A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
Excellent! A day to catch up on my blog . Just put this in as a thought I do not really believe in everything I read so don't call the . The farrier came yesterday to do the horses feet, all went well . For you non horsey types I want to say the job of putting shoes on horses or trimming horse feet can be very strenuous . At one time, there were not many people around Northwest Pa. that worked in this profession . Thanks to people dedicated to animal care we now have more farriers to call on, who will do the job without causing stress to the horses . I baked an pie yesterday. The apples were from one of the in the yard. Used ready made crust from the store . Had to improvise the last emoticon I could not find the emoticon for pie Did anyone see the news report about the little girl who uses a robot to go to school She has an illness that affects her breathing and circulatory system . So the school set up a two wheel robot with a remote screen. She can sit with a computer home a mile away from the school. With a link like skipe she can fully participate with the other children in the classroom. They put down red tape lines so she can control the robot from her and actually move where ever the class goes. She can drive up to individual classmates and speak to them directly. The robot looks like the one Sheldon used on The Big Bang Theory. Heat with heavy humidity here all week; excellent weather. We had heavy rain, and thunder last night. If the skies stay clear today I might be mowing the lawn . See Ya . |