Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/855409-I-knew-I-recognized-her
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#855409 added July 25, 2015 at 6:08pm
Restrictions: None
I knew I recognized her...
         (Matt) Yeah, I'm back. “Why you in... never mind. ”
         “You people are so ungrateful. I found pieces of ham and a few chicken bones that were still good!”
         “Those ain't mine. You're digging through the neighbor's.”
         “I know! I already went through yours; I stopped after I found this bloody cotton thing that smelled like your mom. Oh, before I forget, since when has Judy had a sister, cousin, niece, or whoever the girl is thats curled up on the couch with her?" I didn't need to know that about mom.
         “Who now?” I ask.
         “Exactly! So who-- wait, you don't know either?”
         “No, and besides, she's near the door.” Which now opens. “Hey, Judith. Sorry to keep you waiting.”
         “Hey, it's fine.” Just then a girl appears next to her. “Brittany, these guys here are my friends: Matt and Wayne.” Then she looks around. “Where's Ret-- ahem, Reginald?”
         “Oh. Uh... he's coming. Might be a bit late to tell him not to--” (Crash) A pillar comes up, turning sideways as a door. “... do that.”
         “(Groan) Afternoon, Mihaylen.” Then he notices the girl trying to hide herself behind my grilfriend. “Who’s the little one?”
         Wayne adds on, “Don't know, that's what we are trying to get. But I think she is related to Judy; they were sleeping on the couch all huddled up before Matty came.”
         “Not even close, Wayne. But-- (Sigh) Where’s Yoshi?”
         “Yoshi! (Right here!)” A Ground Pound later and all the cars are going off. I stop them before people notice.
         “You should really focus that into something else, Yoshi. Get a specific target or something.”
         “Yoshi, yoshi, yoshi yoshi? (Will do, but first, who’s the young one?)”
         “No one else went with you to destroy the aquatic creature Steph accidentally let loose?”
         “Nah, they were busy. All other plots aside, let’s get to Brittany. Who is she, neighbor’s daughter, cousin?”
         She looks around and motions for us to come inside. We look at each other in confusion and just shrug. I close the door while Wayne jumps to the head of the couch and Retnil borrows some granite for a chair.
         “Brittany, these two are Reginald and Yoshi. They’re Matt’s brothers.”
         She was in awe as she studied Yoshi. Checking with my Sensor, I got every little detail about her. Age 7, blue eyes, platinum hair, abandoned by father… who is nowhere to be found… even underground… or over it. Hmm.
         “So, where’d you find her?” I ask.
         “I was running errands when I saw her in a trashcan in an alley. It’s kinda apparent that she’s homeless and her parents are nowhere to be found.”
         “Yeah, I saw that.” She was jumping up and down that her favorite Nintendo character is real.
         “You’re an actual real live Yoshi!” He was choking at the bear hug she suddenly gave her. Well, she’s spirited, that I can give her.
         But I’d rather ask myself. “Brittany, where are you from?”
         I pull up a chair and sit, leaning forward a bit, “Where are your parents? Surely, they must be worried sick.”
         “I… I don’t know. I never met Mommy and Daddy told me to run away. Some bad people were looking for him… I--” I put my hand on her shoulder, calming her down a bit; her eyes were getting damp.
         “When did that happen?”
         She was struggling to remember. Does she have memory loss? “I… forget… I think it happened, last week..?” OR maybe it’s too terrible for her to remember.
         “(Softly) Hey, it’s okay; we’re here now.” It must’ve been hard because she instantly came to me and repeated her action from Yoshi. Only then do I put my hand on her head. Spirituality helped me use a few tricks. It’s not exactly invasive, but I wouldn’t use them unless I really needed to, and this is one of those situations.
         Focusing, I look into her recent memories. It was last week. She and who I assume her father were running from someone, or some people. He was hurt…
         After going into an alley, he told her in panic to run and don’t look back. But she just hid in a trashcan an alley later. But after that, I can’t get anything else, other than her peeking out a few times.
         (Gasp) I look at her in pity. I return the hug with greater strength. She really needed a family.
         But something was funny. I felt like I’ve seen her before. One look in her eyes and I knew it!
         “You were the ones in that burning building, weren’t you!?” I ask. Brittany then looks at me closer and realizes that I was the one who rescued her from there. She then smiled that finally we meet! “Oh, my God, what a coincidence! (Chuckle)”
         “Really? so she was your first save?” Wayne crept up close behind her. “She is so short, kinda a mini Judy.” He was doing one of those things cats do when they see someone new. “Hold on, here.” He pulls out what I think is a monopoly piece, the top hat, and some string. “It's a shiny thing I found. Keep it. One street cat to another.” She held it in her hands, reveling at the brilliant shine.
         “Aw, thank you, Wayney!” She reached out to give him a hug, which he gladly accepted, but something was off. I look around and see nothing. Something was coming from somewhere and I can’t find it. I look at the teddy bear that was on the couch. Did she have that before? I thought they lost everything in the fire? And it’s way too clean… Maybe she found it, or stole it, but I wouldn’t say that, and it just stayed that way. You know how little kids are with these things.
         I can’t say anything yet, but we’ll see what happens. Right now, they might need some time alone. Her parents are here.

Well, another week went by, 7/20 now. Everything checked out with Brittany and her new family. We trusted her enough that we revealed ourselves about who we really are. She was amazed and really liked the flower section of the Gardens. Jeni was okay with her, hell, she even acted motherly for once. Well, to a young child motherly anyway.
         What’s with her and cats though? It’s adorable. She loves cats as much as she loves Yoshi, and she enjoys riding him and flying around. Like, legit, Brittany is so damn cute!
         However, during the week, I’ve noticed a few things in the city that one would say is impossible, but for us, it really isn’t. A few times, there have been some random mishaps that no one can logically explain, like a manhole cover flying out of nowhere and nearly dropping on an elder, an explosion in a store with no problems whatsoever, or even the fact that a satellite dish fell from the skyscraper we sometimes have meetings in. It’s just a nice view.
         Whatever the reason, we disregarded anything evil. No spirit was there at all. What’s really important is that Brit is now part of the family. Legally that is.
         We were at the park enjoying ourselves for a bit. Using a transformation device Stephanie made, Wayne and Yoshi were able to play with Brittany out here. At least we won’t get any hype from random passerbyers about a fictitious easy anything dinosaur and a neko boy from space.
         “Go, long!" Wayne shouted; they were throwing a rubber ball around. Mostly, it was Brittany playing a pseudo fetch with Yoshi and Wayne. Well, it kept them happy.
         “Hmm?” I look around. Meteorite. “I’ll get it.” I transform and fly up to deflect it back to space. However, it bypassed me somehow. They can’t move sideways!
         “Energy Ball!” I throw it to the thing and it absorbs it! Nothing can absorb our attacks! “Everyone, look out!” I quickly got to the ground and prepared for the thing to play its tricks again.
         “Come on, Britty-chan, time to run!” Wayne grabbed her. She looked scared stiff as he picked her up having Yoshi take her after deactivating . device.
         “Good, now I don’t have to worry about them. Judith can easily take them home. But what the hell is this thing?” I bring out my bow and throw a few arrows to test its abilities. Well, it’s fast. I like a challenge. Jumping up, I take my sword and try to make beams of lightning to at least touch this thing. Okay, that’s it. “Electro Surge!”
         Once it touches the meteor, it goes off course and lands in the trees somewhere. I look for it but get no luck. Gah! Must be one of those crazy coincidences. Ah, forget it. It’s gone and that’s what matters. I power down to not reveal myself. Luckily, most everyone left, except that blind guy. Oh, wait, never mind. He’s not here Saturdays.
         Out of the corner of my eye, I see Brittany’s teddy bear. It was on the benches, something I consider weird since she put it on a high platform that’s about 50 feet from here. Maybe she left it there in a panic. Anyway, I should take it back.
         “Good thing the cul-de-sac isn’t that far.” Just about a mile away. No big.
         Wonder if Retnil can tell me if there are such meteorites that do that or something. Clearly it had a state of mind; no meteors that I know of can do that.
         I think I’m making this too big a situation than what it needs to be. Everyone’s safe and that matters for now.

Sunday, 7/21. Rising early and getting my train on. Except for Judith, the other neighbors have complaints that I yell too loud, the music is too loud, or if I accidentally destroy a piece of their picket fence.
         “Ha! Yah! Take this!”
         My training regimen states at 6:30 sharp and ends at 8. Sometimes I'll have Retnil assist me, but that's only if I want to see if my lightning can pierce a boulder. So far, I can only just crack it.
         “(Yawn) Since when are you up this early in summer?” I hear.
         “Cuddles, I've been doing this for a few weeks now. Where have you been?”
         “Oh. Uh, in the cooling duct. Have you seen my yarn ball?”
         “Think it's in the laundry room.” She leaves after I say that.
         After all was screamed and done, I decided to go the skyscraper and enjoy the scene. Though nowadays that I go to the city, I use my hero form to avoid some suspicion. But just then--
         “Hmm?” I look around, feeling something about to fall. Looking directly up, there's a smoke trail... coming from a plane. Huh. Wait, plane!?
         “Ah, jeez!” Flying up, I see that feathers are flying out of two failed engines. Sigh, geese.
         “Come on..!” I try to grab the plane and reduce its speed. However, it's pulling me with it. “(Grunt) Forget it. Besides, too many people and it won't stop until it hits Albany-- wait.” I look up, move around a few things, and see that this was headed to Albany. It's only, what, about 76 miles? This thing was headed fast enough.
         I pull myself over to the cockpit window, see the panicking copilots, and knocked on the window, getting their attention. I give a wave and get under the plane, which was losing altitude very fast. Luckily, I’m there to stop it and keep this going until they reach the place.
         After nearly 2 minutes, the metal finally safely lands and I release my grip. No, seriously, I kinda jammed my hands into the chassis. Eh, easily fixed dent. Though, I fell after I released it; seriously, doing this made me weak. Huh, if this weakens me, then I have no chance.
         And I hear applauding. I look up to see a crowd of workers, emergency, media, medics, etc, ixnay. My reputation is getting bigger, which might be a good thing, but I'm not letting this get over my head.
         “Who is this guy?” “He saved this plane!” “It's the Magnetic Energizer!” “It IS him!” More comments were made as I try to stand up.
         Before anyone can get any questions, I start to fly away, just before the media comes. I have a feeling that I’ll be seeing it in about 5 minutes anyway, which is the time it took me to get back home.
         And I was right...

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