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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/863497-Little-Things--Big-Things
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#863497 added October 20, 2015 at 10:33am
Restrictions: None
Little Things > Big Things
Prompt: The little things in the beginning usually cause the big things at the end. Can you think of something minor that can turn into a big deal in the world, in your life, or in your city?


Something small, something unnoticeable even, can cause big problems. Then, reversely, a tiny smile or a pat in the back can help save a life or encourage a person to do big things.

More than 2000 years ago, before Ceasar’s assassination, earlier in the day, just as Ceasar entered the building, a man named Artemidorus tried to warn him of eminent danger by thrusting a small scroll into his hand, but Caesar ignored it. If he had stopped to read the scroll, he wouldn’t be killed.

During the 1960s when the Soviet space missions were at the height of their success, a loose bolt in a very expensive rocket ship was sucked into the fuel pump, which shut everything down and the rocket plunged back into the earth causing a major explosion, which the Russians hid from the eyes of the world then until a few years ago.

On the plus side, “Wilson Greatbatch was working on a contraption that would record human heart beats when he accidentally inserted the wrong resistor. It ended up perfectly mimicking the heart’s rhythm and thus gave birth to the first implantable pacemaker.” From http://list25.com/25-accidental-inventions-that-changed-the-world/3

What can happen in the future, if I am expected to trust my imagination? Our electrician may insert a small chip by mistake, and my house can self-clean or is this just wishful thinking!

Or someone may push the wrong button somewhere and all warring equipment in the world may be rendered useless. Yay for eternal peace!

Or a microbiologist can implant the DNA of a flower into the DNA in a drop of testosterone to change everyone in the world into peace-loving people. Heaven forbid that he or she doesn’t use the DNA from Venus’s flytrap.

Now that I stuck a branch into a bees’ nest, all day today, my mind is going to come up with little things turning our lives around in a big way. *Shock2* Eeeeek! *Facepalm*

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