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Rated: 13+ · Book · Detective · #2059454
A private eye story.
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#861321 added March 8, 2017 at 10:48pm
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book 2 Eagl's way Stitched Up.

{Book 2 link item to item2059454} to

A New Case for Eagle’s Way.
Stitched Up.

A retire policeman was nicknamed Eddie the Eagle because he could spot if a suspect was guilty of the crime being investigated.

. He set up his business in his garage in his home and was fitting some office furniture, the doorbell rang, an elderly lady entered the office. She was well dressed, and had short dark hair.He pulled out the chair for her to sit down.

'What can I do for you.' He asked.
She fumbled with her bag nervously before answering.
'I'm looking for my son he has been caught up in an incident and swears he is not connected with it, and fears he will be blamed
. 'Right stop there, and tell me what you know?' Eddie reached for a pen and a note book, and began jotting down notes. The account of her story was that her son was being stitched up for a crime he didn't do and it was his job to find him and prove he didn't do it.
Eddie studied the notes and the picture of Johnny Bell aged seventeen. He was invited to the party, and had just been released from prison a month before. He was enjoying the party when a crowd of youth’s gate crashed it. The lad who held the party went to investigate the intruders and he was stabbed and somehow Johnny was holding the knife, but he didn't use it. During the scuffle it had been thrust into his hand, and Johnny panicked and ran from the scene of the crime, and his finger prints were all over the knife. Eddie picked a folder out from the filing cabinet and wrote the words. Stitched Up. A new case to be investigated.

Johnny Bell was well away from the Edinburgh and was sitting in an apartment in Holland. He only went out when necessary, he was keeping out of sight.
Eddie made his way in the morning to board a ferry bound for Holland. He had a pleasant journey and arrived on time. He was met by one of his old colleagues who previously booked him into a hotel. They had breakfast together and discussed the case. Eddie followed his friend’s advice and they were to keep this from the police. Johnny would be persuaded to hand himself in if and when they find him, but Eddie had to find the evidence to prove him not guilty.
They searched the most popular tourist attractions but still there was no sign of Johnny and they gave up for the night. Tomorrow he would go back to the docks and see if there was any record of an address to where he might be staying. They rounded the evening off with a few pints at the pub.

Eddie to and his friend is at a dead end to where Johnny is hiding.
'I will have to leave you my friend and go and start my shift at the police station and my Boss will have my guts for garters if he knows that I'm working on your case.

Eddie and his friend parted, and he decided to hire a car, but in the back of his mind he thought that Johnny would be going around on foot. He hired the car anyway.
‘Next stop breakfast. ' Although it was nearer lunch time when he looked at his watch. He entered the cafe, looking around hoping to spot Johnny, but there was no sign of him. He sat out on the tires with his breakfast, and in the warm sunshine he ate heatedly
Johnny was laying low in a friend’s house who he met in jail, Things were quiet, but he knew this would only be for a short time before his friend would ask him to do a job with him, and he needed to get away before this happened. He let out a sigh, and thought I seem to be getting deeper into trouble. He decided to go when his friend went out. He slipped his passport into his rucksack and prepared to leave at the first opportunity.

Next morning Robert suddenly said,
‘Let’s get out of here and have some fun?'.
Johnny groaned,
'I'm hiding.'
'Nobody knows your here.'
And Johnny decided to go with Robert

He took him to the Coffee house where they sell dope, and is legal to buy it in the coffee house. Robert thought he would play a trick on Johnny and purchased a pint of beer and two pieces of cake. He had no idea that the cake was laced with dope. Robert watched the effect that it was having on Johnny.
'Wow this is strong beer.' said Johnny
‘Yep nothing but the best is sold here.' Robert replied, and ordered more and soon they were soon quite tipsy. They spent their time playing music and the slot machine. Johnny began to sober up.
'I have had enough for one day let's go home?'
And they played the bill and left the premises. Back at Roberts he felt safe again, and hooked his computer on to the TV to see the English news, and discovered they were on to him.
'You should go back and plead your innocent.' Remarked Robert.
How can I my finger prints are all over the knife.
He tried to remember the events of the night of the party and to who put the knife into his hand

Johnny crept out of Robert's apartment during the night, and although Robert seemed Supportive there was just something about him that wasn't right. He did long term jail sentences, and had the feeling that Robert was planning to do a job. The trips to the casino and always being around the area.
'He is up to something and I can't be involved, I'm in enough bother trying to clear my name without any more bother.

Eddie was coming out from the bus station He took the photo from his top pocket and looked at it.
'Well Johnny lad I hope I can find you before anyone from the law finds you.'
He entered the cafe in the bus station. And came face to face with Johnny. He couldn't believe his eyes, and he sat down beside him.
'Do you mind if I join you.' Johnny looked at him and began to panic, his
Mind racing did this person know him?
'I'm just leaving.' He heard himself say, and Eddie quickly added.
'I'm here on behalf of your mother, now you can run or hear what I have to say. Johnny looked at him disbelieving Eddie's statement.
'I have been hired by your mother to find out who has stitched you up. As long as you stay here the real culprit is sitting at home feeling pretty confident that you will go down for this and not him.'
Eddie ordered two coffee's and explained to Johnny that he was going to do his best to clear his name, but he would have to go back with him and turn himself
'You now have someone on your side, and I will do my best to get you bail,
Johnny travelled back to Edinburgh to turn himself in, but not before Eddie had every piece of information from him, about who was at the party, and who was near him when the scuffle took place when the youth was stabbed. Johnny visited his mother before handing himself over to the police. Eddie went along with him, but had no power to stop him from going back to jail, because of his recent release from prison, and he was still out on license. Eddie gave him his word he would continue with the case and prove him innocent. After leaving the Police Station, he arrived home to his wife and family to spend the evening.
Next day Eddie studied the information Johnny gave him and he had come across a few youths on the list, known to him when he was on the police force. The one he was sure that would be likely to be the culprit was known for being involved in similar cases, and he was almost sure that he was the culprit. He was known by the name of Teddy Boy Joe, and has the reputation of being a hard man.
Eddie put his jacket on, it was time to do some detecting, and followed the lead Lanky gave him, and was as he suspected, the four lads that gate crashed the party were sticking together.
'If only the group would separate, so I can approach one of them,” he muttered.
‘Somebody must have a conscience for the stabbing? ‘
And he continued to trail them from a safe distance.
Lanky took over from him, and Eddie went down the local pub to meet his buddies on the police force to find out if they had any news on the case.

Johnny in jail waiting for news from Eddie, and he began to doubt that he would keep his word about finding the person who did the stabbing. He had dark mood swings, and put all his energy into going to the gym because he really wanted to hurt someone, and working on his boxing skills released his anger.
Eddie gathered the information they had on the case, the police had a suspect locked up and were sure they could get a conviction on him. He had a few pints with his friends, but didn't say much about the case,. He finished his pint and left the pub.

Lanky had observed the lads having a scuffle between themselves, and reported back to Eddie, and this was the lead Eddie was waiting for, and he thought, maybe one of them has a heart, and doesn't like carrying the guilt around, and when he next saw them together there were only three of them.
‘A break through at last.' And he noticed fat boy Joe the teddy seemed to be the leader of the group, and the missing youth was a younger boy, than the rest.
Eddie decided to after him.

Saturday morning and Eddie is parked up on the corner of the street where Peter lives. He can see the front door of his home. It's the day of the Darby, and he is studying the horse racing page in his newspaper.

Peter too is studying the horses. He usually goes with his dad to the betting shop and then on for a pint at the local pub. He is apprehensive about going out, but his father would be expecting to go out with him.
'Oh well I suppose I better get ready.' He muttered, and made his way to the
Shower room. He was almost ready when his dad called.
'Come on Peter are you nearly ready?'
He came out of his bedroom and joined his father.
Eddie seeing them leave followed on foot. The betting shop was full and they joined a few friends. Peter looked around and to see if fat Joe the Teddy was in the shop, but there was no sign of him and he began to relax.
Eddie blended in with the other customers, not too near Peter so he wouldn't be spotted observing them.. They placed their bets and left the shop to go into the pub across the road and again Eddie followed them. They sat together near the TV. With the big screen to watch the racing.

He took a seat a few tables away from them. Peter's dad noticed his son was quieter than usual,
'What's up with you? I’ve noticed you hanging around the house lately and you're not saying much today.'
'I'm alright I’ve not been feeling to well.'
His dad looked at him, but wasn't convinced of his of his explanation and turned back to the racing. Eddie waited patiently for Peter to go to the Gents, and he hadn't long to wait. Peter left the table, and he followed, but his dad noticed Eddie following his son. He arrived in the gents to see them speaking, and hearing part of the conversation when Eddie was accusing Peter of withholding evidence, and wrongly imprisoning an innocent man.
Peter's dad followed his son into the gents, and he witnesses Eddie accusing his son of sending an innocent man to jail.
'What's going on here? He asked.
'It's OK Dad.'
'No it's not OK who are you? And why are you questioning my son.'
I'm a private investigator.'

'What have you done? Peter.
'I haven't done anything but I'm involved in gate crashing a party and there was a stabbing.'
‘ If you turn yourself in, you will be given a lighter sentence which might keep you out of prison.'
‘Give us until tomorrow?'
'If you won’t tip off the others involved.' Peter nodded in agreement.
His dad went back to the racing, but phoned the family solicitor. They tried to enjoy the rest of the day but decided to go home and give the news to his mother.

On Sunday after dinner, Peter, his dad and the family solicitor went to the police station. Later on the same day Eddie handed over the recording of the conversation that had taken previously in the snooker hall. The rest of the group were rounded up by the police except Fat Joe the Teddy.
Fat Joe was almost home when he witnessed his brother being hand cuffed and being put into the police car, and jumping behind a wall waited to they left before entering his home.
'What do they want? He asked casually.
'His mother answered I don't know but they are asking after you.'
He didn't answer and went to his room, packed a bag, and left the house. Fat Joe the Teddy was on the run,.
The rest of the group were charged with holding evidence and affray. Peter was given probation, and Johnny was set free without conviction.

Back in his office, Eddie lifted out the folder marked
'Stitched Up' and wrote across it.
‘Case Solved
© Copyright 2017 Mary Ann MCPhedran (UN: cookson2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Mary Ann MCPhedran has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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