Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/856014-Things-really-are-getting-shifty
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#856014 added August 6, 2015 at 12:58pm
Restrictions: None
Things really are getting shifty...
         Next thing I realize is that everyone is looking at the newsreel and are in awe that I can do that now. It was only Techno-Travel that I was able to do this.
         Techno-Travel is an exclusive move for Energy Majeylins. It allows us to utilize technology in many different ways, whether it's pressing a button, moving through a satellite, or traveling to a different dimension, ranging from TV shows all the way to probable alternate realities. But so far, all I can do is break the 4th wall. Yeah, I mean you. Ha.
         “So you saved 567 lives today, huh?” Judith asks. Where is everyone else? Probably still asleep. Good thing that with everyone’s help, we were able to extend this house to make a room for Brittany. Well, as best as we could. They pay mortgage so that wasn’t a problem. Now that I’m thinking about it…
         Anyway, she has her own room now, making this a 3 bedroom. Though, they went on a really long shopping spree for everything else. Heh, I had to carry most of the things… any metal thing, anyway.
         “Yeah, though it was hard to get that thing to slow down. I then realize that the teddy bear is on the couch and not in Brittany’s arms where it usually is. I saw it even in the fire.
         I then hear cans rattling outside. Wayne. Is he living there now?
         “What is that cat up to?” I ask myself, walking out. I go to the side of the porch, looking at the trashcans being overthrown. “What are you doing?”
         “(Echo) Call me ungrateful, but I really like doing this. Then again, I am half cat. Oof! Ow.” The can went to its side as his head popped out. As a courtesy, I lift it back upright; they are metal after all.
         “Shouldn’t you be utilizing this time to do some training? The fairies will gladly teach you how to--”
         “(Gradual) Nag, nag, nag. Why would I need to train? My instincts do just fine and the sword knows what it's doing.” He pull the blade out of the trashcan. “Makes a good metal detector too; I found 75 cents, a paperclip, and whatever this is.” He pulls out a little robot thingy that looks like Stephanie’s. Wait, that IS hers!
         “That, my friend, is Steph’s little bot helper. While she does most of her own work, she does eventually ask for tools when she’s 3 to 4 days deprived of sleep. Can I have it back?”
         “Pbbt, finders keepers.”
         “I'll give you this yarn ball.” I pull out a pink one. Michelle tried to take up sewing but... eh.
         Comically, he jumped out and took it from me. “Deal!”
         He starts playing with the thing, pushing it left and right. Then starts shaking his head. “Wait, wait, wait, no, before I get too distracted. Matt, I think there’s something wrong going on here.”
         “What do you mean?” I ask. Finally he gets serious for once. Probably just for this once.
         “Have you noticed that weirder things are happening now that Brittany came into our lives? I mean, sure, stuff was crazy before, but I mean even weirder things, like yesterday, or this morning when you caught the plane, or whatever you did.”
         “When you think about it like that, I’m assuming that you think she’s responsible for everything.”
         “Duh! I think she’s evil. Evil, like a tiny little supervillain!"
         “You have a lot of nerve making that accusation. If anything, she can barely do intermediate algebra yet; how would she be capable of doing malicious activity?”
         “I can agree with Warnorkal, but for it to be Mihaylen's sister is too great of an argument.” When did Retnil get here?
         “See, He agrees with me- How are you so quiet!? For once, even this walking granite block agrees.”
         “Eh, kinda. He's just being 'gneiss',” I joke.
         “Yeah, ha. But seriously, how can you two even tell? There isn't any energy exactly being given off.”
         “Cat intuition.” Really? I kick the ball a bit and he starts after it. Retnil is not impressed.
         “It's a weakness that he's gonna have to try and control, but take my word, Arseron, there is something odd going on. I can't say that I completely understand it either, but we need to beware.”
         “I'm not saying that I can't trust your word for it, Retnil, but what you're saying is a bit farfetched. I will recommend that you don't investigate however. Things are okay so far and I'd like to keep it that way.”
         To prove wrong, a hole was made in the front of the house, to which we were lucky enough to avoid the debris. “Steph...”
         “Whoa! Oof!” caught by none other than Retnil. “Thanks, bro. The results would've been catastrophic if not for your ultimate convenient position.” And once again, her lab coat is ruined. That's, what, the seventh one this month?
         “May I ask what you were doing? Unless you're trying to create a specific bomb, then you should really take precaution.”
         “Do your eyes deceive easily that covering me is a full body Kevlar suit?”
         “Well, you can fool me, Quendria.” I forgot to tell him that her IQ is 657. But even then not a lot of people will believe the words coming from an 8-year-old. Then another explosion happened from somewhere else, a few miles east.
         “What was that?”
         “It’s… not an earthquake, though something is causing an activity of relation. The vibrations are too high for it to be one.”
         Transforming back, I fly over to the ruckus and see that it is no ordinary situation in which will just be an isolated incident.
         Laughing maniacally and throwing bombs of some sort stood a demon. Dark red, orange outline with orange eyes, only somewhat opaque. Yep, demon. The first one I've encountered since Reverse Attribute. Hmm.
         “Hey, over here!” He gets distracted. Then starts ranting in a foreign language. Then he throws the equivalent of a Fireball. I deflected it back to him and he gets caught off guard. Immediately, I counter with my own element and it throws him to a building he didn't even touch. Sigh.
         He makes an imprint and stays there due to the convenient metal I placed around him. It started to flap around trying to escape. Fat chance.
         “Talk. Who are you?”
         Once again in a language I don't understand. Well, good thing the Sensor also works as a universal translator.
         “Let me go! Let me go! If I am or here for too long there will be nothing to protect her!”
         “Who!? What are you trying to do?”
         “Hurting anyone who hurt her!” I look at the burning buildings. Something is funny... I can swear I've seen these before.
         “Hurt who!?”
         “Novaricel.” In a flash, he was gone, leaving me dumbfounded. Who's Novaricel? I look around and see nothing else troubling. But the name will still stick by me. I'm not sure if I should ask anyone however. If I'm to keep order, then there are some things that I should keep secret.
         Besides, we're training today and nothing will distract me. Well, except maybe Judith.

6:34 evening and I'm tired. Everyone has been getting better. Though what we do now is kinda a free for all. Without the fear of us dying, we made the Gardens as a sort of attends in which we can do whatever we can and nothing will hurt us in the long run.
         While everyone did attack me all at once, they couldn't bring me down. Even I was shocked. Literally. Ha!
         But that's that and no harm done. We're getting ready to retreat to our respective homes. Though, I'm looking at mister softie over here.
         Retnil may be a brick, but he really takes passion in his gardening. Lol. But really, it's nice to see that under all that gravel is dirt that's full of plant life. Well, taking the personification in consideration, that's something well said.
         Even Jeni was calming down a bit. She may still hate us but at least she's getting along with my brother. She too has a passion for the flora it seems. Well, that's one step forward I guess. Though, it's only just for that. Otherwise, she still pretty much hates us.
         I've decided to sleep early today. With everyone going against me today, it sorta wore me out. Then again, it's what I need to learn if I'm to go against an army.
         But, (yawn), maybe, that, it's...
         (3rd) He couldn't have gotten a word in edgewise since falling on the bed made him sleep almost instantaneously, giving Cuddles the upper paw.
         “Yes! Now I can have him all to myself!” She was about to go closer when she heard claws being unsheathed.
         “No way, meinu!” She looked around and saw a purple neko boy climbing the open window. Jumping inside, he arches his back to combat the snowshoe if need be. And it was probably necessary since Cuddles did the same while hissing.
         “Stay away from my human! I loved him first!”
         “You don't deserve him! I love him more!”
         “Well, too bad, this boy is mine!” They both got scared and thought it was Judith, but Matt left the TV on to a romantic sitcom. After some shifting, she found the remote and turned it off.
         “Okay, look, how about this?” she starts. “Lately, I've been using this thing to go into his dreams.” She takes out what looks like a ham radio, but really it's one of Stephanie’s devices. “Want to go in and see what we both can do to this guy?”
         “Hmm. Fine. But I get him more.”
         “It wouldn't matter.” With one click, they’re both in a null void. However, Wayne was taken aback at Cuddles new, voluptuous form. One you think any guy would want. She’s just really beautiful.
         “What’s with you?”
         “Believe me, this isn’t the first time I did this. Look, he’s over there.” But they better be careful…
         (Matt) “Alright, now that I have better control, let’s see what really goes on here. I knew this was another realm we go to, but never expected it to be called the Dream Dimension exactly. Good name still. For the past few weeks, I’ve been forcefully dreaming with this one girl who I know isn’t Judith now. Thought it was just my hormones getting crazy, but now I think someone is infiltrating my head.
         Good time to train too. This way, I can also just use mental stability for stuff. And cool tricks. I have control! Hmm. Wonder if I can do this:
         “Nature Ball!” One appears on my hand and I throw it. Wow. “Freeze Ray!” Something got frozen. “Bone Artillery!” Out of nowhere comes bones that shape themselves weirdly to armor and weapons. Hmm. Huh!?
         “Who’s there!?” I look around and see two girls…
         “Interrogation time.”

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