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Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #2059791
Prep for Nanowrimo 2015 - I completed my 50,000 words by November 14, 2015.
#862486 added October 28, 2015 at 9:19am
Restrictions: None
Day 15 - Minor Character Background Story
Thursday, Oct. 15
*Required: Minor Character #1 Background Story â–¼
Write a background story about Minor #1.

As I watched my friend with his new girlfriend I couldn't help feeling a little envious. Thomas had finally found a girl that got him and he was on cloud nine. His goofy grin was almost contagious, except for the fact that, although I was happy for him, I was also sad for me.

Having just broken up with Stella, I was feeling low. Lower than low. I was glad her over dramatics were done, but I missed the company. Thomas had someone.... and Myra was special. Even I knew that, and I didn't grudge him his happiness, but I also felt at a loss.

The loss drove me. Having just accepted a full time contract teaching position for the fall, I threw myself into planning to keep my mind on track. Thomas kept telling me I would meet someone better and I tried to tell myself that he was right, but I just couldn't settle.

It didn't help that I often found myself going out with them and our other friends... but I eventually got over it. I met a couple of other girls willing to just have a good time, nothing serious and that suited me fine, but I felt something had always been missing.

When Thomas told me he and Myra had bought a house, I was happy for them. He told me they were gonig to be tight for money for awhile and I jokingly told him to rent out some rooms. I'd take one. I loved that part of town. Two days later he and Myra came to me and said that had been a great idea. Did I still want to move in.

Things had started to build with my new girlfriend, Nina and she wanted me to move in with her, but I was hesitant. Their offer saved me. It was not long after that Nina told me she was done... and I was fine with that.

For the first year we all lived together. They also rented to another girl, Charlize. An accountant. She was nice, but kept to herself. Myra was not overly upset when Charlize said she was moving out.

I came home one night to find Myra buzzing excitedly about a girl who had come to see the room.

"I am not sure if she's going to take it, but I want to hold off a bit Thomas and see if she calls back. There is something about her. I really like her. I hope she calls back."

Thomas had smiled indulgently and winked at me. We both knew that when Myra had a feeling it was good to follow it. Good things usually happened.

When she left us alone, I asked Thomas what he thought about this new 'girl'.

"Nice. Friendly. A teacher, like us, but still trying to get a contract job."

"That could be anyone... what has Myra all convinced she's the one?"

Thomas chuckled, then shook his head before saying, "The moment she walked in the cat and dog were... smitten."


Given the animals were rescues they were not always comfortable with newcomers. In fact. the cat had avoided Charlize whenever possible.

"Myra said the animals took to her the moment she got here."

I gave him a curious look.

"I did see for myself. When I got here the cat was in her lap and Mutt didn't even come over to greet me when I got home.... at least not right away and then he went back and sat by her."

I smiled. Remembering how long it had taken me to get the cat to be okay with me. Mutt was easier, but not much.

'So the animals love her..."

"Myra also said she had a feeling... I gotta trust those feelings."

I nodded. "So when do you think we'll hear back?"

"Not sure. Myra said her marriage was not good... she was looking to find a fresh start."

I had a picture in my mind of a middle age woman.

A week later Myra was dancing about telling us she had called back and would be moving in the beginning of September. All I could do was smile and hope this woman was as great as Myra claimed.

*Bonus: Writing Sprint OR Literary Devices â–¼
Writing Sprint: Complete today's assignment using the Write or Die sprint writing tool at writeordie.com . Set the time goal to 15 minutes and record your final word count = 565 words of brainstorming crap.
Literary Devices: Select three more literary devices from the previous list (Oct. 8 Bonus) and work them into your outline.

Poetic Justice - having the other woman get pregnant and trapping Carson into marrying him; Cheryl Barker is the other woman and she wants Carson - he won't move in with her, so she decides to stop taking her pill and not tell him. To do the right thing he may have to marry her, but he does have her do a paternity test first.

This gives me the web app since I don't want to pay $10 for an app on my computer.

Write or Die session = 565 words
I am trying out Write or Die again... it's been awhile and i need to get with it. so broainstorming might heal help I was thinking on Carson today and the poetic justice of him being trapped into having to marry a his summer girlefriend who he was cheating on Taryn with... the woman stops taking her pills and get pregnant. She lives in London and wants Carosn to move in with her but he tells her he would never move to London when he works at Toyota in Cambridge that would be stupid. so she says they could find a place in Kitchenre and she coudl move in with him but he does not like that idea. He likes her find and fine and ahs has fun with her but there area sp are aspects of her that he sometimes wonders if he coudl deal with... for one thing she is more girlie than Taryn ever was so she takes longer to get ready when they do go out on the town. Sure she can be cool with camping and white water rafting and not getting dolled up there but in town when they go to play pool she takes the extra time to get dolled up. She is not afraid to argue with himm though she keeps this on the down low at the beginning of their relationship - wh whe she tends to do all the things his wife didn't do in order to attract his ass but slowly she gets her hooks into him... thinking he may bail she stops her pills and gets pregnant. carson goes to Taryn to talk to her about this because he is missing he un- Cheryl like behaviour. he is regretting the thinkgs he did to her and regretting not being with her anymore.\
his sister is also telling him her he needs to tell his father that they are separated. whenever he talks to them he is alone. he visits them alone when tehy they need computer help or anything else but he avoids telling his dad he has failed at marriage a second time. It is probably not until after they return from Florida that in March that he tells his dad. his dad is disappointed.. and probably hurt because it has been so lone long sicne the break up and they never suspected.... does TAryn go to october thanksgiving with his family even though they are apart? She might... at that point on his older sister knows and he may not have told her they were apart because his sister wants Taryn to bring her casserole and eat with them. Caron may say it is okay but that ia all oh soorry i went to ke check my phone a maessage from Cindy i can get back to her later and that is fine. i just worried may be it was my own asshole husband wh o has been gone since about 6 30 last night... don't know when he will be home but that's fine. i prefer the quiet when he is not her here and i can get myy own writing and other work done without feeling like i am invading his basement space and so forthe their there a good writing session with is okayy for today and tdone

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