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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/862437-Cell-Phone-Rant
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#862437 added October 10, 2015 at 7:57pm
Restrictions: None
Cell Phone Rant
Prompt: Name one thing you wish your cell phone did for you that it currently does not.


All right, since you asked, be warned that this is going to be a rant.

That one thing I wish for my cell phone to do is to shut up. Even though I programmed it so that only my kids can call me, I don’t know how every merchant in the whole world can have access to it. Thank you very much, AT&T. With each part of your many services, you have managed to stink all areas of my life.

Needless to say, I hate cell phones of any kind. Mine is prepaid, called a Go-Phone, and it better go away, too, because I don’t touch it much, since it is buried in my purse, sometimes losing its charge. So much the better. The phone has many so-called helpful features like a calculator, memo, address book, a very bad camera, internet, etc., none of which I use.

Now that I grumbled and whined, for the sake of objectivity, I have to find something good about it, don’t I! Okay, I’ll say it is the tiny keyboard on it that lets me text instead of talk, even if its functioning perfectly is at best iffy. I’ll text instead of talk anytime. That way I won’t have to put up with the wavering connection to have me or the other person ask, “Would you repeat that again?”

People who know me know that I hate frivolous talk; although, for writing purposes I eavesdrop to all the frivolous talk going around me. If someone wants to get in touch with me, idle talk won’t do it. They have to have something solid to say. I especially hate it when people talk and talk and say the same thing day in and day out. I avoid wasting my time with such stuff and such people.

Besides, why should I bother? My hubby has an obsession. As well as opening every snail mail, be it junk, he answers every single call. Anyone who can’t get through to me knows to call him. He is like having my very own answering service. Isn’t such a husband wonderful?

On the other hand, to carry a personal, just-in-case cell phone with me was his idea.

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