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Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #2059791
Prep for Nanowrimo 2015 - I completed my 50,000 words by November 14, 2015.
#861873 added October 10, 2015 at 8:34pm
Restrictions: None
Day 9 - Antagonist Profile & Antagomnist Voice
Friday, Oct. 09
*Required: Antagonist Profile â–¼

Complete a character profile of your antagonist (your "bad guy" - the character creating conflict for your protagonist.) If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, write about what it is and how it will create the narrative conflict. Add the profile to your character database (if applicable.)

Further clarification:
- Wikipedia's definition of Narrative Conflict
- Newsletter Article: "When The Bad Guy Isn't a Person"
- "ANTAGONIST (Re: A LOT of confusing things)"


Name: Carson Keller

Birthday: June 6... a year after Taryn. He is a Gemini - meaning he can swing from being supportive and loving to cold and unfeeling when it suits him.
Place of birth: Kitchener... all his life.
Parents: Roy and Hilda Keller - they need to be Polish and German descent - last name is German descent. Hilda died when he was 14. Father remarried when he was 16.
What was important to the people who raised him: doing your best in all things, don't half ass anything; obedience to the rules laid out by the man of the house. Traditional.
Siblings: 2 older sisters who are 5 and 7 years older than him. He is the 'baby' and the preferred son.
Economic/social status growing up: middle class - Dad was a firefighter... later administrative; his mother worked at home, but does some waitressing at the Charcoal Steakhouse.
Ethnic background: German and Polish descent
Places lived: Kitchener only
Current address and phone number:
Education: Grade 12 technical; then Automotive technician at Conestoga College. Class A mechanic certification.
Favorite subject in school: gym and Tech.
Special training: Mechanics licence
Jobs: Mechanic at a dealership... then hired on at Toyota on line... hoping to get into the repair department.
Salary: Did well as a mechanic because he was very good, but could be sketchy; Toyota pays well but he is not happy on line. Great benefit package and income.
Travel: has taken trips to the Caribbean, Mexico and Florida with Taryn

Friends: beyond his family, Taryn is his longest relationship; past friendships have been more acquaintances and tended to wear down over time.... this fact is something that concerns Taryn when they first begin dating.
How do people view this character: He is seen as very competent and knowledgeable - his oldest sister often calls him for advise on what to buy. He also fixes her computers and car.
Lives with: Taryn
Fights with: Taryn; does not like his stepmother
Spends time with: As he tires of Taryn, he blames he for leaving him alone and tells her he has learned to prefer doing things alone... but in actuality he is having with another woman from work... since he does not make friends easily... thinking most people are idiots, Taryn assumes he is hanging with some new guys from work, though she suspects a woman (even though he said he would never be unfaithful = $$$).
Wishes to spend time with: Taryn, but over time he feels neglected (when she's writing) and he turns to another woman (
Who depends on him and why: Taryn because they are married and she does not a teaching contract to give her full time work and benefits.
What people does he most admire: his father (to a point)...
Enemies: doesn't really have any, though he is hard to get to know as he keeps his negative opinions to himself most of the time.
Dating, marriage: Marries Taryn just after she finishes Teacher's College - she is hired to supply list in June and hired to a half time LTO during the first round of interviews in July. Marriage is in August after 4 years of dating. Begins seeing a woman from Toyota who does more adventurous activities with him... and pool.
Children: none, he is not comfortable around other people's children and he is intolerant of the children that live around them.
Relationship with God: goes to church; believes in God... but does not always act kindly to others... he tends to ignore them.

Overall outlook on life: negative, blames outside of himself
Does this character like himself: yes and no... he hides his insecurities behind a macho façade
What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: to win the lottery and not have to work for a living... he would work, but only on cars and computers of his choosing.
What personal demons haunt him: insecurities about not being good enough... but he will not admit this to anyone.
Is he lying to himself about something: that he can do it all and doesn't need anyone.
Optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
Real/feigned: real
Morality level:
Confidence level: high in competence areas... not so much in the sexual area... he tends to let Taryn take the lead and she does not like that.
Typical day: works shift work - two weeks of days; followed by two weeks of nights. On days he is tired from being up sooo early and on nights he is irritable and cranky. Not the easiest guy to live with.

Physical appearance
Body type: athletic, broad shouldered 220 lbs football player
Head shape:
Eyes: blue
Mouth: kissable
Hair: dark brown with whisps of grey beginning prematurely. This bothers him... and he blames it jokingly on Taryn.
Tattoos/piercings/scars: no tattoos or piecings - he does not like such things. As for scars he has marks that he has gotten from growing up a daring boy - a small mark in his chin.
Voice: deep; Taryn can tell who he is talking to on the phone by his inflections and tones. When he is done with her he becomes stark and monotone.
What people notice first: That he is a quiet, bouncer-like person who is not easy to get to know.
Clothing: Work clothes for work; grubbies for working on the cars at home; nice clothes to go out... claims to look better than Taryn.
How would he describe himself: He is always right. He does not make foolish, stupid choices. He takes his time making decisions and does a lot of research. He is very anal about his vehicles and his car cleaners and accessories.
Health/disabilities/handicaps: Beginning to feel the effects of working online combined with years of playing sports... he blames Taryn for the stress in his life which he holds in his body.

Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy):
Strongest/weakest character traits: controlling tendencies and anal about his car and anything associated with it.
How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness: his confidence makes him believe his way is the only way to do something and he is not very accommodating to other viewpoints.
How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: this is high as he prides himself in doing nothing impulsively.
What makes him irrationally angry: Not being listened to; people doing stupid things... if they had listened to him and done what he had asked.
What makes him cry: losing his dog.
Talents: Cars and computers. he can fix anything as he sticks with it to figure out the problem.
What people like best about him: he is an honest car mechanic and computer repair person.

Interests and favorites - cars, computers, electronics, music and surround sound movie systems.
Political leaning: conservative.
Collections: Car waxes and accessories to detail and keep his car pristine.
Food, drink: not much of a drinker. Will have a beer or two with friends. likes his food a certain way; don't change a recipe he likes.
Music: ecclectic
Books: manuals and research websites. No fiction or poetry (which is Taryn's area - she doesn't even let him read her stuff)
Movies: action and adventure
Sports, recreation: football - to play and watch; any sport he will play; tennis, golf.
Did he play in school: all school teams.
Best way to spend a weekend: washing and detailing his car or someone else's if he is going to be paid.
A great gift for this person:
Pets: dog as an adult but only hamsters as a child.
Vehicles: G35; Mazda SUV
What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.) - 2 cars, home, most of the furnishings in their house are his - either bought together or bought from his family who were getting rid of something.
and which does he like best: clean cars.

Typical expressions
When happy:
When angry:
When frustrated:
When sad:

Laughs or jeers at: idiots
Ways to cheer up this person:
Ways to annoy this person: don't do what he asks you to do.
Hopes and dreams:
How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams:
What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why:
Greatest success:
Biggest trauma:
Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him:
What does he care about most in the world:
Does he have a secret:
If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be:
He is the kind of person who:
What do you love most about this character:
Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away:
How is the character ordinary or extraordinary:
How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary:

Core Need:
Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions,
compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses,
behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias):
Anecdote (defining moment):

Bonus: Antagonist Voice â–¼

Have your antagonist introduce themselves to us in first person using their own voice. Brainstorm ways to make their voice unique. If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, attempt to personify it and give it an explanation for interfering with your protagonist. Add the introduction to your character database (if applicable.)

Carson Keller
Negative and complaining.... blaming outside of himself.

I never do anything without researching it first. If I can avoid ding anything stupid or waste my money or time...
I don't understand Tarn... swear, how the hell can she be my wife? She does things withour thinking and hasn't a clue why when I ask her... and every time it costs me. She's a university grad... she's supposed to be smart, but I swear, she is the dumbest smart person I know. I don't know how much I've lost because she does things without thinking. If she'd just ask me or better yet, do what I tell her...
Her car... it's a pig style. She could live in there... books and shit all over the place. I bet her trunk is filled. If it wasn't for me taking care of it... she'd let it rot.
And I don't understand why the house isn't spotless. She's not working a lot right now and not at all in the summer... I don't count that 'client' she has that is just fun...
It wouldn't kill her to spend a couple of hours cleaning everyday. Especially cleaning up that damn spare room. She dumps everything in there! If we ever had anyone stay over we'd never be able to use it.... if I ever invited anyone over in the first place.
She pisses her time away - I swear I have no idea what she does with her day... but when I get home nothing looks different.
I swear she watches TV and reads all damn day - while I work my ass off providing nice stuff for us... I'm killing myself. She doesn't appreciate it either 'cause I come home to no dinner almost ready and half the time there is nothing for my lunches.
She thinks only of herself... if she really cared... she'd do what I asked and have dinner almost ready to eat when I get home. She'd make my lunches...
I don't think I ask for much... but if she's not working much then I don't see why she can't do more around here.
I tell her if she was working it wouldn't matter so much, but come on. Shouldn't a guy be able to expect a this a least?

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