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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#866006 added March 24, 2020 at 5:52pm
Restrictions: None
FROM 1 to 10 The Things That Make Me Smile!
         PROMPT: List ten things that make you smile!
         "When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favourite things, and then I don't feel so bad." Ah, there's nothing like the lyrics from The Sound of Music to cheer one up. Of course, the catchy Will Pharrell tune "Be Happy" also lifts spirits. Hmm, does Pharrell have one or two 'r's?
         Okay, here is my list. THE TEN THINGS THAT MAKE ME SMILE: These are not presented in any particular order, although my spouse would be pleased, perhaps even a wee bit thrilled, to see that he made it to the top of my list. I think he's earned this posting; he has stuck around for many years. ONE: my hubby, Paul, he who has been with me through thick and thin for thirty-seven years now...! We married at the age of nineteen full of optimism. We started out with nothing and we still have most of it left. Well, we have three living, breathing 'souvenirs', so that's an accomplishment. Funny, for many years, I believed my partner was humour-impaired.... TWO: Laughter! I love to giggle, guffaw, howl, snort, snicker, whatever. I'm not above laughing at myself; I do seem to 'find' predicaments or they seek me out? My offspring are very entertaining; they can roll their eyes so eloquently. With my granddaughters I am free to be silly. I enjoy hearing laughter generated from others. Sharing a good giggle with newfound friends is awesome! THREE :Comedy... Oh, there are so many books, movies, and television programs that cause me to laugh. Would you believe a childhood favourite was Get Smart; Agent Max and 99 never failed to tickle my funny bone. Mel Brooks created memorable movies like Young Frankenstein. Ah that line, "Werewolf? There wolf!" Or that other line about the 'nice set of knockers' in reference to the bosomy heroine and the immense oak castle door. I've memorized the Police Academy movies, Princess Bride, and Men in Tights. FOUR: My three progeny/offspring/kids...they've been good sports. They endured the luck of the mother draw and got me. Arguably, I still haven't grown up. They are too well aware that anything they've done or said is fodder for my writing. They are learning I have a far-reaching memory. FIVE: My two Grands!! Oh, yes! Whomever stated that birthing and raising kids was worth it because of grandkids was spot on! I know I'm blessed. My two granddaughters live nearby and we see each other all the time. For the moment, they want to spend time with me. We enjoy 'sleep-me-overs' and travelling. They share my love of cartoons and animation. We indulge each others' imaginations and just to make sure I am aware, they will caution me, "You know it's not real, right Nanna?" SIX: Books/Reading/Writing ..Since forever, I've been an avid reader. As a child, I'd devour a book sitting next to my bedroom window, the glow of a street lamp illuminating the pages. My mother was so worried I'd strain my eyes, or worse, go blind. I'm the only sibling who doesn't need corrective lenses. My kids were at their most mischievous whilst their mother was immersed in a book. For most of my life, I've kept a journal and composed letters to mail to family and friends. My Nanny was one of my most prolific pen pals. There's always a pen and pad of paper in my purse. SEVEN: Cookies... yep, I am a cookie monster. Pretty well any flavour is my favourite! I prefer to bake my own, too. EIGHT: Cartoons/animation...... I am a fan. The storylines, the music/score, the artwork I love it all! Disney and Pixar are animation giants. Thanks to NETFLIX, I've discovered Australian animation. A fantastic studio known as Triggerfish Animation does quality work. There's also Tim Burton creations. NINE: The English language....! It's so complex, confusing, contradictory... Too many words sound alike, but are totally different in their meanings. Even with the same spelling, words have to be configured by their context. My sister was telling me the story of a friend's horse that was 'dispatched'. We were fairly certain this was an euphemism for 'euthanized', but a 'dispatch' is also a message, so was the vet sending a message? Take the word 'shift'; there are numerous uses. It means to move, change position, ( job or actual physical place), change gears in a vehicle, a dress, or a set time of work/ job hours. TEN: WDC, of course! I like to read the posts, the poetry, the stories, the blogs, and the encouraging comments at this site.

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