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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/862365-Did-You-Say-Swift
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#862365 added October 9, 2015 at 3:37pm
Restrictions: None
Did You Say Swift?
Prompt: Vladimir Nabokov is noted for his playfulness of his language. One example "Do not be angry with the rain, it simply does not know how to fall upwards."
Describe something in an unusual manner by forming an unexpected association, let's see some playfulness in your writing.


I can be fast, in other words swift, like the moth called Swift that lays eggs underground and becomes a pest. Most pests are usually swift. There are many ways of being pest-like, by trying to be swift, such as the hotel guest who jumped out of the window in order not to pay what he owed to the hotel. Now, that was swift action on his part and would have worked, if he hadn’t broken his leg.

I am trying to be swift, too, pest-like with this prompt, although I am slow and can only think of people right now, who are Swifts, such as Taylor Swift, the singer who is said to be swift with the men in her life, just like Jonathan Swift, the author who was just as swift with women and satirical writing, but I bet both Swifts would be slow to learn the new programming language called Swift created by Apple for building iOS and Mac apps.

Although I wanted to take a bite from that Apple or Mac for a very long time, I am still lingering around Windows afraid to jump, thinking of the man who jumped from the hotel window. Any such swift change would break me in a worse way, and I don’t have many more years, let alone decades, to live.

Then, for writing all this, if I were to be sued by Taylor Swift, my death would be swift, too, due to the slowness of the courts.

As a note, I apologize for beating around the bush in swift, disconnected thoughts while holding my slow, sluggish pen.

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