Write a short bio for yourself in today's blog. Tell us all of your likes and dislikes.
![Meowll my new pet [#2057227]
Manx Cat from Japan](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
You're joking right? Turning point. I stood in my back yard and looked at the fields and forests. I thought, my children are grown up. I can do something I've already done or I can find something new to do. I was 54 years old.
Before the turning point, I worked in a manufacturing plant, trained horses, taught horse master ship, competed in dressage and 3 day events, groomed dogs, raised 3 boys and a girl, raised sheep, hunted deer, worked in a donut shop, raised dairy goats, was a PTA president, Cub Scout Master, hauled my children to 4-H, was married twice, widowed once, took homeschooling courses in veterinary Assistance and elementary computer programming. I lived in North Dakota, Florida, the Panama Canal Zone, and Texas. Although, I have spent most of my life on the farm I now live on In Pennsylvania. North Dakota, the Panama Canal Zone and Texas were during the 60's.
The summer I was 55 I spent taking a brush up course in General Math. My counselor at Edinboro University made me take the math before he would let me enroll in college. From the age of 55 to 60 I was a student at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. They also asked if they could test me for my interests. . I finished in the 99 percent group. The counselor said no one had ever tested higher than 95 and he was the 95. In layman's terms that means I am interested in everything. My daughter once said to me, "Mom you can't learn everything." 
I am a Christian. I believe Jesus is God he was visiting the earth in a human body. I laugh when people say the Virgin Birth isn't possible. This from people who now match up human sperm and eggs in test tubes. Who knows what some people will be able to do in the future.
I am in trouble with other Christians because I don't go to church. Oh well! I do not believe that any church or religion has a duty to evangelize the world. Probably my own view.
In college I took human biology, geography biology,beginning environmental biology, history courses, many health courses, college algebra, statistics, trigonometry, sociology, speech, graduated the school of Journalism, journalism photography, I took and internship with the Purple Martin Association as a journalist. I wrote for the Spectator and published in a local paper for the Elderly. I probably listed most of it maybe I missed something.
I took secretarial courses in High School. In High School I was Secretary to the Chorus, ran a switch board, (once cut the school nurse off in the middle of a telephone call, boy was she angry) and was editor for the senior class on the school newspaper.
At about age 30, I was going to church regularly and reading the bible avidly. At this time in life I was a in charge of a youth recreation after school time. I met the drug group of the area. I believe if people would tell the truth no matter how difficult it is their life would become amazing. I once submitted a resume of some of the things I have accomplished. The manager of the place read it and said I don't believe you no one could have done all this.
I've had at least 3 burn outs in my life when all I want to do is stay home pull the blinds and let humanity burn down the world by themselves. Now I'm aging so It is easier to be a recluse which is really the only way to keep from doing or saying something other people won't like. You asked for it don't blame me if its not what you expected.