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A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
Do you believe the end of the world will come to pass during your lifetime? In a general sense No! Our sun is not old enough to blink. Scientific fact is against it. More blue planets are being found. Besides, I've been reading lots of books all my life not just since computers came along. I do love that I can research any subject and find information fast. Plus, with kindles I now have access to all kinds of books through libraries on Overdrive, Amazon, and other places. Some books I buy, others I can read free. First you research a subject than you dig deep to find the parts that are not generally known or swept out of the way so people won't find them. ![]() Did you know that in a recent study of the mind, one person was able to give a mental message to another person from the USA to somewhere in India or Africa. (read it in a science magazine). I do not believe in the phrase conspiracy theories either. People try to create situations with psychology. I know that real Christianity is something different than doctrinal ideology. I'm not going into all the things that can be proved if people look for the truth and want the answers. Besides, for every organization, that is trying to hide info or pull the wool over someones eyes, there is another one that is trying to spread information so the world can pull out of its funk. Sometimes evil is louder than truth. Like all countries the United State public is often subject to propaganda. Do we have problems? Yes. Are guns or violence an easy solution? No. Will Jesus return soon? Since he is God, I bet it will be when he chooses not when people choose. Does he want war. Ask him! Anyway in the form of the Holy Spirit he is with us always. O.K. any more questions just ask, if I don't know, I'll try to find the answer. ![]() apondia#1781748 |