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Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #2059791
Prep for Nanowrimo 2015 - I completed my 50,000 words by November 14, 2015.
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#861484 added October 1, 2015 at 11:13pm
Restrictions: None
Day 1 - Premise/Idea & Theme
Thursday, Oct. 01
Required: Premise/Idea â–¼

Identify the following:
(1) Protagonist(s). Who is(are) your main character(s)?
Young woman - recently divorced has moved back in with her mother
Unmarried guy who is friends with her mother's neighbour - takes an interest in the young woman

(2) Goal(s). What do they want?
Young woman needs to find her way - get a teaching job and get her writing published - two dreams she wants and is not sure she can still attain if she is divorced.
Young man is interested in a romantic relationship but the woman is a little guy shy.

(3) Conflict. What is keeping them from their goal?
Her dream jobs require commitment and she worries she will not be able to support herself if she is on her own.
Young guy is interested in her but she holds him at a distance... afraid to loose herself in another relationship.

(4) Antagonist(s). Who(what) is creating the conflict?
Ex-husband - not sure if he is like Brett or if he is unfaithful or both - doors he want her back? Will she go back?

Bonus: Theme â–¼
Identify the theme or moral of the story. Brainstorm ways you could resolve your conflict within the confines of the theme.

Theme: follow your heart and your dreams will materialize.

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