Friday, Oct. 23 Required: Cultural Setting ▼ Describe the cultural, political and/or religious setting in your novel. What do your societies believe? In what practices do they engage? What kind of government rules your world? What laws or rules of society are in place? Who enforces them? How successful is enforcement of laws and rules? How does this setting impact your protagonist? Update your settings and/or definitions databases (if applicable.) Bonus: Research OR World Building ▼ Research: For reality-based fiction, research aspects of your novel that will lend credibility to your writing. World Building: For fantasy, science fiction, or other speculative fiction, develop the history, geology, ecology, and/or maps for your world. Update your character, setting, and/or definitions databases with any new information (if applicable.) Cultural Setting I do not see cultural or religious outlooks as having an impact on my story. It has all the relevance in the world to the backstory and how my peeps got to where they are, but let’s face it, I do not think two opposing religious/cultural viewpoints work in a relationship. One has to take the lead and the other has to be the support or glue that holds the relationship together. I can see how they break relationships apart, but I want a relationship to spring out. . If I do this, it will be more to test the invisible boundaries that society sets up and every young person, absolutely every single one, thinks they can improve on and they simply must shake things up. Just must. Politics do not have relevance to the direction my story is running. If the liberal/conservative debate mattered, it would only impact the backstory as in how the players got to the point they are in their life. I have seen two diverse political powerhouses try to make it, and I saw it fall apart. The passion and heated debates may be get the sparks flying, but does not work for the long term. I am not world building. I do not see the laws of the land and the enforcement of them as having any bearing on the direction the story runs in, but it will have a lot of impact on the backstory. Maybe I should quit lying. I could use the laws to be the catalyst to bring my protagonist and a-typical antagonist to some kind of harmony. I could use the laws and breaking minor ones as a catalyst of some sort. |