A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
This week in Texas, a fourteen-year-old Muslim boy was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school ...his teachers mistook the item for a bomb. Was this the right move, or did the teachers in question blow this situation too far out of proportion? Are we now erring on the side of too much caution? I have a lot of thoughts about this: 1. What was the teachers previous experience with this child inside of class room settings? 2. What is the teachers record as far as dealings with other students? The articles I read did not answer enough questions about the situation to actually know if the teacher was blowing this situation out of proportion? 3. Was there any reason to believe this child would bring a bomb to school? 4. TV programs always set off bombs with ticking devices. Bombs don't always work that way. 5. Did the student present his clock in a manner that would cause the teacher to flake. Kids do things like that then use the old saying, "I was just joking." Don't forget the teachers are on the front line. They are suppose to teach but the situation in schools makes them police. I don't like incomplete knowledge in journalism. Our fast news media leaves out a lot of detail which is only found by in depth research. I would probably get myself killed by asking questions before I called the cops. On the other hand I took one course called Violence in America. It was a controversial course. Many Professors were against it being submitted into the curriculum. One of the main points presented said, You can stop some perpetrators if you can talk to them 30 seconds before the actual violent act. Since 911/2001 I myself, doubt the truth of this fact in psychology. Immediately after 911 Muslims in the USA put out statements proclaiming their beliefs in favor of peace not violence. There are websites now manned by Muslims trying to get a hold on teenagers and pressing belief against violence. I've read and reviewed books about Muslims. People I've talked to believe the USA citizens are being fed a pack of lies about the peacefulness of USA Muslims. "I've looked at things from both sides now, from win and lose and learning how. It's life's (loves) illusion I recall. I really don't know life (love) at all." (Nice Melody) |