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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/861659-Dumped-Mysteries
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#861659 added October 4, 2015 at 1:07pm
Restrictions: None
Dumped Mysteries
Prompt: Just for a minute imagine that mystery drawer....you know the one that collects everything under the sun, we all have one. Without opening, tell us what is in there and why? Do you really use the things that are there? Once you've written what you think, go peek... are you right about what lingers in that mystery drawer.


In reality, I don’t have a mystery drawer. I have a knick-knack drawer, and for dumped stuff, a room which was supposed to be my study, but it isn’t, since hubby and I work in another room together.

If I had a mystery drawer, however, it would hold all my procrastinations. One would be my plans for a few mysteries I thought of but never got around to writing, since I found out I am not all that much into writing mysteries. Another mystery file has the recipes I concocted but never got around to cooking or baking them. Still, another mystery holder has the poetry I wrote inside my head at the spur of the moment and never put it down on paper or inside a computer file. Then, there are mystery holders stacked up that I have never given another thought, due the passage of time, such as the phone calls I meant to make but something got in the way and I totally forgot.

To tell the truth, I don’t use the things in that drawer, and I don’t intend to in the near future. Procrastinations end up smelling of mold and mildew and I have no intention of airing those, and I don’t feel bad about this either. If I truly needed those things, I would have used them immediately, wouldn’t I? So I go on with my life, with new things and with whatever strikes my fancy. Why bother with stuff I have dumped in a drawer, which I had knowingly designed as the mausoleum for my procrastinations, in the first place!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/861659-Dumped-Mysteries