Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/857235-There-was-only-one-person-Shes-not-an-enemy
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#857235 added January 3, 2016 at 4:13pm
Restrictions: None
There was only one person; She's not an enemy!
         “Alright then. Talk. Who are you guys?” I look at them trying to see what I can spot. One of them looks familiar; have I seen this girl before?
         “Whatever do you mean, my dear Matthew?” the primary one asks, walling down like a predator.
         “You know exactly what I mean. You've been invading my dreams for too long now. It has to stop; I just want to know what you really want.”
         “Oh, sweet Matty-kun,” Come on! “There aren't any real words to describe what you will feel later.”
         (Shing!) “Enough. I know that's you, Waynette, but who is the other girl?”
         “Ugh, fine. Cuddles, the jig is up.”
         The sword clattered as it fell from my hands. The other girl shamefully looked down as she began to transform into the snowshoe I know and love... well, paternal means anyway. “Cuddles..?” The shock made me walk back a bit.
         “Matt, I...” the tears told me that there was something she needed to tell me... and again, it just can't be.
         She jumped to my arms and rubbed her face in my chest. “Because... I love you...”
         Aw... but... “Why..?”
         “Doesn't matter why! She has no right better than me! Don't you do anything with her or so help me, I will claw both your and her eyes out!” Wayne lashes.
         “Calm down!” I reply. “Cuddles, tell me.”
         “It's just that... you were always there for me when I needed you most, I was the one who you confides all of your secrets, you always said you loved being with me, and when Judith came into our lives, I felt threatened. I thought she was gonna take you away from me, like my last owner!”
         Last owner? “I thought he died?”
         “That was after they found me. Before, I used to be his best friend, just like you. But then this new girl came and he spent less time with me.” By then, I sat down on a bench I brought up. “It was soon that they left me completely; they abandoned me!” I think she needed to give a hug because she went back to her human form and crushed me with one.
         “You always said you loved me, but if you were gonna leave me, at least I have a few things from you and--” I had to stop her. I never had any intention of doing that.
         “Cuddles, look,” I bring her up to see her face. She has gorgeous blue eyes, “I'm not gonna leave you. I may be spending time with Judith, but I promise you, I'm not gonna abandon you. And also, I think you've mislead how I say I love you.”
         “Yes, I know. It's just my animalistic emotions.”
         “That's understandable. But just remember, even though Judith may be my girlfriend now, you'll always remain my best friend. Okay?”
         “(Sniffle) Okay.” I don't like people being this way. And what I said is true: I'm not leaving her.
         But, “How were you able to do this? You're not an Asteinieran, you don't have magic abilities, and Maybelle for sure wouldn't do this; she's very lawful good, it sickens this chaotic neutral spirit.”
         “Damn right!” I see him going back to facing what looks like me. Huh. With sine willpower, I send him to some other plane.
         “(Sigh) Poor kid, but no seriously, how?”
         “I may have borrowed something from Steph?” she coyly replies. I laugh, thinking how can she get something like that and know what it was.
         “Look, Cuddles, maybe. I'm not sure how our customs work, but just maybe, okay? But I don't want you to wait for me and not live free. Who knows what can happen?”
         “(Whine) Alright. Can we at least do something though?”
         “Hmm? What would that be?”
         Tues, 7/30. It's more or less around noon. We're standing in front of Maybelle's hut where she's getting all the ingredients for Cuddles' favor. “Just a sec.” Vials and flasks were flying out of a shelf as she's looking for specifics.
         “So, just the fact that you're proving you can turn an Earth cat to an anthropomorphic is favor enough for you?”
         “Well, yeah! You have no idea how long I've been waiting to try this out!”
         Huh. Well then. “So, are you sure you're okay with this, Judith? I mean, she is very affectionate.”
         Judith looks somewhat unapproved. “Will, she does just want this right?”
         “(Whispering) Oh, my, jeez-- sigh. (Normal) Alright. Get ready.”
Maybelle: Honestly, I don't even know why I'm doing this for them. They don't know our rules. But if I do, then I'll have to ask to join and I'm pretty sure Matt doesn't want to be that paranoid. Well, at least until we get all this settled, then maybe.
         Cuddles stood in the middle of a spiritual circle where Maybelle was creating the spell. She chants in some foreign language and a light is coming from Cuddles. I was about to walk in if it wasn't for Judith holding me back and my hand. She's in good ones.
         As soon as the light became brighter and died out, I squint to see what's going on. Oh my God!
         “Cuddles?” She was beautiful! Tall as Judith, actual hands and human facial features, though her wavy hair is a grayish blond, and she still has fur everywhere, she's more or less Judith's proportions, and her blue eyes. … well, a guy can still wonder.
         “Yeah, Matty, it’s me!” She threw herself to give me a hug and only then do I realize she still has a tail. Huh.
         “Hey, guys, there's something rampaging in the field so I figured that you would--” Wayne stopped immediately after seeing Cuddles. “--would...”
         I heard some music playing. Then the lyrics going, “Say you... Say me... Say it for always...” Oh wait, that's just in my head, ha. Though it would've been fitting here.
         “Something rampaging, huh? We'll check it out. Cuddles, stay here; I'll be back.”
         "Yea, right just wait here, and uh... Let's just go, Matt!" He left in a hurry. I just shrug and follow him, along with Judith. Now who is the menace we-- whoa!
         “Look out!” I grab the two and dodge a power blast headed towards us.
         “(Foreign language)” That guy?
         “Dude, who are you trying to protect exactly!?” I yell, confusing my two teammates.
         “Novaricel! She's being attacked right now! I must find her! She can't live without me!”
         “Who the hell is Novaricel!?”
         “Judy, help me!” I heard from a small voice. I look around and see Brittany running about, avoiding attacks from... Retnil!?
         “Retnil, stop!” I managed for his quakes to end end bit. “What is your major malfunction!?”
         “She's the reason these attacks have been happening!” Brit is now in her sister's arms.
         “Called it, Totally called it!" He seems to excited. "Let's cream it!" Uncalled for! He was about to go after her with the stupid, but thanks to my magnetism, spirituality, and quick thinking, ha, I stop Wayne, that thing and Brittany from going anywhere. I think Lady Marell sense all this ruckus and came into our views.
         “What in God’s name is happen-- OH!”
         She saw that I was containing three people, the destruction caused by Retnil and the position the three were in. No teddy bear either. Wayne was about to attack while the foreigner was about to either possess Brittany or protect her, whatever that meant.
         “Matthew, explain.” Her tone wasn’t exactly mean or demanding, but it for hell as sure isn’t what I'm used to.
         “Well, from what I can gather, this guy is supposedly protecting Brit, whatever that means, Retnil and Wayne decided to attack her, I'm just containing everything, you're flying there, and Cuddles is now an anthro. What's more to tell?” Yeah, I have to lighten the situation somehow.
         “(Sigh) Hand them over, Matthew. With some time, I will tell you what is occurring.”
         With some reluctance, I hand over both bubbles of Brit and the thing to Lady Marell. With some effort, she falls asleep and the demon is regressed to... the teddy bear.
         “Tiny evil supervillain. What'd I tell y'all?”
         “Shut up, Wayne.”
         After about 10 minutes, we're sitting in the field, trying to pass the time. Judith is starting to get worried about what might happen to Brittany. I can't really say that I blame her. I mean, she did make an impact on all of us.
         She's pacing back and forth, ultimately stopping at the touch of my hand on her shoulder. One slow long breath layer, Marell gives us the news.
         “As far as my analysis can tell me, our young one here isn't cursed or in anything malicious. No, the other one is the cause of all this.”
         “What do you mean?” Judith asks.
         “Whatever was infused in the object is apparently corrupted, only worried about the safety of Brittany, only he doesn't know what harm it's really causing.”
         "So- She is not a tiny supervillain? But, the teddy is? Let's decapitate it works in the movies." He raised his blade which I bring down.
         “Forgive me for saying that the idea of decapitation is foolish, but if that action were to occur, you would just release the spirit encased and would prove more difficult to handle. He possesses our young one here to protect her from anything. And even her family is treated as such.”
         “But have you any idea of who it is?” I ask, to decide whether or not to go easy. Then again, this was a painful thing to begin with.
         “...” She's hesitating. Oh, no. “It's her father.”
         “... wh... what?” Judith was appealed when she heard that her own father was the one doing all this.
         “But, there is a bit of hope.” This calmed her down. With some effort, I may be able to split the corruption from him. That way, we may have a chance at receiving answers.”
         I nod and hold Judith. Should anything happen, at least I can defend her. Marell starts to bring up power and carefully starts to bring it towards the cha, essentially lining it up somehow.
         “Stand back.” A few steps doing so and the bubble finally splits. An explosion occurs and the two spirits are now separate. Brittany was now awake and was able to witness the work done and is currently being held by Judith. Her father was trying to get up and only manages a kneel. And as soon as she saw the entity on the ground,

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