Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/855403-Aftermath-The-New-Girl
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2041226
Yet another superhero tale, but it's original, ha.
#855403 added July 25, 2015 at 5:12pm
Restrictions: None
Aftermath; The New Girl
         I take my seat at the head of the table along with Judith... and Wayne. He's not gonna give up any time soon. I might grow on him. He acts just like Cuddles. I wonder how she's faring; she was totally freaking out when I said I was gonna go fight. Oh, wait, there she is! How'd she climb up here?
         “Matthew!” She jumped on me and, hence the name, does so to no end, tears coming out.
         “Now, who is this! You gotta be kidding me!?” Here he goes.
         “Oh! Wayne, this is Cuddles, my pet cat. Apparently, we can communicate for being the best of friends and me being an Asteinieran. Cuddles, this is Wayne, a demi cat.”
         She was in total awe. She jumped on the table and basically studied him. Jump cuts were made to her moving quickly to see every aspect.
         “So you're a Lojarr too, huh?” she asks. Wait, they can communicate with each other as well?
         “Well, yea...”
         “That's awesome! You think Stephanie can do this for me, Matt?” I shrug, meaning probably.
         “But, why do you look like one of those Earth cats? Cursed or something?”
         “Oh, no. I am an Earth cat. It's just luck that I got Matt as my friend and that he's from somewhere else.” So true.
         “Yea, good point; he is a good friend, and probably more." I saw her ear twitch at that. Very subtle of course, but I noticed. And why? Now that everything is fine for now, I may start investigating what's going on.
         “Alright, then, let's get this feast going,” I conclude. We all said grace and began. I however started drinking this wine that Retnil made. Hmm, not bad. After 10 minutes, I tap my empty glass.
         “Everyone, a toast.” I grab one and start biting it, earning laughs from some. “But in all seriousness.” I pour more wine and raise the glass. “To Ocarelin.”
         (All) “To Ocarelin.”
         “We may not seem like much, but if we all band together, I know we'll be able to reclaim Asteiniera. Together.!” Taking a swig, I immediately spit it out, seeing as how Cuddles put some fur she just shed. I missed those pranks. I grab her and start nuzzling, laughing with her. I felt daggers, however from somewhere but I disregarded it.
         (3rd) “(Whispering) So, that's how it is gonna be, huh? Meinu.” He kept staring daggers at Judith and Cuddles as they were each nuzzling with each other.
         (Matt) After about an hour, we all finish eating, talking, etc, ixnay, and decided to retreat home. I suggested the Elites stay at the hotel, but they went their respective ways to the clouds, water or cliffs of ice. However, Lady Marell, Maybelle, and I stay here discussing future plans.
         “As far as fate can let me say,” Marell says, “there shouldn't be much of a conflict anytime soon. I suggest you take this time to rest.”
         “I don't really like the idea, but if you insist, then I will. However, some won't agree.”
         “That will be fine. Now, I must go finish a few matters of my own, Matthew. I will see you soon.” She disappears and I'm left with Maybelle.
         “I will admit, I had my doubts,” I say, “but at least we saw it through.”
         “You all survived and that's what matters,” she says. “But really, you should take it easy. I have been kinda harsh on you during training.”
         “Eh, don't worry about it, it was all for a good cause.” I look around and see the lack of activity at night is very relaxing. “Well, sleep tight, I'll set you tomorrow.”
         It kinda became a custom between us to hug goodbye. “Goodnight, Matt.”
         “'Night. Come on, Cuddles.”
         Our walk back home wasn't eventful. Then again, she did fall asleep easy in my arms. As soon as I got to my bed, I set her down near my pillow before having my usual chat with her.
         “So you can communicate with other cats, huh?”
         “Well, sorta. All I hear are meows from him, but I can translate. So, what happened out there? I really thought you died.”
         “(Sigh) I knew you were there somewhere. I told you not to, but at least you're still here. Here's what really happened: when I committed the Synthetic Atoms move, the nuke exploded and I nearly got caught in the middle. They couldn't compare up to my force when it did since it used up so much of their energy.
         “I'd be lying though if I said they didn't put up a good fight. With whatever energy they had left, they started combating me in all the Ice. Though they couldn't do much and just did flurries of attacks. But just a few bits of lightning did the trick. And after Pacification, well, they got knocked out.” I'm leaving out the fact that more demons came from nowhere. They too ended up like the poor one I saw from Retnil.
         “At least you survived. That's all I care about.” She nuzzles my face and lays down. Yeah. And I'm grateful for that. Though being a cat, she goes to sleep fast. So much for a half hour talk.
         “Goodnight, Cuddles.”

(3rd) It had been roughly a week after the events calmed down. So far, the Elites have adjusted to life in Earth and even started diffusing themselves with it. They found that life is rather simple yet very humanly complex. Unlike Asteiniera.
         Right now, Judith is coming back from running a few errands herself. Seems that with the time that Matt is spending being a basic part time hero, and claiming the name Magnetic Energizer now, she had a lot of free time.
         Currently, she's walking back with a cart full of items for the week: food, drinks, personal wants and such. But something didn't allow her to move once she stopped.
         Looking around, she felt and heard a weird presence. Her senses might nearly match up to Matt but she mostly chooses to use it passively, which she knows she needs to change that. But the rattling says otherwise.
         She looked down an alley, one innocent looking with just a few garbage cans and a small amount of litter. But something seemed--
         “Ah!” A jump scare happens when an alley cat jumps out from nowhere. Giving a paw a few lucks and running away after, Judith laughs it off asking herself how she fell for that.
         “You really need to start getting your instincts together.” Sighing, she picked up where she left off just before hearing an even louder rattle. Judith gets curious this time and prepares herself for anything. Walking down the alley, and turning at a bend, she realizes nothing is there except a dead end.
         Confused, she double checks and still sees nothing. Shrugging it off and walking away, a trashcan fell in front of her, making her fall back. The lid popped off and reveals something she'd never imagine to see: a young girl.
         Shocked, Judith tried to pick herself up and take a good look at the young blond as she herself stood up. Standing barely 4 feet tall, she has platinum blond hair tied back reaching below her shoulders. Her attire was a simple blue laced white dress with a small flower pattern all around and a layer or two of petticoats. Her shoes were probably Mary Jane's, but it was nearly impossible to tell from all the dirt.
         Against her better judgement, Judith approached her, causing the younger one to walk back. Leaning down, “Hey, there.” She didn't respond but At least calmed down. Well, her grip on the teddy bear lessened.
         “What are you doing here?” She kept going. “What's your name?”
         At least she tried. It's barely audible, “B... Brittany...”
(Judith: I know I shouldn't say anything but the way she talks is just so damn cute!)

         “Hello, Brittany, I'm Judith. What are you doing here? Where are your parents?” Brittany tried to respond but could only do so in tears. “Oh...” 'Idiot!'
         “I'm sorry...” Brittany says, surprising Judith since she owed the apology. “I don't know where my daddy is...” The teenager felt sorry for her. How long has she been here? To help her or for now, Judith decided to do this.
         “Would you like to come with me?”
         To say Brittany was shocked is... a good enough statement. After all, she's only 7... or so the Sensor said. Using Lightning Strike, Judith used the thing to look at her statistics. She seemed like an okay girl.
         “Please, Judy.”
         “Hey, don't worry. I won't hurt you, neither will my friends. Come, I live only a few streets away.”
         After dusting her dress off, Judith takes the young girl in tow and sets home. True to her word, it was barely much of a walk to the cul-de-sac in which they live. Though Judith did realize that Brittany was getting tired; she was getting tired and made signs by yawning and panting slowly.
         After getting inside and putting the things away, having the little girl sit down, “My parents won't be home for another few hours. So, what do you want to (Slower) do, Brittany?” The small girl was fast asleep on the couch, enjoying the softness of it. Judith could only laugh as she revels in how adorable this is.
         Maternal instincts take over as she came closer to her, sat down and caressed her face. The result was that Brittany shifted closer and grabbed Judith's leg as a pillow. She could only smile to the fact that she quickly warmed up to her, as a sister of sorts which she always wanted. Admittedly, Judith was a bit jealous of being an only child.
         However, she was concerned about her past. 'But maybe... (yawn) just maybe... we can... we...'
         The thought was stopped as she fell asleep as well. It won't be until half an hour that Matt will come back. Outside however...
         “Who throws out a perfectly good fish head?" His voice rattled out of the ripped trash bag. Pulling his head out of it, Wayne lifts up to see the two sleeping on the couch.
         “Judy is with a girl!? Kinky." His voice was muffled by the fish head in his maw. He creeped up, peering through the gap in the curtains. As he looked he saw the small girl gripping Judith's leg. "No wait, She is so small, a sister? Cousin or niece maybe?" With his prize still in his mouth most of his words were muffled gibberish.
         Wayne shrugs before starting to nibble on the fish head. After finishing that, he goes back in the trashcan. “Ooh! Can a tuna! Hey, I always wanted one of these! What's this thing? Shiny!” And these instincts is exactly why he just can't go anywhere. This goes on for a bit until he toppled over, hitting his head on something he threw out. Ironic.
         “Ow..!” Looking up, “Oh, hey Matt.”

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