Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/869842-Girl-can-really-fight
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#869842 added January 3, 2016 at 4:32pm
Restrictions: None
Girl can really fight...
         By hearing her voice, he instantly reacts.
         “Butter Britty?” Ha! CUTE! I think some laws are gonna be bypassed because she instantly went to hug him and it actually works. Father and daughter reunited. But I can't do anything about it. Yes, I can revive, but I'm not sure how long ago he died really. I can only revived those by as far as a month. Barely.
         “Don't cry, damn it, (voice breaking) but this is so heartwarming and sappy and--” Wayne has such a soft spot; his tears prove it... kinda. But mine are because they can't really reunite any better than this. He can't physically become alive again. If anything, he'd be lucky to stay in this plane, but he's not exactly one of us.
         “So, Marell, what do we do with the corrupted part?” I ask, pointing to the thing about to crack it's bubble with its rapid spasms.
         “Try all he wants, he cannot get past my barriers. But I will have to concur that we will have to deal with it somehow. He's too dangerous to be released even in another plane.”
         “Then shall I do the honors?” I ask
         “No.” Hmm? I turn around and see Judith disapproving in my suggestion.
         “My sister, my problem, my enemy. If anything, I'm the one who should take care of this problem.”
         “Judith, should anything happen, at least Brit will know that she still has her sister; I don't want you getting hurt. You know, now that I'm thinking about it, Butter Britty sounds so adorable!”
         “Thank you! You read my thoughts! But, for real, Matt, I need to do this. She's my sister.”
         “Well, I don't want you harmed, otherwise, I couldn't forgive myself. Now, then--”
         (3rd) (Clang) Whatever pipeline that was hopefully want important because it was used to knock him out.
         “You saved her once, now it's my turn.”
         Meanwhile, the others were slightly shocked.
         “Uh, this count as domestic violence?” Fedrunot asks.
         “Pozhaluysta, iz nothing compared to beating ve got other day,” Nartenrik replies.
         “Oui, mademoiselle,” Frestera adds, chuckling at the sudden scene... and at the fact that Wayne is headed for the body.
         “Finally, right where I want him.” Though he was spotted by Cuddles jumping in front of him, hissing. He wouldn't have stopped if not for her beauty.
         “This is my human, stay away.”
         He could only stand there, infatuated with all that going on. Thinking that something could work, Cuddles stood there as well thinking out details of her plot.
         “Come with me; I think I have an idea.”
         And elsewhere, “Lady Marell, let him go.”
         “(Chuckle) At least you have everyone's best interests before your own. Though, I do wish you luck.”
         Judith nods and prepares herself. Once the field containing the corruption was cracked, it first went after Brittany, who was still with her father. She ran after it and blocked its path.
         “Energy Ball!” After blowing away the spirit, “Get her to a safe place! That thing is after her. We'll talk about everything else later, but for now, just go!”
         And with being a spirit, he can luckily fly with Brittany in his arms. How this is possible, who can say, but it really is helping.
         “(Foreign language)!” Wait, what?
         After a few adjustments, Judith’s Sensor is now translating. “What was that?”
         “I said, you’re a fool, knocking out your best chance at defeating me!”
         “I’m just as powerful as he is! Don’t think you’re getting away with this, harming my sister!”
         “I didn’t plan to! I was making sure of it! Now die!” It brought up a few Death Balls and started chucking them at Judith’s surroundings and would’ve succeeded if a purple field didn’t come out and protect it. After dissipating, she full-on attacks the spirit with her own Energy Ball valley.
         While distracted, Judith summoned her sword and started swinging rays of lightning. The spirit did all it could to dodge them but eventually gets caught by one and gets sent away. Wasting no time, Judith immediately went after it, only with slight revenge in thought, not even noticing the unconscious body of Matt being dragged away by two demi cats.
         “(Strained) Hurry up, Wayne!” Cuddles says, trying to hold on to Matt's leg.
         “You don't think I'm trying!? He weighs a ton!”
         “What are you two doing?” Retnil asks, seemingly out of nowhere. Though he was reprimanded, he stayed back, letting Judith take care of things.
         “What does it look like?”
         “Hmm. I kinda expected this out of you, Warnorkal, but Cuddles?”
         “Meow? Meow meow meow.” What?
         “What do you mean, 'This isn't what it seems'? You're dragging his body somewhere, how is that not 'what it seems'?”
         ”We are dragging him to safety, at least until he is conscious. Thats all see.”
         “Hmm. Right. Then let's go and get this guy! Grab your sword! Let's go!” Wayne didn't get a word in edgewise to stay there as he was dragged by the Earth master.
         “Well, I didn’t exactly intend for this to happen, but at least I have Matt alone with me,” Cuddles mused, smirking to that fact.
         “Electro Surge!” Judith's attack missed the demon and he went deeper into the woods. “Come out and fight, you coward!” Sending more electric shards, she further pursues it until Retnil intercepts with his own Nature Beam, tearing the land and exposing the demon.
         “Mihaylen, now!”
         “Hah!” One last attack and he's down, or so what can be seen.
         “Your foolish attacks are futile. And easy to leave your sister so far behind! Dark Matter!”
         “No! Get back here!” Her command fell on deaf ears as the demon went on to possess Brittany, who's still in her father's arms. Seeing the potential threat, the father was about to defend if not for Brit's probable future brother-in-law.
         “Take this!” (Boom!)
         (Matt) “No way are you getting to her! Energy Ball!”
         Lunging the power towards the thing, he gets thrown over to the western mountain and destroys it by my sheer power. I think it sent him really far since a whole chain broke. Good. Now, back to business. I should ask; those three are about a mile away.
         “So, sir, remember me?” I ask, getting a nod from him. “If I may ask, what had happened between the time I saved you to now?” He tried to remember and set Butter Britty down. I have to ask where the name came from! Reminder!
         “Well, after the fire, we lost nearly everything. Luckily, we had enough to stay at the Skyline Hotel for a few night until we could see if family could help us back on our feet. But--” I could sense the hesitation.
         “What is it?”
         “Um, Britty, could you get your family for me, see how they are?”
         “Of course, daddy!” The tree house isn't that far so I don't think she'll need assistance. He looked back at me, trying to find my name. “Uh...”
         “Matthew. Or Matt.”
         “Lawrence. I didn't want to say anything in front of her, but really, what I said was both the truth and a cover up.”
         Hmm? “For what?”
         “To tell you the truth, Matthew, I owed a lot to a close mafia called the Casole Family and they were out for blood. The fire not only got rid of my things, but also the money I owed. I was chased by them and they were targeting the both of us. I told her to run away from me before it was too late. However, Don Flamenco got me and we're gonna finish the job once they got to her.”
         “I know this seems off topic, but, where's her mother?” He choked up at the question. Oh... “I'm sorry I asked.” He nodded.
         “Her mother, she never got to know her a few years after we were married. We went through a rough patch, we got a marriage counselor who helped us settle some insecurities. When felt we were ready for a child, our doctor told my wife she had a very slim chance of having a child. I am glad we ended up with my Butter Britty, but when she was born, her mother sadly passed away a couple of hours after.” I tried to hold back a tear.
         “(Shaky inhale) I'm sorry about that. But I'll be glad to tell you that she's in good hands now.”
         “Thank you, Matthew.”
         “Also, I just have to ask, (chuckle) how'd you come up with 'Butter Britty'?”
         “Heh, (sigh) ah, well, she had such an obsession with butterflies and fairies. Well, that and butter brittle was her favorites ice cream. So, Butter Britty.”
         “That's adorable. Now, stand back. I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire.” He nodded and and went to the entrance to meet Judith's family. Speaking of which, they're back.
         “Where is he!?” she shouted, fuming basically and kinda ignoring me.
         “What’s with her?” I ask, not understanding very well.
         “I know, right?” Wayne replies. “Seriously, how do you deal with her every month?”
         “Um… I don’t; she does. And also, she just takes a faraway trip for a few hours or so. Not really a good defense mechanism, but if it helps her, then that’s fine.”
         “Eh. So, what did you do with the gremlin thing? kill it, send it back to hell or what?”
         “Pfft. I wish. It’s coming in 15 seconds. So when he comes, Judith, Strike, Retnil, Beam, Wayne, Hyper.”
         “Woo!” He pulls his sword to the ready aiming with and overly eager expression. Geez, is Hyper Blade really that big for an attack? I tried it several times. I prefer sending electricity through my blade. That’s more fun.
         “Alright. On my mark…” He’s coming… I can see the shadow. “Hold it..!” His power is visible. Teleporting behind him, I Strike while the others do the same with their attacks.
         “Die, filthy-- augh!” Ow! Who’s behind me!?
         “Ha! I come prepared, losers!” He’s choke holding me. I look down. What are they doing?
         “Retnil, throw me! Judy, on my mark, Strike the sword!” He turned, charging at Retnil, who just brought up a chunk of Earth to catapult him to us. “Sorry, Matty-kun, but now!” A charge of lightning struck his blade’s edge it, grazing me and leaving a slight burn as it cleaved through the demon. “Ha, see ya!”
         “You think this is enough!? Torment Rage!” We were painfully thrown to the ground near the other two.
         “Ugh!” “Ow!” I start to panic as I sensed Brittany coming in with everyone else.
         “Brit! Look out!” The thing was headed for it as I tried to chase after it, only for it to escape my grasp and into Judith’s, who luckily went immediately after him.
         “For harming not just my sister but now my Matt, I will end you!! Voltage Overdrive!!”
         “Get down!” An explosion occurred, destroying most things around us. And that thing still isn’t down!? What do we have to do to kill him!?
         “Wait, where is he!?” I get up with a lot of pain and see Brittany kneeling down, a dark aura surrounding her. NO!
         “Foolish mortals!” Even his voice replaced hers! “Did you honestly think that was gonna kill me!?” He got up and all I saw was dark evil eyes..!

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