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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/857808-Dogs-and-Cats
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#857808 added August 19, 2015 at 12:37pm
Restrictions: None
Dogs and Cats
Prompt: To a dog, you're family. To a cat, you're staff. {I have a kitty I love dearly!} Do you agree?


I had both dogs and cats. To all of them I was family. If anything, cats considered me more of a family, but to the dogs, everyone was family, once they got warmed up to the people. This makes me think that dogs are promiscuous while cats are faithful. The only cat that doesn’t consider the people in the house as family is probably a Siamese, but not all the time either. A Siamese usually gets attached to one person the most; the others, he only tolerates. I know this from my son's Siamese who is now in cat heaven.

Dogs also need more attention time than cats. If they don’t get it, they’ll make sure, one way or another, that you play with them. A cat, on the other hand, if you don’t play with him, is happy to be snoozing near you or on your lap.

I guess this might relate to the way dogs and cats drink water. A dog uses his entire tongue to lap the drink while a cat uses only the tip of his tongue.

Some trainers claim that dogs are trained more quickly than cats. My experience negates that. If you have a cat who really loves you, he’ll do exactly what you want him to do, while a dog will act like he didn’t hear you. My favorite dog was a New Foundland mix, and as nice as he was, he had a mind of his own, whereas my cats were more adaptable to new conditions.

One thing I like about dogs is that they don’t climb on top of things in the house. They are floor bound, except maybe they’d sit on the sofa or the armchairs. The cats, on the contrary, they are all over the place, knocking things off high places; although, I once had a tabby who learned to stay on the ground level or, at most, on my lap.

Having said all this, do I prefer cats to dogs or vice versa? No way! Each species has its pluses and minuses, and when all is said and done, they both are the best companions one can ever get.

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