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The Reincarnation of the Spirit |
Eating a hamburger is delicious, but it is also sacrilege if your a Hindu. To a Hindu eating beef is like eating your mother, because they drink the milk from cows. Donald Trump has been asked does he believe Jesus is God. He said that was a personal question and gave no hint of what he believes. Is that okay ? Does a Presidential candidate have to believe that Jesus is God to get elected? I think they must appease the Christian voters. Consider the question of a just war. Isis is cruel to any one they believe to be an infidel. That is their faith. Secular society is threatened by Isis. What is the just response to Isis? War. Donald Trump wants to invade Iraq with Marines and take the oil fields for the United States. This can be done with overwhelming fire power. But, is this ethically correct? Let's assume Iran does nothing to stop this and Russia is nuetral .. Millions of Iraqis citizens will be killed by bombings. And there is no exit plan. How many American soldiers will be killed my this new war? I am asked occasionally if I am moral. I answer, "I want to be loved." In my humble universe, love is the moral. Hell is hate. Insanity is the total loss of hope. The problem with Isis is they believe in a God of hate. You cannot reason with a fanatic. Do you know what you did wrong? If you don't. Then you are invisibly ignorant. That is amoral. If you do what you are told without question. You are not making a choice to be moral. If you obey God's commandments because you fear God, then you are a coward. . That is not moral either. Morality is a code of conduct for true believers. Here is a silly antidote ~ Superman decides to put an end to weapons of mass destruction. He uses his kyptonian technology to rule the world. Can anyone be moral in a world with no free will? Superman has enslaved the world.+ And an utilitarian would expect nations and faiths to make war. Just as predators compete for hunting and breeding space so do people. It is a culling of the herd. Perhaps, a God preordained all of the evil. "God wills good to come from evil." Saint Thomas Aquinas remarked. But, then there would be no choice and no moral decision .. Bill Oreilly would be a puppet. @@ V |