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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1578384
You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me!
#868891 added December 19, 2015 at 10:17pm
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100 Things? That is asking quite a bit.
I wanted to blog but was drawing a blank, so as usual I did an internet search - the answers to the big and small things in life - ASK.COM! The following is what caught my attention. Let's see if I can live up to the challenge.

You’re going to make lists that will add up to 100 things you love. Make sure you give an explanation for each of the things you add to your list. For example, don’t just list your favorite restaurants, write down what you enjoy about each one (the warm bread they serve before the meal, the waiter who always remembers your favorite dish, the whimsical decor, and so on).

I've been called out before on being a 'lister' on my blog; so this should be easy, right? I don't know - 100 things I love? That's a lot of lovin'.

10 Activities

Yikes! I'm already beginning to sweat this challenge. These will be in no particular order since my brain is a pool of fog and ideas. Plus the fact that I'm not sure what constitutes an activity. The obvious answer would be something that requires you to be active; I sure hope mental activity qualifies. Here goes:

1. Writing - I mean, how could I not put that one? I've always loved to write. I remember at the age of maybe 6 or 7, writing songs as I played on the gate at the farm. This led to poetry. As education progressed and more writing was required, I quickly realized I could ace almost any essay test, yet bomb a true/false. I attribute it to my bull-shitting skills even at a young age.
2. Spending time with my loved ones - Yes, it is a generic response, but it is true. I love my husband, son, family (even when they don't care for each other) and my close friends. It doesn't really matter what we are doing as long as we are together.
3. Sleeping - Maybe this is more of an 'inactivity', but I do enjoy it. Besides with my sleep apnea and talking and walking in my sleep I think that makes it qualify as an activity. However, lately I have been plagued by nightmares that I do wish would become inactive.
4. Coloring - No, I haven't jumped on the adult coloring phase... I have always LOVED to color. It has been my stress reliever and outlet for a little creativity. Bring on the Sharpies.
5. Sewing/Embroidery - I'm not that good at it, but I enjoy it. I can hand sew a pretty decent pillow. When they add Home Ec to the subjects you teach, you better at least be able to keep up with the kids. Thank goodness for my Mema. The first year of teaching it, we would meet at least once a week so she could teach me something to teach. I love and cherish those evenings.
6. Watch TV - Shows from Criminal Minds to Family Feud to So You Think You Can Dance. I'm much more of a television girl than a radio listener. I didn't know if once I got married to Bruce and moved to the farm if I could make it without cable. I mean I didn't think I would die, but you don't know how you will react when something you have had most your life is deleted. I'm managing pretty well on the three or four stations we have. I do however miss the rewind and record buttons at times.
7. Watching Football - live or on television, family football, middle school football, college, pro – I love it all. Go Pokes! And da..da..da..Panthers! Of course, part of the love of this sport is that it is a family event. There is always fun teasing and talking ‘smack’. . . Well, except when my Panthers are beating my son’s Packers; I was completely wrong about that being a fun-filled afternoon.
8. Going for drives – Not like to work drives, but drives where you listen to great music, aren’t rushed, and have great conversation. I mean if you are aimlessly driving, there is no visual reminder of all the chores and projects that need to be done at the house.
9. Teaching Something New to an Attentive Audience – most the time, though I love being a teacher, I view it as a job not an activity. But there are those moments when you come up with an interesting idea of how to teach something and the moon is in the right phase and the weather is stable so that the students are like a live audience. And they more than get it…they think about it later; talk about it later; their brains seem to embrace what I was trying to get across.
10. Online Shopping – I hate real world shopping, but I absolutely love on-line shopping. I crave the research of finding things others can’t, discovering a great buy, and of course receiving great mail!

Well, that’s 10 out of 100. Only 90 more. This may have to be a two-parter; my favorite activity of sleep is calling me.

10 Restaurants:
1. Olive Garden: Because my son loves it and we always have a good time; plus, it doesn’t hurt that their salad is amazing.
2. Braums (Ice cream – I think it is only in the Midwest) – if I’m craving a sweet treat, it’s Braums for me. A double dip is less than $2.00. mmmmmm sounds soooo good right now.
3. Zios – I haven’t been there in years, but it is fantabulous Italian food.
4. Monterrey Jack's– We used to go there so often they knew my son’s order before we even sat down. Yep, chicken strips at a Mexican restaurant – dipped in nacho cheese of course.
5. Jason’s Deli – perfect salad bar and soft serve ice cream
6. Cracker Barrel – great comfort food and a fun store to look through
7. Texas Roadhouse – Only a once in a while treat, but even Bruce thinks their steaks are excellent.
8. Taco Bell – it qualifies as a favorite because sometimes the budget is super tight and even if all the food does taste the same sometimes super junk food just hits the spot.
9. Buffalo Wild Wings – it’s so good that once you have it, you keep craving it, but then you have it so much it starts to sound disgusting and plus you are out of money by then.
10. Hideaway Pizza – I think this is an Oklahoma founded pizza place and it is just great, filling pizza.

20 percent finished – yahoo!

10 People – yikes, this is a little uncomfortable – I mean I undoubtedly will just forget someone and later realize they should be in the top ten – Also, does this mean people I know or famous people or people from history? EEEEEkkk – the pressure.
THESE OF COURSE ARE IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER – besides, it depends on the day with some of them.
1. Mema – I can always feel relaxed and de-stress just by going to her house. She’s a great woman. 96 years old with a lot to share and give.
2. Reese – my son; funny, loving, the greatest gift of my life
3. Bruce – my soul mate, husband, protector, and role model – more than I ever dreamed could exist
4. Dad – tries to be gruff, but can’t pull it off anymore; religious, honest, and full of life lessons.
5. Ma – my great-grandmother, she passed away when I was in the 6th grade. We were a pair; she the oldest in the family and me the youngest. Standing when the national anthem was played on the t.v., making clothes for my Raggedy Ann doll, and reading books to each other.
6. Mom – She needs me and she is ALWAYS there for me. She loves me even when I screw up. It is a different relationship, but I value it deeply. I will always stand by her side.
7. Amy – my sister – we go through phases of talking and hanging out but we know we are always there for each other. However, she didn’t acknowledge my existence until she was in college; but I guess that is normal. We are opposites in so many areas; but I think our core is similar.
8. Will – my brother – we aren’t as close as we once were for no real reason except I suppose that life happens and our family and jobs take the majority of our time and energy. He's a good man with a genuine heart and actions.
9. Papa – Mema’s husband – though he passed away many years ago, my thoughts go to him often. I wish so much when we were cleaning out his things that I would have taken one of the coats Mema offered us. It’s a silly regret I suppose, but one my mind drifts to. Bear traps, fishing, and tales of travels; I miss you, Papa.
10. Les Cole – our former minister and life-long friend. Through him, my faith really blossomed. I also realized that ministers were real people too . . . that being in the ministry didn’t mean that you had to be serious all the time.

I’m not even half finished? Okay, just one more category and then I’mcalling it a night. Matt, our cat, is demanding attention and my eyes are getting heavy.

10 Foods
1. Nachos – no explanation needed – who doesn’t love nachos?
2. Fried Okra – mmmm Summer homegrown okra - no one comes close to making it like Mom's.
3. Chicken and Dumplin’s – definite comfort food – usually what I choose for my birthday dinner
4. Pizza – even the frozen kind – actually I think I prefer those sometimes
5. Soft serve ice cream – just so wonderful – the texture, taste, smoothness
6. Bacon – I know it is cliché’ but I do love crispy bacon
7. Cheese – almost all kinds on most things – especially cheese that is a little burnt – weird, I know
8. Soup – almost any kind – it makes me relax and smile
9. Enchiladas – homemade are the best – I need to learn to make them. Put that on the to-do list
10. Salted Caramel – not sure if it is really a favorite, but it sure sounds good right now.

To be continued tomorrow….

10 Games
6 Drinks/Beverages
4 Desserts
10 Paintings
10 Web Sites
10 Writers
10 Famous lines from books/movies

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