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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/860292-Music-and-thinking---September-16
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#860292 added September 17, 2015 at 6:14pm
Restrictions: None
Music and thinking---September 16
Prompt: Music is the art of thinking with sounds. Do you agree?


I don’t know whether I agree or not, because I feel music; I don’t think it. Music, however, does effect the brain, as it has been shown in some studies, such as the claim of the Mozart Effect increasing intelligence. This I am not too sure of, since I listen to Mozart a lot because I like its sprightliness, and my intelligence…oh, well…let’s not go there.

In addition, to accurately say what music is would be talking over my head. So far that I know of, no one has been able to perfectly define music. Yet, we all know what music is.

The factors that combine to form music are natural in origin, from the tempo and the sounds of nature such as the rain falling or the sound of waves, or they may even be coming from inside us, inside the sounds and rhythms of our physical bodies, while our brains may be analyzing all this data. The brain could have a say in it, but I feel happy, or sad, or moody, depending on what I am listening to, and those to me are feelings.

To wrap it up, my music perception comes through moods and feelings, not because my brain makes me think logically, in terms of cause and effect.

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