason, Wayne just happens to be there with the same camera with the same intent as before. However, no one even figures out he’s there, that he’s taking various angles, or the fact that the flash is loud, but is somehow unheard by the others... even by knocking a metal trashcan..
         (Matt) “Uh, you should probably get to the test before it’s too late..?”
         “Crap! You’re right!” She gets up, instantly forgetting the incident and putting the books back in her locker. Meanwhile, I just laid there, actually thinking that the floor was oddly comfortable... for a few minutes. There's no point in me staying here.
         “Hmm?” I noticed a small spike of power up on this building. No one I know. And is it… fighting someone?
         “I better check this out.” Going up, by hacking the school's roof lock, I turn into my alter ego and get surprised by a feud trying to be physically settled by a centaur and... someone else.
         “I told you: I know nothing of those Asteinierans! Now, stop bugging me!” yelled the mysterious figure. About us..?
         “Stop lying, Zercarnalan! You best look after yourself; she will not take kindly to your pathetic excuses!” came from the centaur. A portal gets created and the centaur walks backwards. ‘She’? I'll ask.
         “Mark my words, Accius! You’ll regret ever being born!” After that, he disappears. Accius, huh?
         “Lousy prick.” After shaking his head, he turns to leave, not taking notice of me I think. “What do you want, fool?” Nope, he noticed.
         “Who was that guy?” I ask, hoping to get an answer.
         “Trouble is what he is. If I were you, Magnetic Energizer, I’d watch my step.” He was about to leave and I was trying to catch up. But a dagger flying down with a note prevented me otherwise.
         “‘If you’re smart, do not ask questions and don’t be looking for me; I’ll just be leading you to trouble. I will say this: there is an evil lurking about here but I’m not waiting to find out. Leave the planet before it’s too late.’ I can’t.” But I do hope we meet again. I have questions.
         I should get home though. I can’t leave Yoshi and Stephanie alone. Well, not after the last time.
         Anyway, once I did, I was back to doing the regular stuff I do… which I have no idea since I’ve only been training for the few months I’ve been electrocuted. Hey, what’s that? Something in the mail. Yeah, I never got past my front door.
         “‘For Steph and Michelle’, hmm? Invites to a slumber party by… Hannah.” Oh, boy. Please tell me Judith doesn’t have the same-- yeah, never mind.
         “Please tell me this is a joke.” Judith, I don’t think so.
         “Well, I hope this is also about making amends,” I reply, coming closer to her porch. I didn’t want to say anything, but Hannah had been doing some… let’s call them “incidents”, quotes emphasized, to try and get me. One nice thing and they’ll follow you anywhere…
         “Well, begrudgingly, I’ll accept. Good thing we don’t have much to do tonight. Speaking of which, how’d the pep talk go with Penelope?”
         “We’ll see what happens when she gets out. Though she was a bit nervous. But she can’t be unless she really wants to get to her dream school.” Colleges are so unforgiving nowadays.
         “Speaking of which, what are your plans for that?”
         “Hmm. I don't know yet. I was looking into Brown or maybe Sycamore and even Lehman. But we'll see what happens. After all, aren't we supposedly going back to Asteiniera?”
         She looked worried. I don't blame her. “Matt, I know you're Lady Marell's apprentice, but do you really think it's a good idea?”
         I look down. “I'm not sure. Nowadays, I feel like I never have the answers for the important questions. Sigh. Look, just enjoy yourself at her party. Besides, she really just wanted to get to know you guys better and her form of it is in that.”
         “(Scoff) How do you know?”
         “Oh, yeah, you're not Facebook friends. Yeah, she spams stuff every hour. Some aren't that bad. Just have fun, alright? I'll just think of how to do stuff.”
         “(Mockingly) Aye aye, captain.” One cheek peck, “Later, Matt.”
         I nod and she goes in. Meanwhile, I just stay in thought about the other guy, Accius. He said something about us Asteinierans, didn't he?
         Don't look for him he even said. I don't think this guy is trouble, if not, trouble prone. I should be in the passive lookout... In case things happen…

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