Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/870063-This-New-Girl
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#870063 added January 5, 2016 at 10:52pm
Restrictions: None
This New Girl
         “Aw, kitty want a scratch behind the ears?” she asks, reaching out to do so but he quickly swatted her hand.
         “Woman, I’m no house cat! Offer appreciated though. Anyway, your sister has a boyfriend. I want him, and you can help.” She was taken aback... and stopped listening after sister was said.
         “I have a sister!?” she gasped, almost tearing at the fact. Immediately, she flies over to the front porch, somehow not even getting caught by Wayne.
         “Focus, you incomparable twit!! You help me, I help you, maybe, get it!? HUH!?” He looked around. “Bakana!”
         (Matt) “What's with all the yelling?” I'm out my window, looking at Wayne, confused to why he's trying to be exposed. As soon as I saw the woman, I had to ask. “Who's the skirt?”
         “Oh, just some hiroidesu, says she is Judy’s sister. Ha! She’s out of her mind.”
         “(Whisper) At least Penelope isn't here to see this. (Normal) I'll be the judge of that.” I pull out the Sensor and try the biology test for Judith. Believe it or not, this thing can tell who's related to you and etc. And after some scanning, she is Judith's older sister... by 4 years. Hmm, not bad. If that's how Judith will look by then, I'm glad. Shouldn't get too deep in that.
         “Well, it's true, I suppose; you are my probable future sister-in-law,” I say, flying down from the window, hoping no one heard that. I did say that louder than normal. “So, what are you doing here?”
         “I'm trying to find my family. If you remember what happened 15 years ago, it's the reason why I haven't shown up until now.” Oh. I feel bad now.
         “And what are you doing here?” I ask Wayne, getting suspicious of the Polaroids in his hands.
         “Me? Bird hunting, same thing that happened to the blue one’s in your bird house, and your sister’s parakeet.”
         What? “They owned parakeets? Stephanie uses rats and gerbils for experiments and Michelle is slightly irresponsible for a pet.”
         “Why, do you think you never heard of it? Gone too soon, went great with your moms sriracha.”
         “Eh, whatever. So Jupiter, ready to meet your family?”
         “More than anything.”
         I nod and knock on the door. As soon as it opens, I see the mother and father come out, not knowing who the woman is.
         “Mom? Daddy? It's me, Cenaiflera. Do you remember me?” I think that struck something with the couple since they stayed tearing up that the daughter they lost is back.
         “Is it really you..!?” she asks, hand covering her mouth. Sobs were exchanged as the two ran over and hugged the new, I guess, inhabitant. Mokrinajeylin..? What's that?
         “Mommy, daddy?” I hear from a small voice, coming from upstairs. “Who are you?” And I think this piqued Judith's interest as well since she also came down.
         I think I should stay away from this since it doesn't involve me, but also due to the fact that I do get emotional like this easily. And Wayne is begging for a reason to go away. Quickly, I write a note, and throw a dagger at a wooden section on the porch.
         It read, “If you want to know more, follow Judith to the Gardens and bring the rest of the family. I will tell you everything I know and hopefully, vice versa. Also, I've never heard of your kind, so later, please give us some insight on that. -Matt
         “P.S: if you see a cat lady, please beware. I'll fill you in when you come.”
         “Let's go,” I tell Wayne.
         “Yeah, anything to get away from this sugar fest.”
         We made our way to the treehouse and get inside, wondering why Jeni is with Retnil. Hmm. I wouldn't interrupt then though; they look like they're gardening. Ha.
         “Anyway, here; you asked, so go ahead.” Catnip. Just a few leaves.
         “Score, mine!” He grabs it rather quickly. Must be good or something. But I wouldn't get into it.
         “Yeah, you're welcome.” No one's here, so I'm just talking to myself. He ran quickly to his home.
         Well, nothing left to do but pass the time. Maybe I'll just figure out how to--... Where'd that minotaur come from!? It's headed to..!
         “Retnil! Jeni!” I immediately run over to cast a shield and try to overturn the mythical creature but fail and just get bonked with his sledgehammer. Or whatever that thing was...
         “Nature Beam!” My brother's attack got him but I don't think it was effective enough. I got up and he looks down and nods. Combo. As soon as the thing charged again, we both yelled,
         “Aftershock Pulse!” Our combined attacks of Sonic Punch and Seismic Burst connected with the hide of the minotaur and sent him who knows where over to the edge of the Gardens, which is a bottomless void... I feel bad now.
         “Any idea where that's from?” I ask, still stuck in the punch. Earth and Energy combo attacks kinda take a toll on me.
         “No, it just came from nowhere. Also, you're stepping on Jeni's roses.” Explains the cuts on my legs. I fly up and realize that I'm on a flowerbed. Oops.
         “Sorry about that.”
         “Vermin.” Sure, yet you're here with him. Besides, he can easily revive that.
         “So, we are probably getting a Mokrinajeylin in the team...”
         “Hmm. Haven't seen one in years. Wonder what elements are being used..?” Or maybe he can give me insight. But I'll wait for Jupiter.
         “Don’t I deal with enough of you, now you're adding another..? Maybe this one will have manners like Reginald.” Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Retnil!? Manners!!? Ha ha ha ha!!
         “Look you can teach manners to a wood chipper but it'll never get into a country club. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to do some investigation; surely that can't have been the only thing.”
         (3rd) But to save you time, Matt goes alone to the Zoo and see what he can find. Meanwhile, after the whole emotional party at Judith's, they took the advice on the sheet and went to the Gardens. However, they're still outside and Jupiter is second guessing.
         “Are you sure your boyfriend isn't trippy? This looks like a regular tree house.”
         The rest nodded on and she just shrugged and flew up. Still nothing. But once the curtain was moved...
         Gasp. Everything was beautiful..! The flora, the fauna, the cat lady approaching them...
         “You, girl!” The cat lady had on a stark white kimono and had a long black scabbard tied to her hip. “Are, you the new one!?” Jupiter was taken aback at her attitude but kept her ground.
         “Why, yes, ma'am; I'm Jupiter, or if you'd like, Cenaiflera. Nice to meet you.” She extended her hand.
         “So, this one does know some respect.” Jeni mumble, taking a half bow. Jupiter realized her mistake and slightly bowed as well, apparently knowing the customs of most cultures.
         “I'm here to talk to the one in charge. Where would that person be?”
         “Tsk. So you are looking for the vermin? Shameful.” What?
         “I'm sorry?” Wasn't he supposed to be here? Or who is she talking about?
         “You sadly missed him, but I can keep you entertained. Tan’itsu sutoriaki!” Jeni lept for Jupiter, drawing her katana in one swift move, stopping inches from her neck. “Can't make this too swift.” A sweep of one leg brough Jupiter onto her butt. ”Now leave before my kindness wears off.”
         Getting up using her flight, and subconsciously getting her defense mechanism out, “Hey, what's going on? I didn't do anything to offend you, or did I?”
         “Your existence is offensive and barely tolerable. I commend you for a proper introduction, but the vermin is nowhere to be found. Like young Reginald, girl, you will earn to be tolerated. ” Before things started to get ugly, she calmly flew up and tried to suppress her elements, if not for Jeni preparing to attack again.
         “Ah!” As Jeni jumped up and swung her katana, a stream of Water seemingly came out of nowhere and accidentally split her blade in half. As soon as it stops, her elements came out in a spherical form, organized in a triangular position orbiting Jupiter as she prepared for any more attacks from the seemingly mad cat. They were Fire, Water, and Wind.
         “It had to have Water...” she glanced at her katana. “What I get for using an antique.”
         “Could've asked if you wanted an upgrade,” a voice says, another sword of better caliber falling after landing down .
         (Matt) I did ask to be wary so I'm not exactly at fault. “Jupiter, I'm sorry I didn't see you immediately, but something held me back. Jeni, if you want to go back to what you were doing unscathed, you'd have better leave now.”
         “Only tolerated nothing more.” Sheathing her newer sword, she pulls a small black ball from seemingly out of nowhere, but I have a pretty good idea where. “Smokeball!” Amidst the blackened air, only a few footsteps were heard. Though, we couldn't see her run; we're like 12 feet high so it didn't affect us. What is with that girl? Well, luckily Jupiter removed all of the smoke before it really got up.
         We both eventually made it down. “Again, sorry about Jeni; she has a few... issues...”
         “I'm used to it,” she shrugged, dissipating the orbs she just had whooshing, swishing, and burning. I look down at the broken katana. Hmm. Why not? I should start a museum or something. Bringing it up and fixing it back together, I make a new scabbard on my belt, making a note to ask Retnil to make a trophy room or something.
         “Souvenir. So Jupiter, could you tell us what happened in the duration of your separation and now?”
         “Sure, but it'll take a while...”
         “Worry not, Cenaiflera, we have time.” Retnil brings up a few benches for us. Now that her family is here, we can really talk.
         What’s her story..?

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