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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/860845-At-the-Home-Front
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#860845 added September 24, 2015 at 9:59am
Restrictions: None
At the Home Front
Prompt: Name five things that make your house a home.


1. My husband
2. Family and friends who drop by
3. Brain and entertainment material: My Books, note-books, pens, E-readers, music players, and other electronics, etc.
4. Things for my creature comforts: My bed, kitchen and food
5. Anything else under our roof; plus, my home is the place where I feel free to talk and think, however illogically at times.*Laugh*

*News* And a few notes from the home front:

*Thumbsup* Who says banks are hard-core cruel? I think they are on the warpath to correct that notion.
Yay for Bank of America that is partnering with our local food bank!
On the other hand, September is Hunger Action Month and any institution that gets their name mentioned is trying to whitewash what’s under. Still, something’s better than nothing.
I only wish such efforts could be year-round. *Smile*

*Thumbsdown* This morning, someone rang the doorbell around seven. We weren’t even dressed, yet. It was some religious solicitation.
They made me decide to vote for the first candidate who promises to outlaw door-to-door religious propaganda on the federal level.
Instead, I might just decide to turn into an atheist, and put a note declaring it on the front door; however, this might backfire, too, as it would draw all the nuts to my door, trying to "improve" me.

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