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Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
Jamal (Beauty), 17 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Sunday, November 1, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 1 Chilly Sunday morning Day 1 of NaNoWriMo Coffee is brewing Kamal (Perfection), 18 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Monday, November 2, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 2 A windy morning becomes windy afternoon: spinach omelet for breakfast. Fidal (Grace), 19 ‘Ilm (Knowledge), 172 BE - Tuesday, November 3, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 3 A chilly morning time for comforting and hot: Is it soup or stew? 'Idal (Justice), 1 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Wednesday, November 4, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 4 Chill in the morning air, the patter of raindrops on the sidewalk a cloudy day in Las Vegas. Istijlal (Majesty), 2 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Thursday, November 5, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 5 This is the season to receive holiday cards donation request. Istiqlal (Independence), 3 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Friday, November 6, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 6 On windy afternoons Autumn's chill settle in my bone and awakens the desire for summer. Jalal (Glory), 4 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Saturday, November 7, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 7 The season change trees change the clothes from summer green to autumn rainbow: I contemplate the transformation of my soul brought on by faith. Jamal (Beauty), 5 ‘Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Sunday, November 8, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 8 A Sunday Autumn Morning chills the tile floor Sends chills up my legs Kamal (Perfection), 6 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Monday, November 9, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 9 Fidal (Grace), 7 ‘Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Tuesday, November 10, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 10 1 Early to bed when you're feeling ill helps almost as good as a pill, but it puts you behind each and every time. 2 A chilly morning becomes a chilly afternoon the wind is blowing. 'Idal (Justice), 8 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Wednesday, November 11, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 11 Istijlal (Majesty), 9 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Thursday, November 12, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 12 Inhale the silence Exhale all the distractions Focus on breathing Istiqlal (Independence), 10 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Friday, November 13, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 13 Beautiful Friday A lucky day for writing November 13 Jalal (Glory), 11 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Saturday, November 14, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 14 1 Saturday morning white beans on the stove cooking seasoned with: 1 table spoon white vinegar, several shakes of Mrs. Dash savory table blend, and 1/4 medium to large red onion. Beans are slowly cooking in a big pot on the electric range. 2 Las Vegas autumn birds singing in the pine trees a chilly morning. 3 Middle of November have a turkey in the freezer; I miss grandma's cranberry salad. Jamal (Beauty), 12 ‘Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Sunday, November 15, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 15 A new week begins Prayer and meditation Brings a fresh outlook. Kamal (Perfection), 13 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Monday, November 16, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 16 Dark brown teddy bear A gift from a friend arrived today I named him Christmas Fidal (Grace), 14 ‘Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Tuesday, November 17, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 17 A good morning turns into a good afternoon a beautiful non-windy day 'Idal (Justice), 15 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Wednesday, November 18, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 18 Laundry day the blankets are washed, now I have to start another collection of dirty clothes. Istijlal (Majesty), 16 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Thursday, November 19, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 19 A bird is singing celebrating the clean street next to his pine tree. Istiqlal (Independence), 17 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Friday, November 20, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 20 Jalal (Glory), 18 Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Saturday, November 21, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 21 1 Listening to the neighbor's music; the beat is good, but I can't understand the words because only the music and the beat penetrate apartment walls. 2 Early to rise accomplishes a lot, but makes for a long day. Jamal (Beauty), 19 ‘Qudrat (Power), 172 BE - Sunday, November 22, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 22 The aroma of fresh ground coffee arouses the desire for another hot cup. Kamal (Perfection), 1 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Monday, November 23, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 23 An afternoon nap I think that is what I need Or maybe a short walk. Fidal (Grace), 2 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Tuesday, November 24, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 24 Beautiful morning Got another referral From my doctor Now I have two date During the first week December 'Idal (Justice), 3 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Wednesday, November 25, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 25 Looking forward to turkey and dressing, but instead of pumpkin pie this year we're having banana cream. Istijlal (Majesty), 4 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Thursday, November 26, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 26 Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you a good harvest; A full refrigerator. Istiqlal (Independence), 5 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Friday, November 27, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 27 A cold black Friday temperatures the mid 40s: Is there snow on Mount Charleston? Jalal (Glory), 6 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Saturday, November 28, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 28 Bright cloudless morning On Small Business Saturday A cold windless day Jamal (Beauty), 7 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Sunday, November 29, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 29 I hear my knees creak as I stand up for a walk across the cold tile. Kamal (Perfection), 8 Qawl (Speech), 172 BE - Monday, November 30, 2015 NaNoWriMo Day 30 Cyber Monday I'm saving a lot of money by not purchasing anything. Black Friday I saved a lot of money by purchasing only what I needed. |