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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/856363-Magic-that-I-dont-Have
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#856363 added August 3, 2015 at 5:24pm
Restrictions: None
Magic that I don't Have
Prompt: “Hidden in his magic cloak, Siegfried left by the gate that opened on to the shore. There he found a bark, and boarding it unseen, sculled it swiftly away as though the wind were blowing it.” From Nibelungenlied, How Siegfried sailed to fetch his vassals
What would your magic cloak or anything magical as a helper be, and what could you accomplish with it? Take it anyway you wish.


Magicians probably study human behavior, expressly how people act and respond, to come up with their magic tricks. Yet, can tricking people be considered as real magic? I guess not. Real magic lies in everyday things, such as the way nature shows us its magic when the sun rises, a bud opens on a stem, waves lick the sand leaving their foam behind, and the sunsets paint the skies with different color combinations each evening.

The true magic for me lies in the belief of the thing. I don’t know how this magic exactly works. Is it because we believe in the idea that our mind makes us perform the magic to make that thing appear or is it because some higher form or being takes pity on us, for reasons known only to it/her/him, and brings forth the occurrence we wish?

If I had some kind of a real force as if magic in this world--call it a magic cloak, magic clock, magic cap or anything you wish—the very first thing I would want to do would be to end all wars on our planet. When you look at history, really look at it, you find that any one war started with a cause, good or bad, multiplied and became complicated enough to cause a string of other wars with its repercussions continuing decade after decade and century after century. I believe nothing hurts mankind as much as this bottomless pit of the warring urge.

Unfortunately, I don’t have that magical prop to help us all.

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