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writing something which has twists and turns |
I have had many changes in my life and now realize that it is huge and very good for me to be able to relax and know that my bad isn't all that horrible. Fortunately I'm writing this book for me, myself, and I. Also I write this for everyone who is interested in my thoughts and reactions to what life gives or dishes out. The challenge is how are we, you and I going to respond to our here and now, our feelings, or our thoughts about something. This something for example would be what someone says, or how someone treats us, or what you may think the world owes you. Our responses are what and how we react good or bad. My bad is not writing in this book for many weeks. Certainly if this had been an actual job, I would be on the manure pile or buried under it depending on how my employer reacted to this situation. Fortunately for me I know that I'm not going to fire myself. I also know that when I agree to produce a given product it is my responsibility to have integrity and honor, and make certain that in time I am able to give to my employer what I promised. If I am unable to do this, It is also my responsibility to make certain that I find a way for someone to assume the job which I am unable to continue. I should inform my employer about the situation, tell them what is necessary for understanding of the situation, and politely assist when and where ever possible. I'm the one who now needs the help, so should be willing to extend help. Now that this is resolved it is them up to my employer to decide how to react to this news. I may or may not have further opportunities to create items/writen products for this person or company. Regardless as long as I have exercised every possible effort to make it possible for the transfer of this job to another writer, then I am able to feel free from and be free from guilt and concern. Because I am writing this for me and other readers without an employer or other person involved even though it isn't good to leave a project for such an extend period of time, readers starving for more, or winding out of the loop, I still can feel good about returning to this project and continuing to add content. I hope that readers will be understanding about life requiring my attention because of challenges such as medical issues, financial puzzles, and other things demanding resolution. We'll, I now have taken care of much of the demanding and imparative stuff, so now can write again. This would be called not a vacation, but going on hiatus or taking a needed time off for necessity, or whatever you want to call it. Now I have had a break through and am well on my way to greater and better things in life. My thoughts, plans, and aspiration, journey is to continue writing until this book is completed. I don't know when I will arrive at the end. I know that I am on my way. The paths I will take I know not, however I like adventures and so will with anticipation move forward step by step and enjoy the scenery. My new journey is about life, writing, and changes which will make this journey interesting. I will focus on writing and word art, yet because life is a part of this art, life thoughts and activities will be included in this book. My joy is being able to allow the words to flow freely and share thoughts with readers. Not everyone is on the same page at the same word, so our choices are to either stay where we are or make a move and see what happens. Expression is important for each person as well as learning from the expressions of other people. When I write I allow the ideas to flow and then after they are finished, it is time to do the editing. NaNo is great because it is all about helping the writer get their ideas written down. There are no issues if typos, run-on sentences, or other flaws appear on the pages of the book or other manuscript which is taking shape. Right now I am not concerned about the editing process because I want to capture all the ideas which if allowed to fly away may disappear never to be known to anyone. For me this is a great loss. I believe and feel that getting the ideas written is of the greatest imperative so write them first and edit later. Actually, you don't have to edit if you don't want to do this. Depending on what you want to have happen for your word art/content, You could obtain an editor and have them do this work for you. The editing process is different from when the writer edits verses when an editor does this work because the editor doesn't know about the writers feelings, visions of the story, or anything about the details from within the writer. The editor can only edit from their point of view. I would suggest having an editor who is willing to closely work with the writer and together making the word art as great and wonderful as possible. To be kind to the person who is going to edit or partner with you in the editing process, take the time to do as much editing as possible. By doing this, the content is molded mostly in the way you intend. As much as possible, when working with the editor during the editing process suggest and implement as much of your vision into your book as possible. I treat me and other peple as much as I possibly can the same way I would want to be treated. As long as we do this for each other our lives will be better. As things are better, then there is less of a chance for strife and conflict. As life changes we should be able to decide for ourselves what and how we are going to respond. When we do unto others as we do to ourselves, then there is possibilities for success even though on the surface it may look like a failure or disaster. Show the positive, share the work load, be kind and things may work out better than you ever imagined. I hold onto this especially after being reminded about this recently. When your boss misses this possibility, then kindly remind them. This leads to success or leads to a new adventure. Either way the possibilities are endless, so be of good cheer and believe that all will work out for your best and better life. This will happen for you, cling to the positive it is contagious and may rub off onto your employer or who ever is awaiting the fantastic content you agreed to create. Write with might for readers delight. Have a great relationship with you, your writing, and you will product great word art. Viv (dogpack) & Bella (service dog) "disABILITY WRITERS GROUP" ![]() "ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!" ![]() "disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN" ![]() NaNo Winner 2011 http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245 http://www.vpclass.blogspot.com |